Part 19


It was 7:20 in the Morning and Keira was just waking up. Then she went to go 

take a shower and when she came out she changed into this outfit ⬇

Then after she was done getting ready Keira Brushed her hair and teeth, then she went 

downstairs grabbed a granola bar went outside and got into the car as her mom drove

her to school. Once they arrived she said bye to her mom "bye" said Keira's mother then 

she drove off. Keira went inside but as soon as she did she again saw a bunch of kids 

talking about the school dance and getting tickets. Keira rolled her eyes "oh God" she 

said "not this again" then she saw August "hey Keira" "hey girl" "so are going to the

school dance on Friday" "no I don't think so" "why not?" August asked "because first 

of all I can't even find a date" "yeah me neither" said August "but maybe we can just 

try to find somebody at the dance" "August I don't just wanna go with anybody I wanna

go with somebody special" "You mean like Joe" Keira blushed "well... pretty much yeah"

"Oooo" said August then Keira gave her a small light punch in the arm "shut up" she 

said August laughed as they both walked to class. Meanwhile Grace was walking to 

her english class when all of a sudden she got stopped by Jason "hey" Grace blushed

"Oh umm hi Jason uhmm how are doing I mean how are you doing sorry" "it's okay

and I'm fine but I wanna ask you something" "yeah" "well yknow how you said you 

didn't have a date to the dance" "yeah why?" Grace asked "well uhh... I was wondering

 if uhmm...." said Jason blushing slightly "yes?" said Grace "if maybe you wanted to be my 

date" Grace smiled "REALLY!?" she said with excitement "yeah" "YES JASON I'LL BE YOUR

DATE- I mean yeah sure why not" "ok.... great I'll pick you up at 6" "Alright bye" "bye"

then Jason walked away as Grace went to her english class.


It was Lunch time and Keira went to go sit with August and Lynn "hey guys"

she said "hey Keira" said Lynn "so did you guys find dates to the school dance

yet?" "no not yet" said August "I mean I tried asking that kid I told you guys 

about in my P.E class that I thought was cute" "oh you mean Gary?" said Lynn 

"yeah" said August "how'd that go?" "no too great he ended up telling me 

he was already going with somebody else" "Oof" said Lynn "yeah" said August

"what about you Keira did you find a date to the dance yet?" "no I'm actually

not going" "why not?" Lynn asked "meh I just don't want to this time" "but 

you did for the Valentines day dance when you with umm... Stanely" "oh yeah"

said Keira "but that was then" "but what if Joe's going though" said August 

"he's not" said Keira "how come?" "I dunno he just said that he didn't want 

to so" "ahh that's why" said Lynn "no it's not" said Keira "uhh.. yeah right" 

said August then Grace came over to sit with them with this HUGE smile

on her face "hey guys" she said "hey Grace" said Lynn "wait a minute"

 said August "I Know what that Look means 😏" "what?" said Grace 

"what happened?" said Lynn "oh nothing nothing" said Grace "C'mon 

tell us" "Ok fine" said Grace then she took a deep breath and said 

"Jason Waud asked me to be his date to the dance" everyone went 

into complete shock "wait... wait... WHAT!?" said Keira "OMG" said Lynn 

"I don't believe it" "Jason Waud the most popular kid in the 9th grade 

Grace you lying" "August I'm serious" "you serious?" "yes" "for real?"

"yes" "WHOA WHAT!?" said August "I'm so happy for you" said Lynn 

 "Lucky I wish Joe asked me to the dance because he said he's not

going" said Keira "he's not?" "no" "Aww well I'm sure you'll find 

somebody" "yeah Grace is right" said August "and you know you 

don't need a date in order to have fun" "yeah we can just all go as a

friend group" "wait that's actually a great Idea" said Grace "yeah"

said August "I'm down" said Lynn "what about you Keira you in?"

"uhh... sure" "ok great so we'll see ya at the dance" "ok" said 

Keira. Once lunch was over Keira finished the rest of her classes 

and when school was finally over her dad came to pick her up "so

how was school?" he asked "fine dad" said Keira then her dad drove

home the car ride home was a little bit silent but when Keira got home

she saw her mom sitting on the couch watching TV "hi honey how was

it today?" "fine but mom I wanna ask you something" "what is it?"

her mom asked "well I wanna go to the school dance with my friends 

this Friday and so before they're all gone I was wondering if maybe you

could get me a ticket tomorrow" "ok" said her mom "but" said her dad

coming into the conversation "stay with your friends don't go wander

off with boys got it?" "yeah" said Keira. Then the next day after school

when her mom came to pick her up she went and got the ticket for 

the dance. Then Keira tried looking in her close to find a dress to wear

but couldn't find one and the one she did find and thought was it

didn't fit anymore so she decided to go to the mall with her mom and buy

some dresses for the dance. Then Keira found a cute white flower dress

that was very pretty and on sale so she decided to buy it. Then after

she found her dress Keira was all ready to go for the dance.


It was Finally the day of the Dance and Keira was a little nervous but

she took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Then she went to

go take a shower and when she got out she changed into this 

outfit ⬇

Then After Keira was Done getting dressed she brushed her hair and her teeth 

and then went outside and saw that her dad was taking her to school again "What 

is this some kind of new Friday routine?" She said to herself but she just got in the car 

 her dad this time drove her to school. When Keira finally made it to school she got out

the car and told her dad goodbye "bye" he said then he drove off to his Job as Keira 

went inside. When she came in she noticed that everything was back to normal and not

a whole bunch of people were in the halls like they were all week "huh? odd these 

halls were filled were people but oh well it was starting to get on my nerves anyway"

said Keira then she went straight to her science class 


Then after Keira was Done with all her Classes it was Lunch. Keira went 

to go sit with her friends "so ya'll excited about the dance tonight" 

said Keira sitting down "yup" said August "I got my cute new dress 

and everything "ok you guys are gonna need some toast when you

see the dress I'm gonna be wearing because ya'll are gonna be Jeli"

"ohh really?" said Keira "yup" said Lynn "ok gurl let's see" "I'm 

telling you" said Lynn "mhmm okay let's see" said Keira then they

all started laughing then Grace came and sat next to Keira "hey

Keira ready to get down tonight" "oh am I?" said Keira with a smile

"but uhh... Lynn over here talking about we gonna be Jealous of her

outfit at the dance" "yeah right" said Grace then Lynn began laughing

"I'm trying to tell ya'll you guys are gonna be Jeli nah I'm kidding"

then they all started laughing again. Then after Lunch was over 

Keira finished the rest of school and when it was time to go Keira's

mom picked her up and she went home to get ready. Keira decided

to take another shower since in her P.E class she had to do a lot of 

running and she didn't want to smell but when she got out of the

shower she changed into this dress and these shoes ⬇

Then after she put on her dress and shoes she was looking in the mirror 

seeing if she liked it when her phone buzzed she went and looked at 

the message and saw she had gotten a text from Joe and this is what 

it said ⬇

JOE'S TEXT: Sup Keira

KEIRA'S TEXT: Oh Hey Wassup

JOE'S TEXT: Nothing Much I'm Actually kind of

Bored and I was wondering if maybe you were

Free to do anything

KEIRA'S TEXT: sorry I'm not I'm going to the

dance tonight


KEIRA'S TEXT: Yeah so I gotta

go get ready but maybe we can hang out tomorrow 

JOE'S TEXT: Nah I'm Gonna be busy with




JOE'S TEXT: *Sigh*


KEIRA'S TEXT: Oh wow umm Nice Pic 😶

JOE'S TEXT: Thanks I just Posted it on My snapchat 😆

KEIRA'S TEXT: But I love your Hoodie where did you

Get it?

JOE'S TEXT: Always again USA

KEIRA'S TEXT: cool it looks cute on you

KEIRA'S TEXT: I mean umm.... 😶😶 forget about

That text

JOE'S TEXT: ok...

KEIRA'S TEXT: but look I really have to go so

I'll talk to you later

JOE'S TEXT: ok Bye Keira Have Fun at The dance

Then After Keira was done Texting Joe she grabbed her Jacket and 

was all ready to go. So she told her mom and her mom got ready to

go as well and drove her to the dance. 
