Chapter 4

We just sit there smiling for awhile. We're finally happy in this horrible world.

After what seems like forever he breaks the serene silence, "I'm moving to New York after high school. I heard that life for people like us is better and happier there, then anywhere else. You...could come if you ... want..." His voice trails off at the end, as if he fears that I will be rude or say no.

"That sounds amazing! I would love to!" I say with so much enthusiasm that I though he was going to fall out of his seat from the shock. A smile escapes his lips as he watches my reaction.

We spend the next hour planning out our escape from this horrible place.

"Come inside for dinner and unpacking!" My mother calls, snapping us out of our hopes and bringing us back to the truth of our situation.

"Coming, MOM!" I yell back, "We have to finish this planning tomorrow." I whisper to James as I stand up.

"Of course, see you tomorrow." and with that he stands and rushes home. At first I thought he was uncomfortable, but then I realize that this was just new for both of us and it may take some time getting used to. I walk up to my new house and I see my family busy inside. All I can think is how I have to leave, and now I can and very soon.

After a semi-enjoyable dinner with my family I am finally able to escape into my room. The instant I close the door I flop down on the closes thing. After a minute, I look at what I'm laying on and thankfully it's a bed. My dad must have put it up for me. I grunt as I get up, I guess that the long day has taken a toll on me.

While reaching for my sheets I noticed a box of my old school stuff. I sit down on my bed and pull the box onto my lap. It's full of the fun memories of my past, it's a very small box. In the bottom I find my sketch book. I remember hiding it here so that my family won't find it, cause it is mostly filled with my controversial drawings of women and women with other women in interesting ways. I even had a whole series of parodies of those house wife adds. I got them from my moms nightstand.

I grad my sheets, I am done reminiscing for now. As I pull my sheets onto my new bed I start to wonder if James would like my art and should I try series of men for him... Oh well these are all questions for tomorrow. Finally, my bed is done and I flop down onto it with relief washing over me. As if I was hit with a brick I fall fast asleep. The day was a long and very nice day.
