Chapter 17 ° Preparation - Pt.2

He lunged towards me throwing a punch, in which I quickly dodged. That was close! "You can't afford to stop, even for a second!" He said spinning and raising his leg. Hos foot centimeters from my face, completly still. "Otherwise you're out for the count." He held his leg up, then lowered it down and stepping back.
"Yes sir. Sorry. I was just surprised at how fast you were. And you were holding back too!"
"Would you like me to go from level one?" He suggested with a kind smile.
"That may be best.." I said, slowly drifting off in embarrassment.
"No worries! We will go over some one on one fighting basics. Then slowly pick up speed and strength!"
"Deal!" I yelled, excited for this opportunity with the number one.
So there we trained, going over the basics. He was so understanding. So slow. So clear with his instructions. Let's do this!


"Hey, uh, Hisoka, right?" A strange voice sounded from behind Hisoka.
He turned away from his friends, and found an unfamiliar girl standing before him. "Umm, hi? Who's asking?" He said confused.
"The name is Yuki Machiko. I was wondering if you and I could train?"
'Go on bro, we can train with eachother. This may be good for you!'
"Alright. Let's find a spot." Hisoka said with a wide smile.
Off they walked, in a spot away from everyone else. Granted, Hisoka couldn't make things explode, he was unsure of this new girl.  "So, Yuki, what is your quirk?" He asked.
"Well that's simple!" She pulled out a die, and shook it in her hand. "If I roll a one, you won't be able to move from your spot for one minute!" She shouted happily, rolling her die. They both watched it closely, and wouldn't you know it, it landed on a one. Hisoka tried to move, but couldn't. His feet were, in a metaphorical term, cemented to the ground.
"What the heck?! That's awesome!"
"Tada!" She shouted. He die flying back into her hand. "Sadly, you will have to wait the full minute. I can't change the time."

Name: Yuki Machiko
Age: 15
Quirk: Chance
Description: The numbers on the die represent time an effect lasts. With a 95% chance of landing on her chosen number, Yuki can effectively make her subject do almost anything. She can not make one take their own life. However, if in that 5% chance Yuki chooses to land a 4, but gets any other number, whatever number she originally wanted, multiplies by the number shown. This is due to an injury caused at a young age while her quirk was developing. Normally, the backfire would last the same as the die face, but because of her injury, it's multiplied.
Example: "If I roll a 5, you'll go blind for 5 minutes!" The die lands on a 6, the effect backfires and multiplies. So, her initial 5 minute attack becomes a 30 minute self inflicted attack. Hence the name 'Chance'.

"Not to bad, huh?" She said as Hisoka started walking again. "The only think I can't do, is cause someone to kill themself, or someone else. But everything else is fine! Not that I will!" She quickly yelled, waving her hands out in front of her.
"I am glad that you chose to be a hero, holy crap." He said with a smile.
"So what can you do?" She asked.
"This." He held his finger out and shot a tiny pelet at her, causing her legs to stop moving. Similar to the example she showed him. "My quirk is Paralysis. I can either choose parts of the body I won't paralyzed, or choose the whole body. This goes for organs too. I can stop a heart if I wanted." He said a little ashamed of his quirk.
"I am glad you are a hero in the works then! You'll do great as a hero!" She said way to happily, her body going back to normal.
"Thanks, and uh, you too!" Hisoka replied. A nervous smile on his face.
"Okay! So you can go back to your friends now! I just wanted to see your quirk!" She said smiling. "I had a gut feeling about you. And I was right. See ya 'round, Hisoka." She said rather calmly, walking away.
"See ya." Hisoka replied.

Back with Mylo and Deku...

"Very good, Mylo! You definitely take after both of your parents!" Deku yelled with a proud smile. "You are a very quick learner. That will do you excellent wonders as a hero. And with that, you are ready to train by yourself." He said calmly.
"wait what?! Why?!" I shouted.
"You don't need me anymore. I mean, obviously I, and the others training you all, will keep checking on you, but you are good to go. You have your outifit, and you can clearly fight hand to hand, and hand to weapon. So, I'll just monitor." He said as he bowed.
I bowed down, a tear falling down my cheek. "Thank you for your help, Deku! Thank you!"

I found a quiet spot, and took a few minutes to not only catch my breath, but process my day so far. And although my costume was pure black, it was hella comfy. Oh well, at least now I can properly fight.
"Hey, Mylo!" It was Hisoka? I spun around and saw him standing there, a little puffed, but smiley as ever.
"Hey, dork." I said with a blush. "I am guessing you are here to, train?"
"Y- Yeah!" He said raising a fist into the sky. "If you wanted too?"
"We did agree on it earlier. Let's go." I said, getting into a fighting stance.
He threw a few pelets at me, and I quickly dodged. I grabbed his arm, swung him over me, but he landed. I forgot! He knows how to fight! He countered my move the moment his feet landed, and swung me around, almost slamming me into a tree. He stopped me only millimeters from its edge, then let me go once the momentum was gone. "One point for me!" He shouted.
"I forgot you knew how to fight okay!"
"Let's go again." He got into a stance, and so did I. Immediately, I went invisible, and starting sneaking.
"Very clever, however.." He placed his hands on the ground in a kneeling position, an essence escaping his skin.
What is happening?! I can't move!
"Found you." He walked over to me, and bopped my head lightly. My hody now unstuck. Embarrassed, I became visible again. "Two for me now. One more?" He asked in a surprisinly calm tone. He isn't a cocky winner. Good.
"Let's do it. One more round." I turned invisible again, and started running lightly. Being extra careful to not stand on druly leaves or sticks.
"This may be ober quickly then." He knelt down again and released the essence, but I countered, burning the atmosphere around me to expell his attack. I lept to him and became visible, grabbing his shoulders and pushing him down on the ground. Before he could paralize me, I raised my hand and opened it, my palm facing his face, beginning to spark.
"I win this one." I said with a smile.
He moved my hand out of the way and rolled me onto my back, thus placing him on top of me. We were close, our lips almost touching. Please.
"I still win, cutie." He said, hopping up and helping me to my feet.
"Let's do this every day, okay?"
"Okay!" He said happily.
