Chapter 4 - Raising Hell

Marley woke up from a knock on the door as she grabbed her pants and a sweater as then she walked out of her room. She looked around to see that Alec was also woken up. "Why have they woken us?"

Alec shrugged at her. "They have probably found something."

"And that's why they have to wake me up, I knew that Clary trying to find her mom, but do not interrupt my beauty sleep." Marley explained grumpy. "I also want to find my parents, but there is no time for that now, clearly is only Clary time to find her mom, but my parents are not in the center."

"Remind me to never wake you up this early." Alec said to her sarcastically as then he walked a little closer to her. "We will find your biological parents, Marley."

"Yeah, but I'm looking longer for them." She said grumpy as she rubbed her left eye.

Alec looked at her. "I know that, but Clary's mom is kidnapped, yours we have no clue of who they are."

Marley crossed her arms. "Yeah, you are right." She sighed.

"We should go to the others." Alec suggested.

"Yeah, we should." Marley agreed.

Then they walked down the hallway to the main room. When they arrived, Alec sat down in a chair as Marley sat next to him in another chair, Clary and Izzy, they sat on the table, then Jace came and sat down next to Alec in a chair.

Then Hodge had started his presentation about Magnus Bane. "Magnus Bane. He's over 300 years old. And, as you can see, he's not exactly shied away from the pleasures of every century. His tastes are both exquisite and quite excessive."

"He looks like the Downworld's David Guetta." Clary comment as she looked at the pictures.

"Guetta's already a Downworlder." Izzy said to her as Clary put her best WTF look to her. "Vampire? Ever seen him in the daylight?"

"Can you two focus?" Alec asked to Clary and Izzy. "This is not a joke."

"Someone needs to get slayed." Izzy replied as Marley snickered beside Alec.

"Alec's right." Hodge said to Izzy as then he talked further about Magnus Bane. "Now, Magnus is one of the most powerful warlocks I've ever known. He has a deep mistrust of Shadowhunters."

"Well, then why did he help my mom remove my memories? Isn't she a Shadowhunter?" Clary asked to him.

"Yes, one of the best." Hodge replied to her. "But "help" might not be the most accurate word. Now, did Magnus provide a service for Jocelyn? Perhaps. But more than likely, your mother paid Magnus handsomely for his magic."

"Warlocks usually require payment before they help anyone with anything." Jace explained.

"Word from the Clave is that most of the warlocks have gone into hiding since Valentine began hunting them." Alec further explained.

"Valentine must be searching for the warlock, where did Jocelyn..." Hodge was cut off by his own rune as it started to hurt him, he leaned against the table.

"Hodge, your rune. You okay?" Clary asked Hodge as he nodded to her, then she asked to them. "So how do we find Magnus?"

"We don't. Magnus finds us." Jace replied to her. "We'll set up a meeting, somewhere protected. Lure him out of hiding."

"And I know exactly where we do it." Izzy stated at she got off from the table and walked to Hodge and grabbed to tablet away from Hodge to control the main screen and brought up a flier.

"A Downworld rave." Jace complimented her. "Nice, Izzy."

"And where'd you get that?" Alec asked to his sister.

"During my surveillance of the Downworlders." Izzy replied to him. "From what I hear, Magnus likes to party."

"He'll never go for it." Alec said to her, he had doubt into the plan. "Not with Valentine trying to kill him."

"Of course he will. He'll blend in. Hide in plain sight." Jace said as he agreed with the plan.

"I don't know, it's seems..." Clary tried to say.

"Trust me. If Magnus is coming out of hiding, he's going to one of the biggest parties of the year." Izzy said to clary.

"Never underestimate Magnus' hedonism. Or his greed." Hodge said to them as he put the tablet on the table and walked to the training room. "Come with me." When they arrived, Hodge crouched down near one of the runes on the floor. After tracing the rune with his stele, the tile unlocked. Hodge moved it aside to reveal a hidden compartment, he removed the pendant that was inside and showed it to them all.

"Is that real?" Izzy asked as she was big eyes as she looked at the pendant.

"Wow." Marley comment as she looked at the thing.

"A four-karat, unheated Burmese ruby. And this necklace has special meaning to Magnus Bane as it was a gift from him to his then lover, Camille Belcourt." Hodge explained it to them.

"What, Camille and Magnus were lovers?" Clary asked to him.

"Warlock gets around." Jace replied before Hodge could as them they looked at each other and smiled.

"Magnus bought it in 1857 for the price of his London townhouse. Now, the jewel is enchanted by a spell that alerts the wearer to the presence of demons." Hodge explained further.

"It's so beautiful." Izzy said as then she reached out to the necklace and she touched it.

"Magnus has longed to reunite with this necklace." Hodge suggested to them. "Offer it to him. He might just take the bait."

"I'll send Magnus a fire message to arrange the meeting. We have to get to Magnus before Valentine does." Jace said to them as then he walked away from the training room.


"Jace said you wanted to see me?" Clary asked as she walked into Izzy room, she sees Izzy, who is busy with clothes as Marley inspected a dress that she could want to wear. All of their dresses were laying around the room.

Marley turned around. "I'm here to help Izzy with you."

"That's right." Izzy replied as she walked to Clary. "What are you wearing to the Downworlder party tonight?"

"I don't know. I was just thinking about wearing this." Clary gestured her clothes that she was wearing.

"I don't think so. No Downworlder would be caught dead in that." Izzy said to her.

"Plus, it's a party, not a poetry slam." Marley added as she had a dress for herself in her hands.

"Well, I don't really have any party clothes with me, so..." Clary was interrupted by Izzy.

"So you'll have to wear mine, hmm?" Izzy said as she grabbed a pink dress and put it for Clary, who grabbed it.

"You realize, one of these days you're gonna have to tell me where and when." Clary said as still holds the pink dress.

"Where and when what?" Marley asked confused as she had now by her dress shoes and laid the on the bed, with the shoes under it.

"Where you get your spending money and when are you letting me go to a store?" Clary asked to her as Izzy looked for a dress for Clary, then Marley pointed at the black one.

"We will see." Marley replied to her.

Then Izzy came with the black dress. "Clary." She said to her as she showed the dress.

"Okay, that dress is way too tight." Clary comment as she sees the dress.

"It's stretchy. Put it on." Izzy said to her as she gives the dress to Clary.

"Ugh, fine." Clary walked to the divider and she was changing her clothes.

"Try these." Izzy said as she found a pair of shoes that goes with the dress.

"I don't know, Isabelle, I think I'm more of a jeans and T-shirt kinda girl." Clary complained.

"Suck it up." Marley murmured.

Then Clary comes out of the divider and walked straight to the mirror. Then Izzy looked up and comment. "You're so lucky to have such a flat chest. I can never wear that without a bra."

"Really?" Clary asked unsure.

"Really." Izzy replied to her.

Then Jace walked into the room and saw clary standing there looking at the mirror. "Someone's looking badass." He comment to her.

"Oh, thanks." Clary said to him.

"She cleans up well." Izzy said to him. "I'm gonna go see Alec. He never knows what to wear to these parties either." Then she walked out of the room.

Marley grabbed her dress and her shoes. "I'm going to change. See you later." Then she also walked out of the room, leaving Jase and Clary there.


Marley and Izzy walked to Alec as they were in their dresses for the Downworlder party. Alec looked up to see them as he looked Marley up and down, he find that she looked beautiful. Then he said to them. "Pick a weapon." He looked at his sister. "I suggest your whip."

"What's wrong with you?" Izzy asked to her brother.

"Nothing." Alec replied to her.

"We're going to a Downworlder's rave. You should be a little more excited." Izzy said as she walked to the weapons that were out of the wall. She grabbed a seraph blade. Then Marley looked at the weapons and she grabbed also a seraph blade.

"It's a mission, not a party." Alec said to her as he looked at his arrow.

"Yeah, whatever. Before Clary got here, every day was the same. Go on a mission, kill demons. Go on a mission, kill demons. At least now things are interesting." Izzy explained to her brother.

"Interesting? Valentine is alive and actively seeking the Cup. He threatens our entire world. And we're helping his daughter. Who, by the way, we have no reason to trust. And who showed up out of nowhere. On top of that, we're gonna end up overpaying some warlock who may or may not have information we need." Alec complained as Marley basically face palmed. "So, no, Izzy I don't find it interesting."

"Whoa!" Izzy exclaimed.

"Feel better now?" Marley asked to him.

"No, I don't." Alec sighed as then he smiled a little. "Okay, maybe a little." He put on a bag with arrow in it.

"You can't keep bottling things up, Alec." Izzy told him seriously. "It's only a matter of time before they explode. And not the fun kind of explode."

"All right, let's go." Alec said to them. "And we're not going for the music." Then he walked away with his bow and arrows with him.


"All clear." Alec said as he, Izzy and Marley walked up to Jace and Clary.

Izzy linked arms with clary as then she gestured the necklace. "Do you think red's my color?"

"Iz, with a body like yours, everything's your color." Clary replied smiling.

"I agree with Clary, its looks good on you, Izzy." Marley said to her, happily.

"Good point. Damn, I make this necklace look so good." Izzy agreed with them.

"Will you take it off?" Alec complained. "I'm certain Magnus Bane doesn't want drool on his ruby when we make the exchange."

"You know, I wouldn't be so sure." Izzy said to her brother. "Most men like it when I admire their jewels."

"Can you just give it to Jace?" Alec asked.

Izzy gave the necklace to Jace as she complained. "You're such a buzzkill."


They all could finally into the club as Jace said to them. "Blend in. Keep your weapons ready." Jace said to Izzy and Alec as he wanted Marley with him for extra protection for Clary. Then he called out to Magnus, who was sitting on a chair. "Magnus." He heard his name as he looked at them and stood up as they were with him.

"Clary Fairchild." Magnus greeted to Clary. "You've grown into a beautiful young woman."

"Magnus Bane." Clary also greeted as then she went straight to the point. "So you're the one who stole my memories."

"At your mother's request. She knew the risk." Magnus held his hand out to Jace. "Show me the jewelry, Shadowhunter." Jace showed it to him as Magnus wanted to grab it, but Jace put his arm a little backwards.

"Give Clary back her memories, and you get the jewelry." He said to the warlock.

"I have to confirm its authenticity." Magnus said as he held his hand out again.

"Just give it to him, Jace." Marley complained to Jace as then Magnus looked at her and then back to Jace as he give the necklace to Magnus.

"Amor verus numquam moritur." Magnus said as he hold the necklace. "True love cannot die. Oh, how I've missed this jewel."

"Now, it's your turn to pay up." Clary said to him.

"I wish I could retrieve your memories, but I no longer have them." Magnus explained to her.

"What? Where are they?" Clary asked surprised.

"I fed them to a memory demon for safekeeping." Magnus replied to her.

"And why the hell would you do that?" Jace asked as he was not happy with this. Marley signed as she shook her head as Jace.

"Jace, try to remain calm." Marley said to him. "There must be a good reason why he did that." Magnus looked at Marley as he thought that she was different from the other shadow hunters.

Then he looked at Jace. "Your friend here is right." He said to him. "To protect Clary and the Cup. If Valentine ever captured me, he could torture Clary's memories out of me. Just like he tortured Dot."

"Tortured?" Clary asked shocked. "Wait, is Dot okay?"

"You don't know?" Magnus asked to her as he looked at her as she shook her head. "Dot is dead."

"What? How do you know?" Clary asked, still in shock.

"I can't feel her magic anymore." Magnus replied to her. "Valentine killed her because she would not betray your mother."

"Oh, my God." Clary said with a shocked look on her face. She couldn't believe that dot is dead.

"Come with me, Clary." Magnus offered to her as he held his hand out to her. "My lair can offer you protection no Shadowhunter ever could."

"No! No, I'm not going anywhere with you." Clary said as she slammed his hand away.

"Don't be a fool. Your mother would want you to live." Magnus argued with her.

"Then help me get my memories back from whatever demon you gave them to." Clary argued back.

"Valentine is hunting you, too. And every moment we're outside my lair's protection, is a moment Valentine gets closer to finding us." Magnus hands glowed as he waved his hands to make a portal, the portal appeared, he turned back to Clary as he hand his out again to her. "Come with me." He rolled with his eyes as his patience were wearing thin. "I won't offer again."

"No." Clary said firmly to him. "No, I won't hide from my problems and neither should you."

Before another word could be said, Izzy shouted to them. "Look out!" next thing they knew, an arrow shot into a man who was moving in behind Magnus.

"Who are you?" Magnus whispered as he looked at Alec, who was picking up a knife from the dead man on the ground, then Magnus walked to his portal.

"Magnus, wait!" Clary shouted to him as she grabbed his arm. "You're my only hope."

"Valentine found us." Magnus looked at her. "I warned your mother this might happen." Then he pulled her arm away and went into the portal. Marley looked at him as he was away.

"Wait." Clary called after him as she held her arm out and had something her hand.

Izzy joined them as she said to them. "The areas secure. Looks like he was the only assassin."

"He has a Circle rune on the base of his neck." Alec said to them.

"They found us. It's not safe here." Marley said to them as she wanted to get away from the club.

"Clary, we have to go. Clary." Jace said to Clary, who hadn't moved away from the table. Then she looked up at him and she nodded.

Then they got out of the building as clary needed a breather as she was shocked about the information she have and that Magnus has gone away from the club. Izzy noticed that Clary was behind them as she called to him. "Jace."

Jace turned to look at Clary. "Clary, we have to move." He said to her.

"I'm catching my breath." Clary said irritated.

"You know what? This is great." Alec said as he was not happy with the situation. "And not only did Magnus not get the girl her memories back, he took the necklace."

"This is fantastic Alec, the girl her name is Clary and I highly suggest you keep your voice down." Jace hissed at him.

"Why? What, are you afraid I'm gonna upset her?" Alec throw his hand at Clary's direction. "We have risked our lives again and again for this girl, and where has it gotten us? All right? Nowhere." He complained about it. "We're no closer to getting the Mortal Cup. And we've lost the Institute's necklace."

"Hey, I am right here." Clary shouted at him. "I don't care about your damn jewelry. I'm sorry you're gonna look bad in front of your bosses, okay?" She throws her hand to the door from the club. "But my mother is still missing and my last chance at finding her just disappeared into thin air."

Jace was trying to calm her down. "Clary, it's gonna be fine."

"No, it's not!" Clary shot back at him. "People are dying because of me. And Magnus? Magnus will never come out of hiding again while Valentine is still after him. We're never gonna find him. And I will I will never get my memories back." Out of her anger, she throw the button from Magnus to the ground, but before it even could it the ground, Jace had already the button in his hand.

"You give up way too easy." Jace said as he looked at her, then he walked a little bit away from them.

"What is he doing?" Clary asked confused.

"He's tracking Magnus." Marley replied to her as she had read it about, but hadn't tried it out for herself.

"Be quiet and keep your distance." Alec said to her as Clary rolled her at him.

"The button belonged to Magnus. Jace can pinpoint the location using that." Izzy explained it to Clary.

Jace failed to track Magnus. "No. The signal's not strong enough. Magnus must be blocking the track. Let's do this, Alec."

Then Alec walked over to Jace as Clary asked to them. "Do what?"

"Parabatai tracking." Izzy replied to her as they watched the boys as they clasped their hands together and locked eyes, they started tracking Magnus location.

"Of course they are." Clary said as she rolled with her eyes.

"When parabatais track, their power grows stronger. Jace and Alec are gonna track Magnus together." Izzy further explained it to her.

"Yeah, this whole parabatai thing seems oddly intimate, if you ask me." Clary comment to them.

"Hmm-mmm." Marley hummed.

"You don't know the half of it." Izzy comment.

Then the boys had him as Jace called to them. "Got him."


The group arrived in a warehouse, they walked further with their weapons drawn out, then were in the main room. "Magnus' lair is right behind that fence." Jace gestured to it.

"Magnus lives in a warehouse?" Clary asked confused.

"Not exactly. Warlock glamour." Jace replied to her.

Izzy held her hand up to keep the group for moving forward. "Something's wrong. It's far too easy to get this close."

"His protective wards must be down." Jace said as he thought his theory out loud.

"You, don't get in the way." Alec said to Clary.

Then they heard a struggle as then they looked were the struggle was. They saw one man slay another man and throw the man on the ground. "Oh, God! Valentine found Magnus!" Clay shouted as they all run forwards.

They group spread out as clary and Marley stick together, Marley wanted to stay with Clary as then they saw a young warlock child to call out to the dead man as then they noticed that he was about to attack. "Watch out!" Marley shouted to the child. Clary kicked the man away from the child.

Marley noticed that it at was one of the circle members as Clary stood in front of the young warlock child. She stood protectively in front of her. Then the circle member said to Clary. "Clary Fairchild. Valentine will be so pleased to meet you."

Then the circle member was about the attack as then Izzy and Jace interfered. Izzy used her whip as it around the man's arm as Jace throws a knife to the circle member as he falls to the ground dead.

"Thanks for that." Clary said to them as she looked first at Izzy as then she looked at Jace.

"Thanks." Marley muttered.

"Any time." Jace said to them.

Then Izzy walked forwards to Clary and Marley. "Stick close. It's safest if we stay together." She said to them.

"It's okay." Clary said to the warlock child as Marley smiled at her. "I won't leave you alone, I promise." Then they all walked out of the room to find Magnus.


They walked into the room Magnus was as they saw the fights was over as Clary and Marley walked with the warlock child to Magnus. "Magnus." Clary called to him.

The child hugged Magnus. "Go join the others, my dear. This is no place for a little girl." They broke the hug as he told to the child. "Go." The child walked away with other warlocks. Then Magnus looked at the two girls. "I heard what you did for Zoe. You two risked your life without hesitation to save a young warlock child."

"Don't give me the credit, it all goes to Clary." Marley explained it him. "I only stood beside her." Magnus nodded her, but still silently thanking her that she had helped.

Then Clary said to Magnus. "She was just a girl and she was in trouble." She looked at him. "I had no choice."

"You always have a choice. You're not like the others, Clary Fairchild." Magnus said to Clary as he looked at her. "Most Shadowhunters protect Downworlders out of sense of duty, but you saved young Zoe because of what was inside your heart. You're more like your mother than you will ever know." Then he looked at Marley. "You are something else." He pointed at her. "You are special, Marley." Marley smiled unsure, she didn't feel special at all.

Magnus looked back at Clary. "Magnus, please you can't hide from this battle. Look, Valentine, he found you once, he will find you again. We need to work together. Help me." Clary was trying to convince him to help her.

"I can summon the demon, but you must make the demand." He decided to help her as then he also give her a warning. "Now, I warn you retrieving your memories will not be easy."

"I will do what I have to do." Clary told him firmly.

"Alright. But we're not safe here." Magnus said to her. "The lair's location has been compromised." Then he addressed the room. "Hold tight, everyone, we're about to move."

Then Marley looked around as they actually moved to a different location. She found it very beautiful. "Beautiful." She whispered.

"Ah, much better." Magnus said to them all. "Ugh, it's inevitable. After each move, I get the itch to redecorate." He looked at Alec. "Normally, I love a dirty lair, but this is one is just sloppy." He walked to Izzy. "I believe in payment for services rendered. Thank you for defending the warlocks."

"I couldn't." Izzy gasped at what Magnus said.

"Oh, but you could. And you should." Magnus said as he put the necklace around her neck. "The Lightwoods have been wearing this for years. Besides, this would look silly on your brother." Then he whispered to her. "About Alec, is he more of a flower or cologne man?"

Clary had enough as she stood up and she asked to him. "Okay, so how do we summon the memory demon?"

"Are you certain? Summoning such a powerful demon could be lethal." Magnus said as he looked at her.

"I'll do anything to save my mother. Where is the demon?" Clary asked to him.

"Okay. Pretty boy, get your team ready." Magnus announced.

"You know what to do." Jace said to them as he was interrupted by Magnus, by pushing him back next to Alec.

"I'm not talking to you." He said to him as then he pointed at Alec. "I'm talking to you."

Then Magnus and Clary went to another room as they talked a bit, then Magnus called to Jace. "Shadowhunter prepare Clary as best you can." Then they hear a scream coming from the other room. Well, it was crystal clear that Jace was putting a rune on Clary's arm.


Then later, the group walked into the room were Clary was just finishing touches on the pentagram as Magnus was quite impressed. "Jocelyn was right, your artistry is beyond compare."

"I don't know about that." Clary said to him as she stood up, facing him.

"Oh, the only other person I've known who could draw as well was Michelangelo, who was excellent in bed, I might add." Magnus said as then he looked over to Alec as Marley couldn't help but to feel jealous. Then he walked over the pentagram as he rolled up his sleeves. They were six spots, one of each of them. Then he said to them all. "Okay. We're ready. Everyone take your rightful place on the pentagram."

"Um..." Clary looked at Jace as she wasn't sure were to stand as the others had their place.

"Here." Jace helped her, set her the right spot on the pentagram.

"Thanks." Clary said to him as she was on her spot.

"We must initiate a bond. Once this bond is sealed, it cannot be broken until the demon retreats. No matter what happens, we must not let go of each other's hands." Magnus explained it to the group.

They almost completed the bond, expect for Izzy as then she comment. "You people are pathetic." Then she completed the bond.

"I will lead the ceremony, and you all must do exactly as I say." Magnus explained it to them. "The demon's name is Valak. And at some point, he will ask for payment in exchange for Clary's memories."

"What do you mean? What kind of payment?" Jace asked to him.

"We will see. Let us begin." Magnus replied as then he began talking in a language none of them understood. Then the demon was summoned.

After Magnus stopped talking, Izzy looked down at her necklace. "The necklace. It's pulsing."

Then the demon came on the pentagram, it whirled down on it. "Valak is among us." Then Magnus warned them. "Do not break the bond."

Jace tightened his grip around Clary's hand. "Hold on!"

"I'm trying." Clary tightened her grip around Jace hand and Izzy's hand.

"It is time, the demon demands payment." Magnus announced.

"What does it want?" Alec asked to him, he wanted to get it over with.

"We must each relinquish a beloved memory of the one we love the most." Magnus replied to him.

Izzy was the first to go, her memory of Alec, then was Clary, her memory of her mother. Then was Marley, a memory of her adopted mother. Then was Alec, his memory was one Marley, her smiling at him, only he couldn't accepted it, he was confused. "No, it's not true!" He shouted. "The demon deceived me!" Marley stood her shocked, but she held her hands with Magnus and Izzy.

"Do not break the bond!" Magnus shouted to him.

"Alec, it's okay!" Izzy tried to assure him.

"No!" Alec shouted as he let go of Magnus and Jace hands.

"Alec!" Jace shouted at him.

"No!" Magnus shouted as then everyone was pushed back in to the walls around them, then Magnus tried his best to keep the demon at bay. "I cannot contain the demon much longer!"

"No!" Jace shouted as he shoved Alec away from the demon as he was grabbed the demon.

"Jace!" Izzy shouted as she grabbed him by his arm. Then she glanced at her brother. "Grab him!"

"Hold on!" Alec shouted at Jace. Then Marley walked over them as she also helped them.

"The demon is growing stronger!" Magnus shouted as he couldn't maintain much longer.

"He's slipping!" Alec shouted, trying to hold on.

"Clary! Help us!" Izzy shouted to her. Clary had her seraph blade in her hand.

"Clary, if you kill the demon, your memories will be lost forever!" Magnus shouted to Clary.

"Help us!" Marley shouted to her.

Clary looked at her blade as then she looked at the others, then she run forwards as then she spun the blade around in her hand and with a loud cry, she drove it into the demon. The shrieked before completely dissipating into glowing ash. Then she breathed out form what she what she, then she rushed to Jace as then she sat down and called to him. "Jace. Oh, my God, Jace." The others were also around Jace.

"Jace, get up." Alec said to him.

"Is he gonna be all right?" Clary asked to Magnus.

"I don't know. Does he normally just lay like that without moving?" Magnus replied, he shrugged at her.

"Get up. Jace." Alec said to him.

"Jace." Clary said to him.

Then Jace bolted up, gasped as then he started coughing. "I'm all right. I'm all right. I'm all right. I'm just getting my second wind." Then Alec stood up and away a little bit as then Magnus saw that and he walked to him.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, Alec." Magnus reassured him, he knew what it was like to in love with woman or a man.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Alec said to him as he looked at the group for him.

"You will." Magnus said to him as then he walked away from him.

"Thank God, you're okay. For a second there, I thought we lost you." Clary said to him as she was relieved to see him moving again.

"Remind me again, what's the, uh... What's the count on how many times I saved your life?" Jace asked to her as he coughed a little.

"I... I think we're even." Clary replied to him.

"I don't think so." Jace chuckled a little as them he started coughing again.

Then Izzy stood up and walked over to her brother, who walked away from her. She stood there unsure what to do now, but she also relieved to Jace was moving again.


Then later, they were all back at the institute as Marley went to her room, leaving the others behind her. When she was in her room, she changed her clothes into pajama clothes. When she was changed, Izzy walked into her room. "Hey."

"Hey." Marley said back to her.

"How are you doing?" Izzy asked to her.

Marley looked confused. "Good, why do you ask that?"

"Just curious." Izzy replied to her, kindly.

"Oh, thanks." Marley said to her as she went over to her bed and sat on it.

"What happened at Magnus, do you..." Izzy was interrupted.

"I don't want to talk about right now." Marley said quickly. "Sorry."

"I understand." Izzy nodded to her.


"You are welcome."

"I just want to sleep right now." Marley said as she pulled her blanket away a little.

"I will just leave to it, then." Izzy said to her as walked to the doorway. Then she faced her. "Alec does love you, but he's confused right now." She explained. "He doesn't really what to do about it."

"He thought that he was in love with Jace." Marley exclaimed. "Now, from the memory demon Valak, it shows that he in love with me."

"All he need is time." Izzy reassured her.

"I know." Marley said calmly. "But I want rest, to sleep, so, if you, please could go. We can talk in the morning."

"That's fine, sleep well, Marley." Izzy said to her as she walked out of the room.

Marley put her blanket around her as she put the light off and she went to sleep. 
