Chapter 2

Amanda's POV

I threw a tennis ball up and hit another serve over the net. It would them hit the wall behind the court. I grabbed another one from the basket and tossed it up as well. I finished the basket and walked down to the other end and started to collect the balls from the other end and piled them into the basket and started again.

This was my sixth time hitting the whole basket. It was an easy way to get rid of my anger. Cassie was a complete bitch. She made the room her own and didn't like the fact that I was also in the room. It didn't help that I made sure to leave some of my stuff around like jelly and glue and that sort of thing.

Ryder was leaning against the fence when I finished. I didn't hug him because I was disgusting but I did give him a quick kiss.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as we headed towards the dorms.

"We finished training and I guessed that you were probably here," Ryder explained.

"I'll hang out with you if you let me have a shower first."

"I can help you think that," he teased.

I rolled my eyes and kissed him again before heading into my own dorm. Cassie wasn't there so I plugged my phone into my speakers and started playing the first song that I came to. I stepped into the bathroom and started the shower.

Cassie must have come in at some point because my music shut off. I walked into the room and Cassie was sitting on her bed and was texting.

I grabbed a galaxy pattern t-shirt and navy leggings. Cassie must have noticed me and she glared at me.

"You look terrible," she said.

I looked down at my outfit and realised that it was nothing like hers. She was wearing a very short skirt and white crop top and heels. I didn't bother with heels; instead I grabbed navy vans and headed down to Ryder's dorm.

He opened the door and he was shirtless. This wasn't new though. His roommate must be out because he invited me in and I sat down on the bed while Ryder walked around looking for a shirt. I lay down on the bed and he joined me.

"How are your class so far?" I asked.

"Not too bad, I mean it is school," he smirked.

I laughed and he started hitting me with his pillow. I curled up in a ball so he couldn't attack as much of me. He didn't stop hitting me until I grabbed it off him and threw it across the room. I stuck out my tongue at him which made him laugh as well.

"Am I going to walk on you having sex?" Ryder's roommate Daniel called from behind the closed door.

"Nope, we've just finished," I teased.

Daniel came into the room. Since I had been dating Ryder for a while so I got to know Daniel quite well and we get along quite well. Daniel's not bad looking. He has light-brown hair and green eyes. He is fit from playing football with Ryder.

He glanced at the pillow lying on the floor and then at me.

"I see that a fight was going on in here," he laughed.

I grabbed one of Ryder's other pillows and threw it at him. He let it hit him and slowly collapsed onto the floor and pretended to die. I escaped from Ryder's grasp and walked over to Daniel.

I offered him a hand but he didn't take it which made Ryder laugh more. He pulled himself up and tried to push be over but I jumped out of the way making him lose his balance and I pushed him again. He stood up again and started to chase me around the room until I jumped behind Ryder on the bed.

Daniel knew not to cross Ryder and sat down on his own bed.

"Amanda and I are going to leave you alone," Ryder said and shucked my over his shoulder.

I love spending time with Ryder but when I was hanging over his shoulder and he wouldn't point me down even though I was complaining all the way down the stairs. We reached the bottom of the stairs and we ran into Alex.

Alex liked Ryder and thought that he was good for me. Ryder seemed to get along with her so that was good as well. She noticed me over Ryder's shoulder and that made her laugh as well.

"I see that you two haven't changed," Alex laughed.

I was completely bored English and it was first period. The teacher was talking more about the year even though it was the second week of the year. Ryder was sitting next to me and slowly poking me. Every time that he would I would retaliate by poking him back.

"Anyway, I have a sitting plan and your seatmate is your partner for the year," the teacher said.

He started reading names and Ryder's got called and he had to more and I wasn't sitting next to him. My name got called and I was sitting towards the back and my seatmate was Myles. I don't know what he thought because Myles and I always get in trouble, just not together.

"Hey," I said as he sat down.

Myles looked at me and just glared. Clearly he wasn't in a good mood this morning. Myles was wearing what he usually does. Black jeans, grey shirt, black leather jacket and black vans. He slumped onto to desk and started using his textbook as a pillow.

I was extremely bored again. I could see that Myles wasn't actually asleep and I was only vaguely listening to the teacher. He began talking about some essay or poem or something.

"Do you want to be here?" I whispered to Myles.

He looked at me for a minute and then shook his head. I looked in my bag for something that would get us kicked out. I found a container of jelly. This jelly was orange. I put it on the table and Myles quickly guessed what I was planning.

"I bet that I can hit Mr Wilkins first," I said.

Myles sat up and grabbed a handful of jelly. I threw mine first and hit the whiteboard just to the left of him. Myles threw his handful and it hit the desk. It took three attempts and I managed to hit him in the chest.

"Miss Prescott, what do you think you are doing?" he scowled.

Just as he said that Myles's handful hit him in the face.

"Mr Griffins and Miss Prescott get out of the class, I will see you in detention," he said.

Myles and I quickly escaped the classroom. We stopped outside his locker and both sat on the floor. We didn't talk at all. He lean backwards against the locker and attempted to sleep again. I put my headphones in and started listening to music.

Alex and Ryder came out which told me that the period is over. Ryder helped me up and I kicked Myles lightly. He opened his eyes noticing the three people starting around him.

"See you in detention," I said and headed away towards my next class.

Myles and I were not the only ones in detention. I was sitting near the front and he took the seat nearest to me.

"Thank you for getting me out of class, I didn't get much sleep last night," he said.

"I don't mind anything to miss school," I told him before we told to be quiet.

Myles returned to sleeping on the desk. I grabbed out my homework and started working on it. It didn't take me long and I didn't have much so halfway through I was finished. I grabbed out my book and started writing. I have a book full of pranks that I have planned and done and what worked and didn't.

The teacher let us go and I shut the book. Myles must have fallen asleep because he didn't move. I kicked him under the table but he still didn't move. I didn't feel like being too mean so I just kept poking him until he sat up. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me.

"Detention is over, I'll see you in English tomorrow," I told him and headed out to the tennis courts.

We didn't have training but Drew was there so we started training together. Drew and I have spent a lot of time training together so we know how to work each other and what we all need to work on. We started a game against each other.

Drew one the first game off his serve and I won mine but it wasn't as convincing as his. He broke my next serve and eventually won the game 6-4. I was tired so we headed back inside together.

Myles' temper was on full display the next day. We were sitting together and I would see that he wasn't in a good mood. I was there before him and he made sure to dump his book on the desk making a loud sound. Since he was also late it made the whole class jump.

"Mr Griffins, why are you late?" Mr Wilkins asked.

"Because my fucking alarm didn't go off," he snapped before taking his seat.

Mr Wilkins looked surprised at the attitude but didn't say anything. I was going to say something to him but given his attitude I decided that it probably wasn't the smartest idea. He leant back on his chair and glared at the whiteboard.

"Myles, just chill out," someone called.

This only provoked him more and he stood up from his seat. Mr Wilkins reached Myles before he could reach the other boy and this was lucky because it stopped a fight from started. Mr Wilkins whispered something to Myles before he sat down.

"He wasn't worth the fight," I told him as he sat down.

"I don't fucking care what you think," he snapped.

Mr Wilkins chose that moment to tell us about the work that we would be doing as partners. Myles looked at me for a second before grabbing his stuff and walking out of the classroom. Great to know that I have a reliable partner.


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The Wise One
