Chapter 22

Nate's arms trembled and his legs shook as he ran forward carrying a huge pole. He was participating in the Caber toss. Nate had been weight lifting since he'd gotten to Scotland and now he was grateful for it. Nate tossed the Caber and watched it sail end over end landing with the bigger end in the ground and the smaller end landing in the 12 o'clock position. Nate flexed his fingers before he wiped them on his kilt.

The crowd roared as Nate turned the Caber. Nate was congratulated by the other athletes. He waved to the crowd before he settled back and watched the rest of the athletes compete. Nate took second place before he moved onto compete in the hammer toss. Nate took fourth before he finally took first in the weight throw.

Zihana was waiting for Nate as he left the field. She handed him a glass of water which Nate took gratefully. He downed half the glass before he lowered the glass. Zihana giggled as she watched Nate.

Nate frowned. "What are ye laughing for woman?"

Zihana started to flat out laugh. "I'm sorry Nate." Zihana tried to tone down her laughter. "I'm not laughing at ye Nate. Ye should have seen the looks on yer families faces. They were positively green with envy."

Nate sighed before he drank the rest of his water. "I'm not surprised. Ye remember how they are. They have always been jealous of me. They fear me. I have never figured out why. Superstitions are just their excuse. The whole seventh son of a seventh son is the only superstition that they have ever believed in."

"Ye were the weakest link in the family lad."

Nate and Zihana turned around to find Bryant Campbell standing behind him with his arms crossed in a wide legged stance. Nate shook his head. "I don't understand. How could they have decided that I was the weakest link? They have hated me for as long as I remember."

"Yer parent's got it into their head that ye would ruin them. They prophesied their own downfall."

"They feared me?"

Bryant nodded at Nate's question. "They believed in the ancient superstitions. Yer family has a history of producing seventh sons of sevenths sons and seventh daughters of seventh daughters."

Nate shook his head. "I've known of the family history, but it doesn't make any sense. None of my ancestors have come to any bad end."

"Aye lad, but yer Mother is afraid of losing the power that she has accumulated through yer father. She was hoping to become the Lady MacAulay."

"They are going to search out Nate. I've already seen his brothers' out and about looking for him when he is alone."

Bryant laughed. "That is why ye have two clans looking out for ye."

Nate, Zihana, and Bryant were interrupted as a group of athletes came through and grabbed Nate so that they could go and partake of some drinks. Nate was swept away. He caught a glimpse of Zihana and Bryant following him. Nate decided not to worry about his family. He knew that the MacEwan and Campbell clans had his back.
