
Once Keira got home she had dinner watched some more TV with her grandma then 

went to sleep so that way she could well rested for her grandma's surprise birthday 

bash tomorrow


today was the Big day. Keira was so excited because today was going to be her grandma's 

70th birthday. So at 9:00 she got up out of bed and ran downstairs to the kitchen to make her 

grandmother some breakfast "Hmm what should I make her" Keira thought then she 

remembered that she's really good at making omelets and pancakes so Keira decided to 

make her grandma Sally an omelet along with some pancakes. So she took out the pancake 

batter, mixed it together,  then put it on a pan let it bubble and flipped it over, put in the oven 

and made her  grandmother 2 small pancakes. Then she also made her grandma a nice fluffy 

omelet. Meanwhile her grandma was just getting up when Keira came to the guest room and 

knocked on the door "grandma" "yes?'' she said "I made you something" she handed her a

plate of a omelet and pancakes along with her mothers homemade orange juice "aww how 

sweet breakfast in bed Oh thank you dear " her grandmother gave her a hug "Oh thank you"

"no problem" said Keira then she went to go take a shower then when she got out she changed

into this outfit ⬇

Then after Keira was finished changing she went downstairs to go eat her breakfast 

that she made herself. As she was almost finished she saw her mom's car and her 

dad's car pull up in the driveway then her dad came into the house "hi dad" 

"hey Keira" he said then Keira put her plate in the sink when she was finally done

as she looked at her dad grabbing the Baked chicken, the green bean casserole, 

and mashed potatoes out the fridge. "Oh Keira can you grab that cake over on 

the lef counter and go put it in the car?" "ok" then she grabbed the cake and 

went outside to go put in the car. Meanwhile her mom came into the house 

to get some more stuff "did you get Chicken and the casserole?" she asked 

"yup and the Mashed potatoes but there's the fruit and desert platter in the 

fridge and Keira got the cake" "okay" said Keira's mom. Her dad came outside

to the car "ok got it" said Keira "alright now Keira your mother and I are gonna

be coming back and forth getting things to set up your grandma Sally's party

so can you keep her occupied till we're finished?" "sure" "thanks honey" he 

said "no problem" said Keira then her mom came outside with more things 

to put into her car "ahh there we go" she said  "Keira I'll let you know when 

 it's time to go ok?" "Alright dad" said Keira "Alright" then her mom and dad

got in their cars and drove off. Meanwhile Keira went upstairs to the guest 

room "Hey grandma" she said "oh hello dear" "you finished with your 

breakfast?" "yes but I heard some noises what's going on down there?"

"Oh I was just washing dishes but hey can you tell me that story of how

you won that horse race?" "ok well..." said her grandma Sally then she 

started telling her the entire story. Then once she was almost finished 

there was a knock at the door "Keira, Mom you guys ready to go?" 

it was Keira's dad "I am" said Keira "ok now Alex dear where are

we are we going?" "you'll see" said Keira's dad then Keira and grandma

Sally put on their shoes and jackets and went outside and got inside 

the car As Keira's dad drove them to the park where grandma Sally's

party was. Once they finally arrived Keira covered her grandma eyes 

as they walked to where the party "ok" said Keira "1, 2, 3" then 

she uncovered her grandma's eyes and everyone shouted "SURPRISE!"

Grandma Sally was shocked then everyone started singing "Happy 

birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Sally 

Happy birthday to you cha cha cha Yayy" "Oh my gosh" said 

grandma Sally flattered "you guys did all this for me?" 

"sure did" said Keira's dad "oh thank you so much" then she 

hugged Keira and her parents Then Keira went to go sit 

down at  the tables they had set up as she saw her 2 best friends

Chase Keith, and Luan Young siting together "Luan! Chase!"

"Keira!" they both said then the both of them go up and hugged

her "glad you guys could make it" "we are too Keira" said Chase

"howya guys been?" "I've been good" said Luan "things have 

been good yknow everything's chill" said Chase being kinda

silly Keira laughed "what about you?" Luan asked "I've been 

okay" "how's Darwin Hill?" "oh yeah I remember you telling me

you go there now" said Chase "yeah it's been good made a 

few friends there" "Cool" said Luan then Grace came and 

joined them "Hey Keira" "Grace hey you made it" "yup"

she said with a smile "Chase, Luna this one of my friends 

from Darwin Hill Grace" "Hi" said both Luan and Chase 

"nice to meet you" said Grace "but I haven't been at 

this park in years" said Luan "really?" said Grace "yup"

"yeah me neither it looks so different now" "I know right"

then Keira's dad said "ok everybody, who wants some cake?"

everyone excitedly agreed. As everyone was enjoying the 

cake Lynn and Mackenzie showed up "hey Keira sorry 

we're late we had tennis practice and then Mackenzie 

took super long getting ready" "Oh yeah and it's not like

you didn't take forever?" "Well you criticized my shirt

twice" "Guys Guys calm down just glad you could make 

it" said Keira then she handed them both a slice of cake

"thanks" they both said "now c'mon let me introduce you

to my friends" then Keira called out Chase and Luan's 

names "guys this is my other friend Lynn her and her cousin

 Mackenzie and they also go Darwin Hill" "oh Hi" said 

Chase "Wait are you Chase Keith that famous guy on Tik 

Tok" "yes" said Chase "Oh my gosh I Like your videos 

It's so great to meet you" "Nice to meet you too"

said Chase "Keira I didn't know you knew celebrities"

"well I know lots of peeps" said Keira then Mackenzie 

laughed and she started eating her cake. Once everybody

was finished with their food and cake they all gave grandma 

Sally the presents they got her "Oh wow price is right shirt I

love that show thank you so much Chase" "No problem Sally

 anything for Keira's old timer" "aww and this is a gift from 

sherelle thank you sherelle" "Your welcome sally" "And some 

earrings who got me these?" "we did" said Lynn and Mackenzie

"oh you're my granddaughter's friends oh thank you so much"

"well you did something nice for us so we thought we'd do 

something nice for you in return" "oh thank you so much" said 

grandma Sally. Then After  everyone was done giving their gifts

to grandma Sally they all hung out and listen and danced to music

and ate more food till sunset. After the party was over everybody 

went home and Keira and her parents put everything back in the 

car and drove it home. Then Once they got home grandma Sally

packed her bags and got ready to go  "I'm gonna miss you Grandma"

 said Keira then they all hugged each other. "Well your flight will be here

 in 30 minutes c'mon mom" "okay bye Sherelle , bye honey" "bye" they

 both said then Keira's dad and Grandma sally got inside the car as Keira's

dad drove her  to the airport. Then Keira had realized she had forgot

 all about the tutor tomorrow so she picked out her outfit, ate dinner and

 went straight to bed so she could be ready for school

