Chapter 3

"JINX!" I exclaim, while she tugs me around the village. "DO YOU EVEN HAVE AN IDEA WHERE ALEX IS?!"

"NO....." Jinx replies and slows down. "...oh."

"Ya dingus.." I murmur underneath my breath. I'm tired from running, so I stop to take breather.

"Saven," Jinx says, still energized. "Didn't you find things by running into them?"

"where are you going with this?" I pant, feeling the cold air go down my throat.

"Go find a random thing, trip over it and hope that's Alex." and she tugs me in front of her.

"Hah! yea, no." I sass, crossing my arms. I look at a small store selling shiny red apples, and see Alex there. "oh wait, never mind."

I look at Jinx and point to him. "Do you need me to stumble over that boy over there?"

"ALEX!" Jinx exclaims, pushing me out of the way. I'm not a 100% sure, but I totally think they like each other. I. Ship. It.

"Jinx? Oh hi! Nice to see you..!" Alex says, and Jinx lunges towards him, giving him a hug.

Alex is boy with light blonde hair, a sweatshirt underneath his jean jacket, and a sash. He is usually good with the girls that wander next to him, and usually when the girls come, Jinx for some reason, chases them away when their alone. 

"ALEX!" Jinx exclaims, letting go. "GUESS WHAT?!"

"Something happened?" Alex replies. 

"YES! Actually! Saven found a book!" And Jinx shows  the book I "found".

"I'm actually not surprised." Alex replies. "Everything she... 'finds'... is usually something that's worthless."

"What'cha saying about me?" I sass, walking up next to Jinx. "You callin' me useless?"

"SAVEN!" Alex exclaims. Note that he can be a bit sassy XD. "I-I Didn't see you there..! Uhhhhhh, noooo I didn't call you useless, it's just that you find something, and that's useless!" and he gives a nervous chuckle.

"Why the heck do you get so jittery when someone find out you insulted them?" I giggle. Alex just sighs, and I shake my head slowly.

"anyways, aside the insults..." I say, and take the book from Jinx's hands. "I found this book."

"It won't be helpful. How many other pieces of evidence have we found, and tried to look for something...?"

"BUT!" I say, smiling. "This one has writing, and it describes word, by, word...Ish." and I open the book and shove it in his face. (Friends, sorry but meh.) Me and Alex tend to fight a bit while Jinx flirts and stuff.

"Wait, seriously...?!" Alex says, amazed. "This could be super useful!"

"Why the heck do you think I shoved it in your face, ya dingus?" I grunt, and bring back the book.

"However, the handwriting looks familiar..." Alex says quietly.

"Wait, you mean you might be linked to the guy who made this?" I ask, flipping through the pages. I read the lines,

I don't know how long this will take. My host is taking forever, she won't let me win. I'm trapped without my way. Her mind is confused, and she barely looks at me, even though I'm just like her. Detail y detail, the only difference is that my special features are larger, and more intimidating. If someone were to fight me, they would be gone in the flicker of an eye.

"Saven, I'm gonna be honest, it looks a bit like your handwriting..!" Alex says. "Just more...neater."

"Agreed..." I respond. I have to, it does. "But it can't be me. I'm to lazy, first of all, to even write something. And second of all, I don't think I would leave a book like this in the middle of no where."

"..Good point." Jinx says. "But it's really late now, and we've been lookin' for you all day Alex, let's solve this tomorrow." And Jinx looks at us to see if we agree.

"Fine..." I respond. "Sure, it is late, but you need to promise to solve this tomorrow. Because otherwise it's slaking."

"I'm down." Alex says and outs his hands behind his head. "See you guys tomorrow?"

I nod, and Jinx squeals for a bit. Then she pulls herself together and says yes.


It's the middle of the night, but for some reason, something is tempting me to read the book more and more. I wanna put things piece by piece. It's all to familiar...
