Chapter 1

Three Years Later

The snow began to fall from the clouds and onto my black hoodie. I hated the snow, I saw it regularly everyday in the winter. My nose was red from my cold, and honestly I think I looked like a Gothic Rudolf. I preferred to go unnoticed by the werewolf community I was walking through. I knew my mate had to be looking for me. I was so afraid of what he was going to be like, but I was also excited to think of finding my true mate.

Walking as an unmarked female through a werewolf community, with many other unmarked males I might add, isn't exactly the smartest thing to do. If I can make it to my brothers house, I will be fine. My boyfriend is waiting for me as well, and trust me - he will attack if another guy even glances in my direction. He was surely not my mate, we both would have sensed it by now. But he loved me dearly and I did him.

I continued to make my way forward. The house was only about five minutes away. A couple weeks back, I was walking to a friends house. I had no idea there were wolves nearby, so I was completely startled when I was attacked and nearly marked. Marking without a connection is deadly and should be avoided at all costs. The only factor that concerned me was going through a dark alley to make it to Vince's house. We all know how that's going to go down, given I just elaborated on an attack story.

In most stories, my mate would appear to help when I'm in a dangerous situation, but this isn't Twilight. I am actually going to have to defend myself, because my mate does not watch me. No, he's probably partying. High standards, right? Well, I know whoever he was, he was going to have to be protective. I actually want that in a mate, because if I can walk all over him, it's not going to work.

I stopped at the alley and started a quickened pace. I was half way through and still heard nothing.

Could it be, I'm actually not going to be attacked? I just started to run like hell, but, of course, some idiot thrived scum bag decided to jump down from one of the buildings and block me. His eyes were golden, meaning he was letting his wolf control his actions. I could smell him up and down and he reeked of the pack house.

I decided to try and keep running, but he grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the wall. Before he even thought of speaking, I kicked him in the... private area.... as hard as I could. He fell to his knees, releasing me. I started running once again, and was quickly out of the alley. But that didn't stop me, I kept on running until I saw my brothers apartment. I banged on the door, trying to get control of my breath.

"Are you alright?" My brother looked panicked as I gasped for air.

"Yeah... I'm alive, aren't... I?" I was trying to calm my breathing patterns some so I could speak.

My boyfriend, Jake, stood in the doorway and took my hand to let me inside. My brother gave me apologetic look, like he should have let me in already.

"What happened?" Jake growled.

"It's not important," I tried to sooth him; he would go back there and beat that guy until he was dead.

"Don't give us that bullshit again! Erin, tell us what happened." My brother looked more concerned then Jake did.

"Vince, don't get so worked up. I ran here, did you ever think that maybe that's all?" They both shot me stubborn looks, saying they weren't going to buy it. "It's pretty cold outside," I continued, ignoring their annoyed glances. "And I decided to run so no one would have a chance to harm me."

Vince rolled his eyes. They looked as if they believed me a bit more and decided to drop the matter. "Okay, but if I find out you're lying..." Vince tried to threaten me, but that's just a joke.

"You'll what? Go tell mom? Dad? Jake? Honestly, even if I was lying, it doesn't matter who you tell." And this is my problem: not knowing when to shut up.

"Are you trying to imply something?" Jake's voice arose, agitated with the fact I wouldn't tell him anything.

"No. Baby, I would tell you," I rubbed his arm and his eyes had a hint of golden in them. I could comfort him no matter what, and I wouldn't mind being his mate.

I really didn't deserve Jake. I mean, I'm sitting here, lying through my teeth to a person that wants to protect me. Now don't jump to conclusions and think I'm just this awful person, I have a reason why I did that. I don't want him to get himself hurt. Lying is usually to help yourself, but I have only ever lied to him twice about minor stuff like this. He's my best friend, and yes, it breaks my heart to lie to him, but I would rather have a hurt feelings and a living boyfriend, then a broken heart with a dead boyfriend.

"Alright," he grumbled. Jake was so sexy when he would get worried or protective. I envied his mate; she was a lucky girl.

"So, what do y'all want for dinner?" I decided to change the subject completely and headed for the kitchen.

They both lit up at the mention of food. "I don't know, but cook quickly. We're starving!" Vince hollered from the den.

I opened the cabinets and decided on chicken and rice. I know it's basic, but they love it. I made a delicious sauce to go over all of it and set it on the table. The boys acted like they hadn't eaten in weeks when they reached the dinner table.

"It's delicious like always," Jake said with a mouth full of food.

"Good! Do you like it, Vince?"

He picked his head up from his plate and nodded. He had rice hanging on his cheek for dear life. I tried not to laugh, but he ignored my little snicker and continued to inhale the food. It was tasty, but not the best thing I've ever cooked. I love to cook and please people with the food I make. Jake and Vince never cared what they ate, as long as they're being fed.

I cleaned the kitchen and freshened up my hair and make-up in the bathroom. Vince and Jake were room mates in the local college. They decided to live in a werewolf community that was close to their school. I know what you're thinking, "She's seventeen and has a boy friend in college?" Well, yes is the answer. Jake is 22 and Vince is 24. They're both my closest friends and I would die for either of them.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw the channel quickly change, but I could hear what it was. Vince was blushing like crazy and Jake just got up and left. Were they actually watching Pretty Little Liars?

"Hey..." Vince was praying I didn't know, but it was quite obvious I did.

"Vince, were y'all really watching-"

"Yes!" He cut me off before I could finish. "The latest episode came on tonight. Don't call me gay or none of that shit because your boyfriend likes it too."

"Don't snitch! What the hell, don't tell her stuff like that. Babe, please. I don't watch dramas, that's way too girly for me." Jake looked worried as he reappeared in the den.

"Says the guy who cried when his favorite character got written off," Vince muttered under his breathe.

I began to laugh. "I think both of you are pretty pathetic, honestly. But the funny thing is, I don't even know what show it is. Y'all just admitted you watch some weird soap opera," I plopped down on the couch, looking at the two embarrassed boys.

"Kelsey's the one who got us hooked on it," Jake said nonchalantly.

Kelsey is my brother's ex-girlfriend. She drives me insane! She was using my brother for god knows what, and was trying to talk him into mating with her. She was rude to me, but loved Jake of course. Vince finally broke up with her last month, when he caught her making out with another guy in her class.

"Yeah, she did. It's actually pretty good, would you like to watch it with us?" Vince tried to sound optimistic.

"Give me the remote, please." Vince handed me the remote, curious to see what I would do. It was Sunday, so I put it on Professional Football. "You see, this is what I like to watch."

"You mean you like to gawk at Tom Brady?" Vince and I laughed at his remark, but Jake took it way to serious.

"Is that what you do? You stare at other men? I felt kinda bad for thinking my favorite character was an attractive girl, but now I don't care at all. I can't believe that's what you do." Jake was seriously pissed off.

"Jake, that's not what I do. That's what most girls do, so Vince made a joke. I don't even think he's very attractive, and looking at him is not some desire of mine. I watch football because I love the sport! I was the only female player in Middle School, but everyone wanted me because I was so good." I tried to put Jake at ease, which helped a little.

"Alright, I believe you. I'm sorry I got so worked up, I just thought that what you really did on Sunday's."

"Oh, please. If I want someone to gawk at I can look at you." I pulled Jake over to me and made him sit with me. Vince made gagging noises at my statement and we both laughed. I glanced up at the TV, quickly noticing that my team had the ball. "Go!!!" I quickly stood up screaming.

The Saints were playing today and were about to make a touch down. Jake and Vince ignored my hooping and hollering while they watched the game as well.

"Erin, what quarter is this?" Vince sounded like a whining child.

"Uh, fourth. Vince, you know how to tell what quarter it is," I laughed.

"Our show is almost over, can we look at it during the commercials?"

Reluctantly, I handed him the remote and made a displeased face. Watching shows like that get on my last nerve. They're too dramatic for me. If you have a problem with someone, fight it out. Don't just go tell the person's friends about how mad you are, that's stupid. I started to realize how messed up this picture was. There were two boys begging to watch a soap opera and a girl begging to watch sports. That's not right.

"I swear if the Saints win while we're watching this show... I will kill both of you," they ignored my threat and tried to catch up on what they missed by reading what others had posted on twitter.

"Oh my god, did you see that coming, Jake?" Vince was in awe, transfixed by the TV.

"It's a commercial break, can we flip back to real TV - I mean, the football game?"

Vince shot me a dirty look and skimmed the channels. Mark Ingram had the ball in his hands, running for a touchdown in the last 3 seconds.

"Run!! Go Ingram! Sack him!" my voice was in a high-pitch squeal as I yelled for them to win. They did win, and I did a victory lap as well. I was ecstatic while the boys covered their ears in pain.

"All that yelling isn't necessary, Erin," Jake looked at me in pain.

"Oh, sorry. I'm just so happy!" I jumped up and down and looked at all the people on TV who were just as happy as I was. "Okay, go back to your drama." I told them after I calmed down.

"Thank you," Vince quickly changed the channel.

I live in Chicago and was born in New Mexico, so no one knows why I like the Saints. They were my favorite team for as long as I could remember.

After they finished their awful show, we decided to go to bed. I slept on the couch. Yes, I have enough decency to sleep alone. I mean Jake and I cuddled, so to speak, until I got hot and then I made him leave.

"Hey Jake," I mumbled half sleep.

I heard a "yeah," escape from his room.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Erin," his voice was so sweet to me, it made my heart flutter. Sometimes I wonder if we actually might be mates.

An irritated grumble from Vince's room was louder than both of us, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I love you Vince," I finally said. I could hear him gasp at my words.

"W-what? I mean, I-I love... you too... Erin," his voice was so cute and innocent, like a little kid. Spreading the love to my brother was rare, but it shouldn't of been.


The next morning came and I rolled off the couch. I glanced up at the alarm and it flashed 6 a.m. I wanted to lie there on the floor, but I decided to cook breakfast instead. For them, I cooked ham and eggs, for me I just ate some Fruity Pebbles. They're my favorite on the weekends. I sat the boys' food on table, and within minutes, no seconds, they were at the table eating what I had prepared for them.

"Why are you such a great cook? Once Vince made us breakfast and I almost puked," Jake laughed as Vince made an upset face.

"Like you're any better! You're food taste like death," Vince mocked back.

I laughed at them. They're already bickering like an old couple and isn't even 7 a.m.

"You guys would be the perfect old couple," I finally blurted out.

"There is only one person I want to grow old with," Jake pulled me over to him. "I say, let's screw trying to find our real mates and let's go ahead..." He started to breathe on my neck and shoulder, right where my mate would mark me.

I won't deny it. Having Jake as my mate would be a dream come true, but I know that cannot happen.

"Jake," I interrupted his thoughts and pushed him away. "You know that can't be. At times I feel like we could be mates, but then I know that some other girl is meant to enjoy you and another man is to be with me."

He growled at the thought of another male touching me. "No," he replied roughly.

I jumped out of his arms. If I didn't move fast, I knew he would have bitten my shoulder right then.

"What the hell? Jake, no. We are not about to go through this again." The nightmares of his first attempt to mate with me were flooding through my mind.

Vince grabbed his arm and pulled him away. "Jake, don't."

Jake's eyes were completely golden. "Do you know how hard it is to try and be a good boyfriend to you and actually never touch you? I have wanted to be with you for so long, but if you ever feel like I'm about to make a move you turn to Vince and run away from me. You don't realize how bad it hurts me, Erin. I love you, more than anything. For me, you are my true mate."

I didn't let him finish. Sappy shit like that makes me mad. "Jake, shut up. You know I'm not your real mate, you admitted it! If you don't think that we can only be this, then maybe we should just be friends, if that," I mumbled the last part, but I knew he heard me with his sharp hearing.

"No! That's not what I want. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Here came the apologies. I only heard this part and tuned out the rest.

"Jake, we run around in circles doing the same thing over and over again. This right here is nothing new to either of us. Don't blame yourself, you didn't do wrong. You're wolf did. Jake, we cannot see each other anymore. I'm sorry."

He looked so broken inside. I'm an awful person. What did I just do? I crushed the one person who means the most to me, but honestly it was my inner wolf that told me to do it. Usually when I have weird feelings like that, it's best to do what I feel, because they end up saving me from potential harm.

"I'm so sorry Erin. I didn't mean to hurt you," his voice was shaking and my heart ached for him.

"I'm sorry too, Jake. I guess I should go now."

My Fruity Pebbles were all mushy, so I didn't bother to mess with them. I threw them away and walked out the door after telling Vince goodbye.

Where am I off to now? God only knows. I pulled out my phone to see eleven missed calls and fifteen text messages from Isabella. I started laughing at all the stupid things she had sent me. My thoughts were quickly interrupted when I was knocked onto the ground

What the fuck?! I don't know who just shoved me onto the snow, but their about to eat a fist full of it. I smirked at my cheesy remark in my mind. I finally met a gaze with a beast of a man. My 'smirk' quickly went away.

Oh shit, I take that back! That's the alpha and his jack-ass sons. God I hate everyone standing in front of me. Are his sons his body guard's or something?

The alpha was a middle aged man that was very arrogant. One of his sons started to glare at me because I didn't apologize fast enough. I smiled at him. The rebel in me won and so I decided to have a stare-off and not say a word.

"You're in my way." The alpha spoke in a gruff voice. It made me shiver down my spine, but I didn't back down.

Apparently I didn't move fast enough either, so one of his sons picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. I would have been fine with him moving me out of the way, but the boy was going for the woods. right as I was about to scream, his hand covered my mouth. I bit him, but he just grunted and continued to walk forward. I kicked, punched, squirmed but had to success. His grip was impossible to escape. Panic truly set in when I couldn't see anyone or anything other than the never ending brush we were entering.
