
Marley Miller is living a peace full life, until she turned 17 years old. Then it was later that year when it all begun.

Marley was walking home from her last day of school, she had her graduation in a few days. Also she skipped a year from her class. Then she arrived home and saw her parents siting there on the couch, clearly waiting for her. "Mom, dad, what's going on?" She asked to her parents.

"We have something to tell you, sweetie." Her mother replied to her.

Then Marley walked to the couch and she sat on it. "What is it?" She asked worried as she looked at them.

"You are adopted." Her father replied to her.

Marley stood up and exploded on her parents. "What?! That not possible, you are lying to me!!" Her teared up. "You are lying."

"No, we are not lying, we are telling you the truth." Mrs. Miller said to her daughter.

Marley had her tears flowed on her face. "I don't believe you!!!"

Mr. Miller stood also up and said to her. "Calm down, a bit." He looked at her. "We are really telling you the truth, we are very sorry that we couldn't tell you, it always very hard on us to tell you this."

"Then why telling me this now?" Marley asked confused as she had also calmed down a little bit.

"We had to tell someday and that day is now." Mrs. Miller explained it to her.

"Well, what happened? How am I adopted into your family?" Marley asked as she wanted answers.

"We have adopted you in a children's home." Mrs. Miller replied to her. "You were just a baby, when we adopted you, Marley."

"We always wanted a child, but we couldn't get on our own that was when we came to a children home." Mr. Miller explained to Marley.

Mrs. Miller explained further. "We saw you lying there in cot as then we fell instantly in love with you, that how you came to us."

"But what about my parents?" Marley asked to them as then she sees their faces. "I mean my biological parents."

"Well, from you father was not trance off him and about your mother, she was the one who brought you to the children's home." Mrs. Miller replied to her. "That's what we had heard from the children's home."

"I don't understand, why did she gave me up?" Marley asked to them as she looked at them.

"We don't know." Mr. Miller replied to her.

"All we know that is that we have you." Mrs. Miller also replied to her as then she grabbed her daughter hand. "I know it's much information."

"I'm progressing." Marley said to her mother as then she stood up again and she looked at them. "I'm going to go to bed."

"Sleep well." Her parents chorused.


A few days later, after her graduation, she went to a party for all who were graduated from school, it was a house party form a friend of hers. Her name is Alicia, they are best friends. Marley danced with her and some other people from graduation, but they were 1 year older than her. Then it was a few hours later as her parents wanted her home at 11 o'clock. By the party she had 1 or 2 drinks from her best friend Alicia.

Now she is underway home to her parents. Then later she arrived home as then she hears whispers from unknown people, she hears them in the living room. Marley doesn't think as she grabbed an umbrella and walked to the living room. As she walked the whispers came clearer now as she can hear what they are saying.

"Come on, Jace, we shouldn't even be in this house, look at what happened." A boy said.

"Alec is right, we need to go." The girl said, clearly had a sad voice.

Then Marley hears another boy. "There is another demon here as it killed these mundane's."

Before the strangers could looking for the demon as she spoke about it, Marley stepped inside the room and saw the horrific scene from her now dead parents lying on the ground as she let a scream as then they heard her and looked at her as she cried it out.

Then she quiet down as she rushed over to her parents, but she was blocked the girl. "Hey." She said to her as Marley looked at the girl. "Hey, don't come any nearer them."

"What?! Why?" Marley asked confused.

"The demon that killed them, could have left a mark that could affect others like you." She replied to her as she was still blocking her.

"Demons, really, are you the super police." Marley remarked sarcastic. "I just saw my parents lying dead on the ground and you are telling me that it was a demon!!!"

Just the demon came into the room and attacked them as they defended her while the demon came at her. Then the demon had exemption and attacked her as she used her umbrella to attack it, she hit it and it backed away again as the others used their swords or a bow to get rid of it, it missed. Then the blonde used his sword to attack the demon, he waved his sword and he hit in the stomach from the demon as it disintegrated.

"I believe you." Marley breathed out. "It's a freaking demon." They looked at her as then Marley asked to them as she also looked at them, shocked. "What are you guys?"

"We are shadowhunters." The girl replied to her.

"What is that?" Marley asked confused.

"Shadowhunters are half angel and half human." The blonde boy replied to her.

Then the darker brown haired boy said to them. "We need to get back to the institute and inform the clave about this mission the girl."

"So the girl is coming with us?" The girl asked to him.

"She have to, she can see the demon as we did." He replied to her.

"Uh, I have a name and it's not girl." Marley said to them. "And I'm not coming with you all, because I have to call the police about this."

"No, you won't, the institute will handle this." The dark haired boy said to her.

"No, you will not!!" Marley protested. "I will not leave my parents to some club you all go to or whatever you guys go to."

"I'm not going to argue with the girl." The dark haired boy said to the blonde boy.

"I'm right here and I will not go with you all, sorry." Marley said to them. "There is as much I believe and I believe that you all crazy with the shadowhunters and the demons, that next vampires are real as the werewolf and the witches and warlocks and there are also fairies and the super villain that is running around that you all need to get rid of." She rattled about, from the shock.

"That the first thing that you said that actually makes sense." The blonde said sarcastic to her.

"Well, apart from the super villain in all of this." The girl said to her. Marley nodded at them as she sees their faces and she believes them.

"Okay." Marley said to them as they looked relieved. "But, are you names? I'm not going anywhere, if I don't you names!!" Then they sighed heavily as she could literally see what they are thinking.

"Well, I'm Izzy, this is my brother Alec and this is Jace." The girl, Izzy introduced herself and the boys to her.

"Well, I'm Marley." Marley also introduced herself.

"Well, now we have introduced ourselves, can we go back to the institute?" Alec complained.

"But what will happened to my parents?" Marley asked to them.

"The institute will handle it." Alec replied to her.

"And then what?" Marley asked to him as she looked at him worried.

"Then you can have your funeral for your parents." Jace replied to her.

"If they do that." Alec said to her.

"You don't really mean that do you?" Marley asked to him as she was getting angry.

Then Izzy looked at her. "No he doesn't mean that, you parents need to be cleared and then you can have your funeral for them, but there is a catch, the funeral will be at the institute."

Marley nodded to her. "I understand."

"Good, then we need to leave now." Alec said to her.

"But what about here?" Marley asked to him. "The police will noticed this."

"We can glamour it." Jace replied to her. "So the police don't see this as we report back and let the institute handle it."

"Okay, I can respect that." Marley said to him.

"Then we can go?" Alec asked to them all.

"Yes." Jace replied to him as Marley nodded to him.

Then they leave the house as Jace had glamour the house.


Later, they arrived that the institute as they reported back and introduced the girl, Marley. They had told to the leader of the institute of what at the mission and Marley. Then they wanted to test her as she had told the leader of the institute that she was adopted into the Miller family, to see if she a shadow hunter. Then Jace had his stele ready as then he said to her. "This can hurt."

Marley nodded to him. "I'm ready."

Then Jace used his stele on her arm, then a rune came on her arm as the others watched her and Jace as the rune is now fully on her arm, they are surprised that she survived the rune. Then they wanted her to pick up a seraph blade. Then she picked the seraph blade up and it started to light up. They stood there in awe as Marley held the blade in her hand. Then the leader stepped forwards to her. "Well, it seems that you are a shadowhunter."

Marley stood there shocked. "I'm a shadowhunter." Then she looked at Jace, Alec and Izzy. "Just like you guys."

"Yes, indeed." Jace said to her as Izzy nodded to her and Alec stood there in his manner.

Then the leader turned to look at Marley. "Welcome to the institute."

Marley nodded to the leader. "Thank you."


A few days later her parents were cleared and she had then also her parents' funeral. It was then she let her tears flow down her cheeks as she mourned for her parents. The funeral was beautiful to see, it everything Marley wished to her parents funeral, it was simple and beautifully. Like her parents. After the funeral, Marley was found in her room. Then Izzy walked into her room. "Are you okay?" She asked to her.

"I will be." Marley replied to her.

Then it was time to mourn for her parents as she wanted to find her biological parents. 


Authors note: This is my first story here, please be nice about it. And if i made mistakes, please help me to is into it, i could use your help, from you as readers!!! Also i could like if you all would favorite, follow and review about it. 

until next time, bye. 
