Chapter 15 ° Welcome Back

It's been about a week, maybe two, since Ojiro and Homura were stopped. It was pretty easy now that I think about it. They must not have thought logically. Only out of hatrid..
Hisoka and I were given clearance to attend school again, after the dorm was successfully rebuilt. Although it sucked for everyone to have things destroyed, we were all stoked to be back together again.
We said our goodbyes to our guardians, and repacked if we needed too. One by one, students arrived back at the dorm. The teachers assured everyone that the events that took place wouldn't happen again, we would all be safe. My parents knew that to be true; a lot did happen when they went to UA.

"Home sweet home." I said with a glad smile, hand in hand with Hisoka.
"It is good to be back." He said.
We stood at the front doors. Some people were still arriving, others were already acting like they never left. But someone was missing.
"Hey Hisoka? Do you know where Tim is?" He looked confused. "You know, the squirrel boy?"
"Oh! No I don't, sorry. Why? Isn't he here yet?" He said walking forward.
"Nah, not yet, maybe his parents wanted him to stay back a bit." I followed him towards the door, and we stepped inside. Everyone starting 'oooohing' towards us. Our hands!
Instead of pulling away, Hisoka merely wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head. "That's right. We are together. So what?" He said casually, before some people clapped, then they all looked away and did what they wanted.
"You aren't embarrassed to be with me?" I asked hopefully.
"Not at all. You are beautiful, and once you get to know you, very kind."
"Thank you." I said smiling. "Let's go see the rooms?"
"Of course!" He said happily, marching forth to the stairs. God, I'm dating a child. I laughed to myself, admiring his sense of humor. I followed him up the stairs, and found that he had already arrived at my room. He opened it once I gave a nod, and gasped. "Mylo? Look at this!"
I ran, and my eyes grew wide. Everything is exactly the same!
"How is this possible?! It blew up!" I said. "All my stuff is back!"
"Hey. There's a note on your bed."


You may all be wondering how your stuff has returned after the explosion, and to that we say simple; someone working under hero Uravity at her construction business, who specializes in disasters, has kindly offered his services and rewinded the destruction here. He did this free of charge, courtesy of Uravity herself. Afterall, this was her dorm too.

We hope you all get settled in nicely, and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Yours truly,

- UA Staff

"See, it's things like this that make me love the hero work! You get to meet so much people, and can help out in so many ways! This person helped us all, and he's only a construction worker! God bless him!" Hisoka said with a smile.
"You're adorable, now aren't you." I said happily, placing the note in one of my drawers. But when I looked back, I saw another note under the first. "Another note?" I asked.

Miss Mylo,

I personally wanted to apologise for my old friend's actions towards you. In school, he was a rolemodel student, and even after school, he would strive to be the best he could be. Sadly, that changed when his "crush" fell for Bakugo, your father.

Your parents have come to me to seek my business' help. I accepted of course, free of charge. Although your father wasn't always kind to me, he never hurt me. He always made sure his class was okay. I wanted to return the favour. So here we are.

We are all glad you made a full recovery, and we are all expecting big things from you.

Welcome back to UA. You'll make a great hero.


- Ochaco "Uravity" Uraraka

My eyes filled with tears, my heart picking up a faster beat. They fixed everything. All my stuff was back.
"Mylo, hey, you okay?"
"Y-Yeah! Yeah, sorry. I'm just happy that this has been done for us all."
"So am I." He grabbed me from behind and held me, swaying me gently. "Let's get through this together. How about it?" He said.
"That sounds good." I replied.
