Chapter 13

Amanda's POV

I didn't see Ryder as much over the next week. I spent a lot of time with Drew out on the courts in preparation for the competition. We were going well in the team competition as well and I thought that I had been playing well.

Coach came with me to the competition and he drove me. I was deep in thought and had no idea if he was trying to talk to me. I didn't feel like talking at the moment.

I was one of the first games on the court and I stripped my tracksuit off and started to warm up with the women that I was going to be playing against. It didn't take long before we were told to start. She won the toss and decided to serve first.

I stood on the court and waited for her to start the match. Her first serve was a fault but the second one was good. We started to rally and I immediately knew that she was a lot better than the people that I usually play for school.

I won 6-3 6-4 and that meant that I was going to be moving on. Coach started talking to me about things to improve on and I started drinking water. I was tired from the game and started to eat.

"Myles is here if you want to go talk to him," Coach said.

I nodded and headed towards Myles. I wrapped my arms around him even though I was sweaty and disgusting.

"You smell really bad," he teased.

"I still smell better than you," I teased back.

I pulled my tracksuit jacket on and sat down beside him and we started to watch some of the other games that were going on. Myles didn't know a large amount about tennis so I was informing him of the rules of the game.

I had another game later in the day and I had to go down to warm up again. Myles wished me luck and I headed down onto the court. The women I was playing was easily ten years old than I am and she smiled at me. I knew that she was thinking that I would be unexperienced and an easy bet.

We started to warm up and I was already thinking about how to play her. She had a very good forehand and I was going to try and avoid that in the game. Her serve was also bit weaker than I thought it might be but it was still pretty good.

She started serving and I got a good swing at it. We managed to keep a rally going until she got a fast forehand down the line and I was never going to get to it.

"Not let then happen again," I muttered to myself.

I came away with another win but this one was just as comfortable. I was tired and pulled my tracksuit on before joining Coach and Myles off the court. I high-fived Coach and hugged Myles as we headed back out to the van.

"What happens how?" Myles asked.

"I come back tomorrow and if I keep winning I keep coming back and the last round is on Wednesday if I make it that far," I told him.

It wasn't a long trip back to school and I was exhausted. Myles took my bag off me as we headed up to my dorm. I tried to protest but I pleased that he took it. I unlocked my dorm and was pleased when I saw that my dorm was empty.

"I'm going to have a shower. Do you mind?" I asked.

"No, I'll hang around," he said and sat down on my bed.

I grabbed a change of clothes and headed into the bathroom. I let the water run over me and it felt so good. I finally stepped out of the shower and changed into leggings and a tank top. Myles was stretched out on my bed, reading one of my books.

I curled up beside him and I was still exhausted after four sets of hard tennis.

"We should probably have dinner at some point," Myles said.

"But that involves moving," I groaned.

I felt his chest vibrate as he laughed at me.

"How about I carry you because I am hungry?" he suggested.

I nodded and he stood up. I jumped onto his back and we started down to the cafeteria. It took Myles a couple of steps to get used to my weight before we could even start walking. There weren't too many people in the cafeteria so Myles had pretty much any choice of table.

"What do you want?" he asked after we both sat down.

"I don't mind. Just whatever you are having," I said.

Myles disappeared to grab us both food. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and I started to play one of the games on my phone. Someone sat opposite me and I assumed it was Myles but I looked up to see Ryder and Cassie.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Isn't it a bit lonely sitting in the cafeteria by yourself?" Cassie asked.

I didn't bother talking to them because I didn't want to and they took that as a confirmation that I was lonely.

"It's too bad that you don't have friends," Ryder teased.

Myles then came and sat down beside me and dropped a tray in front of me.

"What are these two doing here?" Myles asked.

"I don't know. They are trying to tell me that I am lonely," I told him.

Myles snorted and I turned my attention to the food that he got me. It was a sort of curry with rice with vegetables. Cassie looked between us and snorted.

"You went from Ryder to Myles. Talk about a downgrade," Cassie teased.

Ryder caught on to what Cassie was talking about and he scowled.

"You moved on and started dating him?" he asked.

I nodded and it looked like he was going to say something but I bet him to his.

"You don't get to tell me anything because you moved on from me to that trash so go leave please and let me eat my food without being interrupted," I told him.

They both looked a little shocked but did stand up and leave us alone.

"I think that you are better than Ryder," I told Myles.

"And you are definitely better than Cassie."


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