Stage Fight

It was just another day for the Autobots they had been invited to Griffin Rock for a celebration.

And Starscream and Knock Out's human friends Shayna and DeAnn had both been asked to sing. And both girls were nervous.

"Don't worry Soundwave and I worked on this for you two all night." Knock Out said handing both girls earbuds.

"They will help block out the sound of the crowd so you two can focus on the music." Soundwave added. "And I'll be displaying the lyrics on my screen so just look at that and you'll both be fine."

"OK we'll try." Said DeAnn who seemed to be the more nearvus of the two.

"You'll do great." Starscream told her. Wanting to reassure his human partner. Then she and Shayna went back to get ready.

"Talk about pathetic there's no way that glitch will be able to put on a good show." Said Megatron.

"What did you say?" Asked Starscream as his optics glowed brighter red then usual as sparks started flying from the side of his helm.

Meanwhile DeAnn and Shayna had started performing.

When all of a sudden there was a chrash which do to the earbuds neither girl noticed.

But everyone else could see Starscream and Megatron fighting right behind where the stage was.

Megatron started to hit Starscream but much to everyone's surprise Starscream dodged grabbed Megatron's servo and bend it backwards.

Then ripped the wires out of his fission cannon. And then everyone heard a scream.

"Why did Starscream scream just now?" Asked Bumblebee.

"That wasn't Starscream." Said Knock Out not being able to believe it.

Then Megatron took off in a terrified sprint. With Starscream right behind him. While both girls continued to sing having no idea what was happening behind them.

"We have to stop this before Shayna and DeAnn get hurt!" Knock Out added.

Then they all rushed behind the stage to where Megatron was running for his life and screaming like a girl while Starscream was hot on his tailpipe.

Soundwave ran over to try to defend Megatron only to have Starscream grab him by the tentacles. Then the seeker started beating Megatron with Soundwave who he was swinging by his tentacles then tossed aside.

Then Optimus Prime tried to break it up only for Starscream to kick him in the leg and force him to limp away.

Then Ratchet and Bumblebee both tried to grab the seeker only to have him jump over them causing them to hit each other.

Then he dodged Bulkhead in a way that make him knock himself out. Knock Out who was about to intervene put his servos up and backed off not wanting his paint damaged.

But saw what the problem was.

"What's gotten into Starscream anyway?" Asked Bumblebee.

"It's not his fault I don't think he even knows what he's doing I noticed sparks coming from his helm I think he's literally blown a fuse!" Knock Out explained to everyone.

Meanwhile Megatron was still running in fear and screaming like a girl while Starscream continued to chase after and rip into him like a scraplet.

Megatron had never seen the seeker this angry before and it had him completely freaked out.

Starscream shot his missiles at Megatron who was then reduced to a crawl and tried to get away only for Starscream to grab his ankles and drag him back.

Then flipped the warlord over him. A feet no one knew how the seeker had been able to accomplish.

Then Arcee tried to intervene only to be tossed at and actually bounced off Megatron.

"Starscream please have mercy!" Megatron was now pleading and even had tears of fear in his optics.

The seeker just hissed and growled at him in response.

"Please Starscream I'll make it up to you my intentions are true!" Megatron continued. "I'll do anything look into my spark!"

"PLEASE DON'T TERMINATE ME!!!" Megatron continued to yell at the seeker in terror as his frame trembled. "PLEASE STARSCREEAM!!!" "I BEG OF YOU!!!"

The seeker continued to beat Megatron until the former warlord was barely conscious then he held him by the neakcables.

But that was when Knock Out rushed over and used his energon prob on Starscream then he and Ratchet fixed the damaged fuse.

In zapping Starscream they also stunned Megatron who got a jolt from Knock Out's prob to since Starscream was holding his throat when he was zapped.

Then Ratchet and Knock Out both proudly announced that Starscream would be fine when he came too.

"What made him mad enough to blow a fuse anyway?" Asked Bumblebee.

"I may have called DeAnn a glitch." Megatron admitted.

"No wonder then." Said Knock Out. "Don't expect me to fix you this time."

"Then Ratchet will repair me." Megatron replied. "Right?"

"I'm thinking." Ratchet said. "OK I'll do it on the condition you don't bad month the humans anymore."

"Lesson learned." Megatron agreed.

Just then the girls who had just finished singing came to see what had been going on.

"Your guys were right they loved us." Said Shayna. "And the earbuds did help but Soundwave disappeared on us but we didn't get lost so it's cool."

"I'm sorry I had more pressing matters to deal with." Soundwave apologized.

"It's fine." DeAnn added. "But what we neither one can figure out is the people who were watching us sing kept saying how much they loved our singing and how it went so well with the awesome background event."

"Yeah something about the cybertronian doing a mock battle royale that Starscream won only to be taken down by Knock Out." Shayna added. "What happened anyway?"

"Just a little spat but we're all fine now." Ratchet explained.

"Yes we're just peachy." Megatron deadpanned from the ground because Ratchet hadn't started fixing him just yet.

"Wow what happened?" Asked Starscream who had just come too not remembering what happened after telling DeAnn she would do great.

"Is Megatron taking up being a gladiator again?" He added seeing how beat up the Mech was.

Then Knock Out convinced Starscream to go watch a movie with him.

"What did happen to you Megatron?" Asked Shayna.

"Starscream just beat the scrap out of me." He replied.

"Really?" She said in shock having heard of all the time the seeker had been beaten up by the former leader of the Decepticons and having trouble believe he had beat up Megatron this time.

"Wow good for Starscream!" Said DeAnn. "Oh so sorry." She quickly added seeing how embarrassed Megatron looked. Then he heard her go. "Yes!" As she walked away.

Right before Miko who had been watching from the stands with Jake and Raff ran over to DeAnn and Shayna and told the she saw the whole thing and it was awesome and she recorded it on her phone and would show it to them and everyone else at base.

Megatron just facepalmed not having an ounce of dignity left.

The next day after Starscream found out what he did he kept apologizing to everyone. And they all told him it was okay and wasn't his fault since he blew that fuse and wasn't in control.

Then Megatron approached the seeker in the hallway.

"Oh no payback time!" Thought Knock Out who was with the Starscream at the moment.

But much to their surprise Megatron bowed in front of the seeker kissed his peds. Then gave him a cube of energon that he put a little umbrella in.

"Why thank you." Starscream told him.

"Anything for you master." Megatron told the seeker before going back to his berthroom.

"What was that about?" Asked Knock Out.

"I don't know Megatron has been being really nice to me all morning." Starscream explained.

And then Knock Out had to hide a smirk knowing that Megatron was being nice because of the beat down he had gotten from the Starscream the day before and wanted to get on the seeker's good side.

"About time he got a little taste of his own medicine." Knock Out thought to himself. Thrilled that Starscream had beat the scrap out of Megatron for once after everything the warlord had done to him during the war.

And it hadn't even been brought on by anything Megatron had done to the seeker but because Starscream was standing up for DeAnn. Which was what made him blow a fuse hearing Megatron insult her.

Knock Out was proud of his best friend for being protective of his human partner. Starscream had come a long way.

The End.

Hope you like this one shot. The song in the header is one I heard on RWBY that I think fits Starscream and Megatron perfectly. Not only did it inspire this one shot but it's the song DeAnn and Shayna are supposed to be singing just imagine it playing during the fight. XD
