Part 1 - A pleasant meeting

You were wandering the streets of London looking for a sweets shop your friend had told you about. Even though you were a fully grown woman you were still on the short side, so seeing the names of the shops over the crowd was difficult. You were straining your neck to see the name of the street you were on when suddenly you were knocked to the ground sending the contents of your bag rolling everywhere. 

"Get out of the way!" An older man rudely pushed past you and kept going leaving you to try to find everything and clean yourself up.

"Are you all right miss?" A cool, and calm voice asked as a dark haired man with golden eyes and square frames knelt down to help you pick up your things. 

"Well...well I..I'm trying to find this candy store my friend told me about." You blushed and looked away from the handsome man who had helped you. 

"Ah I see, I am on my way to the same shop." He paused to look at the address you handed him on a slip of paper. "Would you like me to accompany you, this way you won't have another accident?" Your face burst into a blush as you slowly nodded. The man gently took your hand, he would have taken your arm except it would have looked awkward. Making your way down the streets the man remained silent and you didn't like it so you figured you should say something. 

"Umm..Thank you for helping me mister....?" The tall man looked over at you. 

"Claude Faustus at your service my lady, what kind of name does a beautiful young lady like you have?" He was smooth, you couldn't deny this.

"O-oh...My name is (your name)." You blushed a bit more, if it was possible when he complimented you. Finally you turned the corner and walked into the candy shop.As you both parted ways to look around the candy store you couldn't help but steal glances at the handsome man. He was picking out chocolates and lollipops. "For who?" you wondered. You picked out your own sweets and brought them to the counter. Just then however, Claude walked up behind you. 

"Allow me my lady." He laid his items on the counter and paid for everything. 

"Buying sweets for your girlfriend?" The clerk said with a chuckle, your face turned bright red and you looked away shyly. 

Claude looked at you and smirked, "Actually these are for my master, he is rather picky about his sweets." You turned back as the shop keeper handed you a separate bag and scurried out of the store, muttering a quick thank you to the handsome man. A bit further away you turned into an alley and began panting, it felt like you ran away, but why? Why were you so shy and timid around men? You cursed your actions under your breath. 

"My, sure did run off in a hurry." In an instant the handsome man was in front of your face. "Where do you think you're running off to my lady?" He smirked and drew a bit closer, staring into your (eye color) eyes. 

"I..I was headed home." You stammered as he looked into your eyes. It felt as if he was staring into your soul. 

"Hmmm..." he looked you over and swiftly brought his lips to yours in a forceful kiss. Your eyes snapped open at the feeling of his lips, but slowly you closed them to relish the moment. No sooner had you closed your eyes that Claude withdrew and looked at you. "You taste delicious...just like a sweet." 

He leaned his head into the crook of your neck and smelled the light perfume on your skin. You were hesitant, but he hadn't crossed a line so far, and he was quite handsome. "Delicate, like a flower. Sweet, like candy. Shy, as a butterfly. You truly are a lady aren't you?" His gaze met yours once again. He gave you one last light kiss and stood up, handing you a card. 

"Call me if you should ever need assistance my lady...of any kind." He smirked and walked away. You blushed and looked at the card, printed on it were a few small words, "Hoheo Taralna, Rondero Tarel".
