Defining the Past.

Hello my dear reader. How do you see yourself in the next few decades or so? Is it perhaps somewhere that far exceeds your current situation? It most probably is someone who are not today. It is absolutely normal and even predictable for an individual to have a certain level pf ambition that far exceeds their current livelihood.

Maybe the previous decades or so version of the person you used to be, could only dream to get where you are today. Or perhaps it is quite the opposite to where you imagined you would end up. There is a flicker or posibility that you are at neither of those but somewhere you never fully reconciled yourself of eventually getting simply because xou nere realized such a place even existed to begin with.

Which ever situation you may have envisioned for yourself and whether you trully ended up getting there or not, does not matter anymore seeing as the future is all we are capable of changing and even possessing it. The past has never been a defining fact when it comes to who a person is but rather it is only an explanation to why the present is as such. We tend to credit our various pasts with an unbending belief that it predicts and sometimes even controls the future that is to come.

When we cultivate this ridiculous idea, we are only blinding and limiting ourselves to the subjegation of never being in control of your own lives while we still believe in this idea. And losing that control to not even someone with a certain level of intellect but to a glorify idea of something that matters not a bit. In order for us to trully conquer our pasts and not be defined by it, we first need to acknowledge how powerless it really is in regards to what will come from the future.

Time is not an intertwined twist of a string of fate, but rather a straightforward one. This means that whatever moments we may be hung up on, we first need to acknowledge how that one specific moment is irreversable once it has come to pass. This if considered carefully reveals to us how untethered we can be once we have adjusted to this new belief of what the past really is.

Some people believe themselves to be too soiled because of their past actions or behaviors of some kind. But fail to realize that the past is simply an explanation to who they are today. If you want to take charge of your life, you fist have to start from there.

As always, Live well and do it Boldly, my lovelies.
