Chapter 10

"Do you ever plan on going back home?"

Nate looked up from his whittling. He shrugged at Zihana's question before he went back to whittling. "I'm not sure if I will ever go back."


"I have no reason to go back."

Zihana didn't say anything for a long time. She went back to stirring the mulled cider on the stove. Nate watched her before he went back to work. After awhile Zihana finally spoke.

"There's me."

Nate sighed and put down his carving. He pushed himself stiffly up from the table and limped over to touch Zihana on the shoulder. He had to turn her around so that she'd look at him. Her blue eyes were sad as she gazed at him. Nate touched her cheek lovingly before he spoke.

"You are here right now."

Zihana shook off his touch as anger flashed in her eyes. "Yes, but I am here! What will you do when I decide to go back home?"

Nate shrugged helplessly. "I don't know."

Zihana looked away from him as she spoke in such a soft voice that Nate had to strain to hear her. "I have looked for you since you left." Zihana looked back at Nate and asked him honestly, "Am I not worth anything to you?"

"Did you come here looking for me?"

"I actually came with my cousin to visit one of her college friends."

Nate wearily sat back down at the table and picked up the highland cow he was busy carving. He didn't say anything as he finished carving the cow. Nate placed the cow gently on the table before he stood and made his way out of the kitchen. He paused at the door and looked back at Zihana. She had her back to him and was busy ladling some of the mulled cider into a mug.

"I would go back to Scotland if you asked."
