Chapter 1

"God please tell me that I won't die here" I mumble to myself as we drive up the long and winding dirt road to out new house.

My mom says it is "Just so quaint and lovely. Just perfect!" As our car jostles to the point where I think it might fall apart.

"Why did we have to move to Nebraska?" My little sister whines. She is the only light in my pitch black life, and she asks the one question that I have been to afraid to ask.

"It's for my job and your sister" my dad says abruptly, with pain and anger in his voice. Sadly, I will have to agree with him. He is getting a better job here...and I was bullied at my old school. Someone heard a rumor that I am a lesbian. However, I may have started that by making out with a girl in the bathroom.

And sadly people don't take the fact that some people are anything but straight that well. So the rest of my year consisted of me getting rejected and getting beat up.

"Ok" replies my sister after a long pause. Thus dropping the subject, which we are all very thankful for.

I turn to look out the window to only see a desolate, flat landscape. It feels as if my heart has been ripped out of my chest. We had moved from a lovely sunny seaside house in California to a desolate dirty horrible cottage in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska. Of all places it had to be Nebraska.

As I get out of the car and take a full look at our new house and with that I realize that I only have two years here before I can leave and live in New York.

New York has always been a dream of mine. It is the one place that people like me cling to and live as happily as they can. It is my dream, but I can't tell my parents about it. They think that New York is a dirty horrible place.

All of a sudden a family comes around the corner. And by a family I mean a small army.

They have like seven or eight kids. How is that mother not dead? I'm sure that they don't have proper medicine here or even a doctor. I can't help but thinking to myself.

I try to make myself busy by unloading the car with my dad but I can't help but listen in. I learn that they are the Thompson's, and they do have eight kids.

Knew it, I say to myself.

"Hi," says a voice behind me "do you need help?"

I whirl around and I see a boy no older than me standing in front of me.

"Sure...thanks" I hand him a box full of my clothes and books.

"Wow this is really heavy. What is in this?"

"Just books and clothes."

He looks at me for a minute and then smiles with that classic sweet farm boy smile and asks me where my room is.

"Sorry what?" I say as I snap out of my daze.

"Where is your room?"

"Oh...its...I don't actually know." I say with a puzzled look on my face.

"Well then let's explore your house while the parents are occupied."

I nod as I realize that this boy may just save me from my current fate and I that he most definitely will make these next two years at least a little fun.
