
Hello again dear reader. What do you think about those expressions people often use when they mean to tell you to "Mind your own business"?. I am sure we all find them quite expressive.

There are two main ways these words can be interpretted. The first which is more common is the defensive exclamation that you can mostly comprehend through the tone in which this words were uttered in. In this manner, the expression is mostly just a defensive barrier orchestrated to hinder the onslaught of suspicion that already risen. The second way of interpretation when it comes to these words, is the warning kind. In this particular case, these words are not more about the defence of the behaviors exhibited already but as a way to bluntly express the boundaries in which another party or individual is mostly likely crossing without having a proper invitation to do so.

Now before we even begin to think of a solution, we must know of the problem in the first place. Minding our own personal business is not the issue many people are facing, it is rather the opposite of this behaviour. It is "Minding other people's business" that is an issue here. Fixation and obsession are some of the very common effects that can be resulted from this behavioural pattern if indulged in for a prolonged period of time. Once the effects start to manifest, it is then that an outside party can tell that this behavioural pattern exists in an individual but by then, it is also mostly impossible for anyone else but the individual to change it. And seeing how that particular individual has indulged it for as long as they have, they often find it quite difficult to overcome. Which is why we must always be alert to our behavioral patterns as they are being created.

Now before we start going about our days without any sort of consideration outside of ourselves, we must acknowledge how crucial and sometimes beneficial it can be to know who and what we surround ourselves with. We can do this by collecting as much information as possible so as to help us make better decisions, not only for ourselves but also for those around us. So on that note, we can tell that we need some level of information to go on about our daily lives but we also need to prevent being noisy. The way to do this is to simply analyze the relationship between you and the person you intend to find information about, then use that a base for the sort of information you will be collecting about that person. This way you can find a healthy balance between having the information you need verses all the information you can gather on that person.

As always Live Well and do it Boldly.
