chapter 3: Running away

She smiled evily at the mirror to herself and wishpered out aloud,"Well mother , I have plans tomorrow and my plan doesn't include meeting your guest. It only consist of me disappearing for the day ."

She thought she would wake up early tomorrow and run away.She checked out the windows, searching for the one where she could climb down. There was none. "hmmph", she let out a sigh and walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth dismayed.She was brushing her teeth when she saw the from the mirror that there was a window. She turned around and ran towards it. She opened the window and peered down-perfect, a vien climb up the side of the window and she could easily reach over it and climb down. She was so euphoric, she jumped and did a dance and almost slipped. She composed herself, flipped her hair and did a bit of curtsy to herself in the mirror with the brush in her mouth. She sequeled and giggled in excitement. She got into bed excited. But she can't fall asleep. That night she tossed and turn in bed.

Ra-el's Pov

I can't sleep ....but i m death exhausted. There are four reason why i can't fall asieep

1. I had slept few hours ago.

2. The time difference.

3. I'm so excited about the running away.

4. I'm so angry at my mom.

Ra-el comeon you should sleep now. You got to get up early tomorrow right?!

After a while, there was peace in the room -no sound of rufling bed sheet, pillow,exasperated sigh but complete peace broken now and then by ra-el's easy breathing. She must have drifted off to dreamland.

The next morning,

Ra-el's pov

I heard the door knock. I also heard the handle turn but I was too lazy to open my eyes. I wanted to sleep more. I heard footstepand then the blind being pulled up. Bright light hit my face, I Cringed and put my hand up at my eyes to block the light. My stupid brain began to work, "Oh shit!". I sat up straight. I was goimg to run away but....but now the maid is here and everyone must be awake.....oh shit oh shit.....what do i do? How do i escape? I had overslept. I was crazy.

The maid addressed ," Agassi, its 10 Am. You should get ready. The guest will be here in 30 min." What?, I mentally slapped myself, what do I do now? I smiled at her and got out of bed and stretch and yawned, " Yeah I should." The maid walked into my walk-in closet and handed me a white somewhat pink colored dress, "The lady said you should wear these and also to make yourself pretty." I looked at her with my eye brow raised and my arms folded over my chest," But I'm already blindingly pretty. I can't make myself anymore beautiful"

The maid gave a nervous little laugh and said," Yes. are indeed blindingly beautiful." I laughed and winked at her ," Don't tell that to anyone ..ok. I was just kidding... you knw- about me praising myself."The maid nodded. I sign at her to leave the dress on the bed and go but she replied," I was told to wait on you and assist you downstairs."

" OH~" I replied . I kneeled down and opened my luggage and took out my red sneakers and stood up. The maid gave me and enquiring look.

" wHAT?",I shurged," Its my habit. I wash a shoe every orning." With that i snatch the dress from her and banged the bathroom door at her.Oh my God! That was so lame. Washing a shoe every morning is my habit. Bish~ I never wash my shoe.

I took a bath. I put on the dress my mother recommended. " As if I didn't bring any dress." I thought to myself. I turned side ways left to right and looked at myself and nodded," Not bad!. That's because you are pretty silly." I looked at myself," You are crazy. You just need to put a flower in your hair to universally annnounce you are crazy."

Jus the a voice called," Are you not ready Agassi? The guest should be hear any minute."

"Just a minute.", I yelled back.

I hurriedly put on my shoe and opened the window." Just a minute.I'll be right out."

And I was out-out the window and climbing down the vien when suddenly I loss the footing and fell down- my bum hitting the ground. At that the maid looked out the window," Agassi! Agassi! Are you okay?" I hurriedly stood up rubbing my bum and made my way to the never ending driveway." Agassi! Where are you going?"The guard nearby all look around and i nervously wave at them and I prayed," Please dont make them chase me...Please." but oh well here they are chasing me.

She started running and scores of guards were after her. They were all screaming" Agassi!" She beat a few up and threatened a few and somehow reached the main gate."Finally!", she thought to herself.She threatened the guard at the gate to open the gate. She looked back at the guard behind her and she almost had a heart attack at the site. She turned around and took to her heels.She turned back to look again and then just as she turned her head around , she was headed straight towards a car. She was so frightened that her mind went blank . She closed her eyes and braced herself for the impact."Oh! this is it Ra-el. You are so death.", she thought to herself.

 She heard the car brake screech and then everything went very still. She opened her eyes and she saw she was just an inch away from getting hit. She looked up bewildered. She could have had an accident.

Hey! Another update. SORRY it took so long for me to update that's because of the exam but its now all over and I will be able to upload regularly. I'm planning to update every sunday and wednesday. Well I could update anytime i feel like it....but lets see

Have you seen EXO'S overdosed it left me speechless....I have practically raped the replay button...watching it over and over...hahaha. I mean they are so awesome...DAEBAK!!.....I LOVE IT. I LOVE THEM ALL.

OKay!Enough of my babbling....I hope you enjoy my story....and those who read thank you. I'll be more thankful if you vote and comment AND PROMOTE my story too- Just saying. WHOEVER read this-wo ai ni....saranghye....I LOVE YOU...
