Chapter 2: Settling in.

It was the chief butler. She smiled at Rael warmly " Omo agassi! You are all grown up. How long has it been since I last saw you?" She always visited her back when she was in England instead of her mother

"5 years." Rael smiled and pulled her for a hug. "where'smother?"

 "The lady isn't home yet"

 "Oh! I see " Rael said dismaye. She aspected her mother atleast to welcome her home. She took in the house as she stood in the threshold of the main living room. Yes as expected; everything top class from gold hemed curtain to the white lilies and creme coloured couch to the red colour carpet on the stairs, everything was something to be admired of. She turn to the butler," You do a splendid job;managing this house." The butler smiled and nodded" Thank you"

"So where's my room?"

"This way "the butler climeb up the stairs and turned right . To the far corner she stopped and open the door to a roo." We don't know if you would like it but we did our best agassi!"

Rael entered the room dump her bag on the floor. She nodded and give a weak smile" Its nice...."

Then I'll leave you to settle in .Should I bring something up for you to eat?"

No,its okay. I just need some rest. I'm jet-lagged!"

 "As you say."Rael nodded . She sat down on the bed and kicked of her shoes and lie down. It was 2:00pm. She sighed .

It was dark when she woke up. She must have drifted off to sleep.She took a shower, put on a white coloured knee-length dress and pulled up her hair in a pony. She went downstairs.

"Agassi! Do you need anything?" a maid asked

"No no...I was just wondering if mother was home?"

 "No not yet  agassi. Would you like dinner served ?"

"No , I would rather wait for mother."

 "But the lady is eating out with some associates"

"Oh! I'll eat a little later then" Rael answered.

She went out the house and walked sround the lawn."This estate is so huge..even the driveways never ending. I would probbly lose my way",she thought to herself shuddering as the wind blew a bit hard.

She wasn't particularly close with her mother during the fourteen years she rarely talked with her mother.It didn't matter then for she had her dad but now with her dad gone she needed someone's moral support and the only person she could turn to was her mother. She hated her for she always took very little interest in her but she was hoping to work that out but now she hated her more for not being there even for dinner let alone greet her. Her mother had called the day before telling her she won't be able to come meet her at the airport but would sent driver to pick her on which she insisted on coming alone but she was atleast aspecting to see her at dinner time.She was angry,hurt and dissappointed.

She went to the dining halland ate her dinner or more of played her food. She went inside her room, sat infront of her dressing mirror,looked at herself and shook her head murmuring,"You sure are pitiful Rael".She sat there brushing her hair and brooding when a knock came and she heard the handle turning. She turned around and called out ,"Mother!"

"No. agassi.Itsme"It wasn't her mother but butler Seo.

"Oh!" She frowned and then quickly covered it with a smile. She turned back to the mirror she could quite well she her from the mirror," What is it?"

The lady said you have some important guest to meet tomorrow"

"Guest? Rael raised her eyebrow. Who? I don't know anyone here."she asked

"A friend of the lady and her SON!"

"Where's mother?"

"She has retired for the nioght in her room."Something burned inside Rael. Her mother even didn't bother to see her for a second. But she was supposed to be the good girl and meet her friend tomorrow and her hell of a son and bore herself.

She sighed. She shrugged her shoulder"We'll see!"

After the butler went away she looked at the mirror, entwined a strand of her hair. An evil smile played on her lips

"We'll see about that mother.We'll see!"

What do you think is RAEL UPTO. Well stay tuned!!

Hmmm...I haven't been able to update regularly lately for I have a huge entrance exam coming up for which I have to prep like hell. But I made some time and updated this. Even if there's some mistake bear with me.I'll edit when i have the time.

Its seems there isn't much reads but thats okay. I write this more for my own enjoyment but if any exostans happen to read it do promote this story for me and comment and vote too.I would really appreciate it . Thanks !!!!!
