Chapter 1

I kick a stone in anger to calm me down from stress. But the rock gets revenge and bounces off a tree and hits me in the ankle. I grunt in the pain, and limp over to the tree that the rock bounced off.

I punch the tree for no reason, but acorns fall from it, landing on my head.

"NOTHING is going RIGHT today!" I exclaim.

More and more people have complained about missing people, supplies, literally parts of their house, (Like door knobs, exposed pipes, and mostly things that are metal.) and pets.

me and my friends have been searching for the person who did this for GOD knows how long. People looked up to us to help solve this mystery. we haven't got any sleep, and we feel like we're going insane.

I decided to stop throwing my anger at mother nature in the woods and go back to my home village Ko'Haxen. Maybe for food or something, it is like, lunchtime or something. I get agitated when I'm hungry.

"Why do I try?" I whisper to myself. "Why do they look up to me? I'm only 19! Er... I guess that's a big age..."

I grunt and shake my head to stop myself from thinking to hard. Sure, I am only a 19 year old girl who still has a fond for fun and games like a child. I would wander around my favorite forest, Qohrean, (Kho-reen) looking for adventure or climbing tree's, injuring myself, but I don't think people should look up to me and myfriends, honestly. (I don't know where I went with this)

as I was walking out, I tripped on something and landed straight on my face.

"OW!" I grunt. I push myself up and sit down to look at what I tripped on. something shined in the dry dirt. I pick the object up and look at it.

A pipe.

I think about looking at it for fingerprints, but this isn't the first item I stumbled on, there were others, but without fingerprints, so I doubt this one wouldn't have any either. But it's worth a shot.

I pull out my dust and brush, open the dust box, dab the brush in it and swipe the brush onto the shiny pipe. No fingerprints.

"Dang it!" I grunt and toss the pipe, shove the dust and brush into my pocket, forcefully, hug my knees and bury my face into them.

I feel a sharp stab of pain in my knee, making me flinch. I stop hugging my knees and look at one of them. I had a scrape that was bleeding a bit.

I mutter words as I pull out a bandage out of the small bag I carry around, and place and band-aid on my knee.

"Why am I so clumsy...?" I grunt, standing up. I attempt to walk again, tripping on something once more.

"GOSH--" I was just about to shout, but I look at what I tripped on again. a book. a black one with strange markings.

"What the...." I murmur, opening the book. It's all written with certain detail, describing word after word. I feel myself perk up. This could be useful...!

I shoot upwards, excited, and shoot out my wings to fly out of the forest to find my friends.

I'm actually happy I was clumsy.


 HELLO MY DRAGONS and THANK YOU for reading this first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! 

Really quick info on whats happening:

Saven and her friends are detectives in an old village called Ko'Haxen where they solve mystery's. A guy/girl has been taking important items from others, as if to build something.

another note that this is like a fairy tale, with magic, dragons, rulers, and all this stuff.

