Ch. 11 - cereal

A/N: the next chapter should be out in the next few days, and I've figured out where I'm going with the plot line.
Have fun reading!

Deku POV

I wake up with a gasp, wincing as I sit up into an upright position. Flashes from my latest dream plague my vision as I take in my surroundings, slowly getting my breathing back to normal. I look over to see Shinso asleep in his chair, head in his hands on the desk.

I feel myself tearing up but I don't want to cry right now because that's all I ever do anymore. I shake my head, taking a deep breath.

You can do this. You're safe now, it's over.

I glance over at the clock on Shinso's desk and see it's just past 5am. I used to get up at 5 on school days to work out, so I might as well get back into my schedule. After all, I missed months of training. I'll have to work even harder to catch up again. I bring my hand up to make a fist but startle when I have trouble moving any of my fingers. I couldn't move them yesterday either.

My lower lip finds its way between my teeth as I chew nervously. It hurts and I remember that my lip is busted.

Well... at least my hand doesn't hurt anymore. I'm sure it's only temporary. A week from now it will be totally back to normal as if nothing ever happened to it... right?

It has to be. How would I become a hero without the use of my hand if I have a strength-based quirk? How could I become a symbol of peace?

I'm overthinking. When Shinso wakes up I'll ask him about it, because the doctors probably told him.

With that out of the way I'm left to worry about my legs. I know that they still work, but I'm pretty sure the bone in one of my legs was shattered. Nothing new there. Its not broken anymore, thankfully. They're probably going to make me go to physical therapy. I don't have time for that though, I'm going to be behind all of my classmates.

Maybe... maybe I should try walking right now.

I slip my legs out from under the ridiculously soft sheets and let my bare feet touch the floor. There's not really anything for me to hold on to other than the bed, so I push myself into a standing position.

My legs tremble like the last time I tried to walk, except this time I notice that one of them hurts a bit more than the other. It's the one that I broke.

All things considered, they did a pretty good job fixing me. I wonder if Recovery girl was there.

I take a small step away from the bed, and breathe a sigh of relief. A small glance behind me and I know that I'm close enough that if I need to I can fall back into the bed. My legs are starting to burn like they do after a long workout, and I take another step so that my feet are together.

This will be easy.

I take another small step, and another, walking towards the bathroom. When I'm a few steps away from the door my leg gives out from under me as I'm about to take another step. I land on my hands and knees, but soon crumple into a ball as a throbbing pain expands out from my knee.

Shinso lifts his head from his desk, letting out a small groan as he rubs his eyes. The first thing he notices is the lamp on his desk which he forgot to turn off before he fell asleep, and then he turns to the source of the noise, me.

"What're you- wait no are you okay?"

I try to respond but instead I melt into tears. Haven't I done enough of that lately?

"What's wrong, are you hurt? Do-do you need a hug?" He looks like he's panicking as he waves his hands around awkwardly, trying to figure out what's wrong.

I just wanted to be able to walk normally.

I don't know if I can ever catch up to my classmates like this. I'm pretty much screwed. I cover my face in my hands as I try to stifle my sobs.

A hand touches my shoulder and I whimper, pushing myself across the floor until my back hits a wall. I realize it was Shinso when I see him looking at me with pity a few feet away, hand still outstretched to where my shoulder used to be.

"I'm- I'm sorry. I didn't- I thought you were-" I'm cut off when another sob erupts from my throat.

"It's alright. You don't have to say sorry, I should have been more careful."

"Thank you. You can g-go back to sleep. I didn't mean to wake you up."

"Your knee is bleeding. Besides, it's almost six o'clock, which is when I usually get up. Let me help you." I look down to see that my knee is in fact bleeding, blood soaking part of an All-Might face on my pajama pants.

I'm about to stand to go into the bathroom when Shinso stops me.

"Oh no you don't. You shouldn't be walking right now, plus I have no idea how bad the injury on your leg is. Walking on it might make it worse if it was caused by a previous injury. Let me carry you."

"Okay." I don't really see myself winning this battle, so I agree. He carefully picks me up, and I'm reminded of a foggy memory of being held like this before. I think it was when he carried me out of the villain base, but I was sort of in and out of consciousness at the time.

Soon my ride is over and I'm being set down on the lid of the toilet.

"Your pants are all bloody so it would be best if you just took them off, is that okay?"

I nod awkwardly, refusing to meet his gaze. Why is this so embarrassing? It's not like guys didn't see me in boxers when I was changing in the locker room. I wriggle my way out of the pajama bottoms, and Shinso grabs a washcloth from under the sink before kneeling in front of me. He carefully cleans the blood off of the cut, before grabbing disinfectant and dabbing some lightly on it. After, he puts a bandaid on it and looks up at me. He looks so tired.

"All better. Let me see if I can get the blood out of your pants since it's still fresh and then Ill go grab you some clothes. Whoever left your stuff here didn't bring you a school uniform so I'm guessing it's fine if you don't wear it today."

"Uhm, thank you."

"It's not a problem. Do you mind telling me why you were on the floor clear across the room from the bed though?"

"Ah-" I pick at the skin next to my nail with my hands in my lap. "I wanted to try walking."

He stops what he's doing to stare at me.

"Couldn't wait for me to wake up?" There's a bit of humor in his tone.

"Well, I figured I'm already way behind my classmates, so I need to catch up as soon as possible."

"I get it. Maybe have someone spot you next time though, okay? We don't want you getting even more hurt and then having a longer recovery period."

"I guess your right."

We both get ready for the day and are ready to leave Shinso's room at 7 o'clock. We go down to the kitchen for breakfast and almost everyone ignores us the second they see Shinso behind me. If I had to guess he probably has on a really scary expression right now. At least I'm not embarrassing myself in front of him again because I'm scared of his classmates.

We end up eating some chocolatey cereal brand I've never heard of, because Shinso said, and I quote "I'm not very good at making eggs and everything else has a post it with a name on it." We did the same thing in the 1-A dorms. If your name was clearly on the food in the kitchen, then it was yours. I don't mind though, I don't eat cereal often because it didn't really fit into my diet, so it's like a treat.

While we're eating Shinso gets a text, and soon after reading it he gets a surprised look on his face before typing back furiously, and turning his phone off.

"That was Aizawa Sensei. I'll be taking all of my classes with 1-A for an... undetermined amount of time. Other than hero training, Gen Ed takes all the same classes as you guys so he said it would be okay."

"That's great, Shinso." I didn't want to say anything but I was secretly really grateful, not only because he would get a chance to see what it was like in the hero course, but also because I was starting to get really nervous about going to class today. Now I'll have Aizawa and Shinso with me.

1529 words.
