Your Gonna Be An Uncle

One day Starscream was visiting with his family his sister Solarflare her husband Skyfire and his neice Starshine.

"So Mom can you tell me how did you find out you were gonna be a Mamma?" Asked Starshine.

Starscream, Solarflare and Skyfire all looked at each other and decided to tell Starshine the story of how they found out they were going to have her the first sparkling in a long time.


Solarflare was in the bathroom purging her tanks. (throwing up.) And when she was done called her best friend Sunray who she also consider a sister.

And told her about what was going on knowing as a medic she could help.

"Are there anymore conditions you've been having?" Asked Sunray.

"Well my spark has been sore for sometime now and my energy and energon levels have been draining faster then they should." Solarflare explained.

"Can you come over for an examination of your spark and have your sparkmate come with you." Asked Sunray.

"Sure see you in a bit." Solarflare replied.

"See you in a bit." Sunray answered. Then the two hung up on each other and Sunray went to prepare the medbay hoping what she was thinking was true.

Then Knock Out came in.

"Hey Sunray can we talk?" He asked her.

But she just glared at him. She was still mad at him for a mean prank he pulled by putting a live scraplet in her medical office while she was taking care of Tigers Eye after he springed his tail.

"Frag off." She told him.

"I'm really sorry about what I did." He apologized. "Is there anyway I can make it up to you?"

Then Sunray thought about what was going on with Solarflare and that she would need help examining her.

"Yes you can help me with an examination I'm preparing for Solarflare." She told the red medic.

"Sure I'd be happy too." He replied. "So what's going on with Solarflare?"

"I can't say until I'm 100% sure that it's true." She told him.

Just then Solarflare and Skyfire came in. And Sunray told Solarflare to take a seat and the seeker femme obeyed.

And Sunray got to work examining her spark. And after getting a good look at it almost screamed in excitement. While Knock Out's moth dropped to the floor.

"What's going on with me that has you both so shocked?" Asked Solarflare.

Then Sunray should her why they were so excited for her next to her spark a smaller one showed up she was carrying a sparkling.

Solarflare and Skyfire we're both overjoyed that they were going to be parents of the first sparkling in a long time.

Then Tigers Eye, RazorJaw and everyone except Starscream came in and asked what was going on. And they all congratulated them once they told them the good news.

"Should I go get Starscream and tell him that he's gonna be an uncle?" Asked Knock Out.

"Actually I wanna surprise Starscream so do you think you can keep him busy for awhile while we put together a little party so he'll be surprised at what's going on?" She asked the cherry colored mech.

"Sure this will be fun." Thought Knock Out.

Later Knock Out was trying to keep Starscream busy and away from Solarflare long enough for her to get the party ready.

He decided to get the seeker to watch a horror movie marathon with him. They they played video games for awhile.

Knock Out didn't dare ask the seeker to race him being a jet gave him an unfair advantage as the Austin Martin had learned the last time he tried to race the seeker.

Then it was time for the party so Knock Out got Starscream to go with him and Starscream was confused wondering who's party it was.

"Who's the party for?" Starscream asked Solarflare when he saw her.

"Look around and try to guess." She told her little brother.

"Ok she's up to something." Starscream thought now feeling suspicious. Solarflare only acted like this if she was up to something.

He looked around and saw some bottles and rattles and other things that were meant for sparklings. And was feeling even more confused.

Until he found a card that said. "Hello Uncle it's nice to meet you."

Then a smile cross the seeker's face and his wings flurttered a bit as the realization came to him.

Then he looked at his sister having come to his conclusion.

"So does this mean?" He asked with a smile on his face that looked close to tears of joy.

"We're having a baby." Solarflare and Skyfire told him.

Then Starscream cheered for joy and hugged his big sister and friend.

(Flashback ends.)

Starshine was impressed by how her mother could make even small things like her seem very big.

Then she put her helm on her mother's chest and heard not just her Mom's spark but the sparks of her soon to be younger siblings as well.

The End.

This story was a request from my friend hannahconkle  Starshine, Solarflare, Sunray, Tigers Eye and RazorJaw all belong to her and this story was her idea. I just wrote it. You should definitely check out her work when you get a chance it's really great.
