Part 5 - The Party

As the carriage sped along your eyes wandered out the window, you mind seemed to be whirling with thoughts just as the landscape whirled past the window.

You were still young relatively speaking, and to be pregnant, well it wasn't ideal for someone with your career path. An assassin. Your mind went back to your time in training, and going over the rules.

Assassins do not waiver. Assassins are never seen and never heard. Assassins do not have feelings.

This wasn't good. Pregnant, and with a demon's child no less. You slowly pushed yourself out of Claude's arms. "You say you realized you wanted to be with me, but...that means one of two things. Either you realized it, and waited three long weeks to tell me. Or, it took you three weeks to realize it. How can I be sure that, the next time you panic I won't find myself in the back of a carriage, crying enough for three women because you didn't realize what might happen if you dropped your pants?!" You breathed quickly as you finished, sitting back down as tears flowed down your cheeks. Claude pulled you back into his arms and pulled your face closer to his before kissing you softly. It was enough to make you melt but you had to remain firm. Again you pushed back and silently looked at him.

He sighed softly and dropped his head. "I know it might not mean much, but I promise ... I won't react that way again. It's just that moment, I came back down from the best high I had experienced in my life time. It was almost unreal and I barely remember what happened before it, something like that could drive a man crazy. It was especially frightening're part demon. If I were to succumb to you, it might be dangerous. As silly as it sounds, you...smell different. I wasn't lying when I said you tasted sweet. It's different. Demons don't normally crave or even want to taste sweets, but, I crave you." Again he sighed and dropped his head a bit lower now. "It's ludicrous. Tell me I'm crazy.."

You looked at him, and slowly his explanation began to make sense. Taking his hand in yours, your lips met his fingertips. "I still don't understand it, but, I believe you." The demons smiled and placed a kiss on your forehead as the carriage pulled to a stop.

"Shall we my lady?" He offered a hand and you smiled, wiping away the remains of the saline that graced your cheeks earlier."Yes." You took his hand as he helped you from the carriage. A servant was waiting to take the carriage away to park and the another servant asked your name. "Lord and Lady Sullivan." The butler went over the list of names on a sheet of paper and crossed you off, "Right this way please." He lead you up the stairs and through the doors where a vast amount of people were already mingling and laughing while waiting for the ball to start.


"Sullivan Incorporated?" You look at the man as you both descended the stairs. "Yes. It is a company based out of Essex that focuses on printing. It's a stable market for the time being. I sent up the company when the blue prints for the press were leaked. We improved them and begun our own prints. We make decent money."

"W-We?" You blushed softly and looked at him. "Yes, we do." He smirked softly. You would still have to get used to the idea of you two being together.

"You're the man behind Sullivan Incorporated?" A man in black came walking over and offered a hand to Claude. Claude merely bowed, "Yes sir, my lady and I have been running the company for nearly 3 years now."
"Seems one can make a shiny penny in the printing business." "Yes you can, if done properly." "I see. I may have to inquire about one or two things later, but for now I'd be honored if your lady would join me for a dance?" He offered his had, looking back and forth between yourself and Claude. Claude smiled and looked at you. "Actually I'm afraid the lady and I have something to discuss." The other gentleman bowed and smiled, "Of course. I shall remain hopeful that the lady will grant me the pleasure later."

You played nice and bowed, smiling until the man went away. Claude pulled you over to a secluded corner of the ballroom."Alright. So we need to locate the drugs, hide them in the kitchen pantry and take out the target who is a man by the name of Gavin Young." You looked around and began using your senses to listen to the crowd laughing and talking. Soon whispers of the man named Gavin Young began to circulate among the crowd when a man stepped out onto the stairs.


The man who claimed he name stepped out. He was bald and sporting a goatee that was graying. He was fat and short, an easy target. The man walked down the stairs and began to mingle with the rest of the people on the main dance floor. Claude turned to you and took your hand, kissing the back of it, "I'll leave him to you while I find the drugs."

You nodded and watched him walk off. You slipped through the crowd and looked for the host of the party. You found him lingering around a group of young woman, flirting naturally. The man eyed you and you smiled, bowing once you finally stood in front of him. "Good evening Lord Young. This party is quite the sight." You smirked softly and looked over at him, he was just about your height.

"Good evening lady. Yes, yes. I spare no expense for my guests!" You faked a giggle. "Is that so? the perhaps you wouldn't mind introducing me to some of your friends?" He laughed and wrapped an arm about your waist.

"Of course dear lady! Of course. What did you say your name was again?" "Lady Sullivan." "Come Lady Sullivan! Allow me to show you some of my best colleges." You laughed nervously and began to follow him.

He introduced you to a handful of people all the while getting increasingly more liberal with his hands. You continued to laugh nervously and slyly blow off his flirtatious advances. Eventually his hands inched lower and lower down your body and you turned, laughing and teasingly swatting at his hand. He grabbed your hand and dragged you back into a hallway. Damn, I can't be the last person he is seen with. You were still in plain sight of the party as the mouth of the hallway was wide.

"Come now dear don't play coy, you know you like it." "S-Sir young...Please...I'm a lady!" He smirked and looked at you,"Fine. In about 10 minutes I'll make a toast. Afterwards I'll be out in the greenhouse. We can continue this then." He stole a quick squeeze of your butt and walked away. Fuming inside you walked out and waited patiently.

Claude slipped back over and stood next to you. "I've located the drugs and managed to slip them into the kitchen. What are you going to do about the target?" "Just wait. I have a secret meeting with him in the greenhouse soon." As soon as you finished the sentence the man named Gavin Young was gently hitting a fork against a champagne glass.

"Attention! Attention all! I want to thank you all for coming this evening. I'm sure you all have busy schedules so tonight's main event will begin shortly. If you wish to bid in the auction please be sure to register with the butler at the back of the room. I will see you all in a few moments after a short reprieve." Everyone clapped and Claude looked at you. "You smell...He's been touching you hasn't he." He growled softly. "It was necessary to get close to him. I'll be back soon, go and get the carriage." You would never admit that it made you a little happy to see Claude jealous.

Claude walked off, still brooding with a hint of jealousy as you walked off toward the greenhouse, making sure not to be seen anywhere near the target. You readied a special blade that you kept on hand for such an occasion. It had been provided to you by your employer and was coated with a toxin that would shut down the major functions in the body. It would look like a simple case of heart failure. You made sure no one was around before slipping into the greenhouse to meet the perverted man. "There you are dear. I thought you would leave me wanting." He smirked and again wrapped an arm around you. There was no time to spare.

You slipped the blade from the cuff in your sleeve, making a small cut on the back of his neck. "Ouch! What was that!?" "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! My button must have but you! Here I'll go get a cloth." He chuckled and grabbed your wrist before you could escape. "No that's okay dear it wasn't nothing but a s-sc-a-Ahhhh~" He clutched at his chest, and before you could say anything more, you fled out the greenhouse door and into the garden, slipping out of the dress, revealing the black skin tight outfit you wore on many of your night missions. You clutched the dress and ran around the house, careful to not be seen before expertly slipping into the carriage where Claude was waiting. Claude knocked on the ceiling of the carriage and you pulled away from the party.

"The job is done?" "Yes, and thank the Gods. One more minute with that man and I think I would have had to cut my hand off just to get away." "There's no evidence that you were there?" "Just my perfume, but the smell will fade long before the police arrive and he was around a lot of different women tonight." "Good."

You breathed a small sigh of relief and you looked up, noticing that Claude was staring at your body in the skin tight uniform."You should wear that more often. Or better yet, don't." He smirked softly and leaned back to relax. You put the dress to one side and smirked back, resting your firsts on your wrists. "Glad to see someone's back from being je-...A-AHH!" Your body slumped forward as you clutched your middle. "Claude!!~"

To be continued.....
