Chapter 6 - The Awkward Encounter

Despite things coming to an end, I still came to practice as much as I could not only for Oikawa's article but also for the sports column. I thought it would be good to write about the boys preparing for the biggest games of the year.

As heartbroken as I was, everyday got a little easier seeing him. We hardly spoke in person and when we texted it was simply about practice times or any questions I had but the answers were always short.

After school, Yuri and I decided to walk to the park to get some much needed fresh air. We found a bench under some trees near the entrance and decided to sit. This was good. I really need this.

"Mia, how are you?" Yuri asked. I knew exactly what she was asking. We talked everyday but Oikawa was obviously a touchy subject.

"I'm fine." I said with a fake smile. My best friend knew me better than that.

" are you really?" She asked again but this time more stern.

I took a second and felt a lump forming in my throat again. This has been happening a lot lately.

"I miss him, Yuri." This was all I could get out without breaking down.

"I know. Iwaizumi mentioned something the other day." She says.

"What did he say?"

"Well, he mentioned how Oikawa has been off lately. A lot more...of an asshole apparently." She explains.

"Well it won't affect him on the court. He's a pro at maintaining his composure during games so Iwa shouldn't worry." I said.

"True. But didn't hear it from me, but he misses you Mia."

This wasn't making me feel any better. Of course I felt like I made a mistake. Or at least I wanted to feel that way. That day, it took everything in me not to turn around and take back all I said. But it still wouldn't change anything.

"It doesn't matter Yuri. At the end of the day, we are two completely different people."

Yuri looked at me knowing I was on the brink of tears when she thankfully changed the subject.

"Okay...then enough about Oikawa. I have something crazy to tell you!" She said too excitedly.

"What is it?" I asked.

"So the other day...when Iwa and I were hanging out...something happened..." she started to whisper even though there was literally no one else in the park. "We started teasing each other, you know, like always! But then things just got very...flirty." She started to blush and I just knew where this was going.

After years of obsessing over Hajime Iwaizumi, did my best friend finally get her ace?

"Did you guys kiss?" I smiled.

"Oh Mia...there was a lot more than kissing." She said nonchalantly.

"Yuri!" I gasped.

"What!? It's almost the end of our high school career and he's leaving for America Mia! AMERICA!" She said as if it justified anything.

I couldn't help but laugh. I do love my best friend.

"Well I'm glad to see you laughing. Even though it's about my love life..." she says.

All of a sudden, we noticed another person enter the park and we both turned our heads to see who it was.

As soon as we both recognized the tall, dark haired boy entering the park, we looked at each other and at the same exact time said...

"Tobio Kageyama?!"

What was he doing over here?

"Has Oikawa ever talked about him? Things seemed really tense between them at that last game?" Yuri asked.

"A little bit. Let's just say they are definitely not besties."

Kageyama was the setter for Karasuno and after watching the last game I could tell there was something between them. After asking Oikawa about him, I was surprised to find that he admitted what a great setter he thought Kageyama really was. Although, I knew he would never admit that to anyone else.

"I heard he's dating some girl from Nekoma."

"Wait really?" I said surprised.

"That's what I heard. She's a first year and she's the team's new manager."


After talking a little longer, Yuri and I decided to head back through the park before heading home.

Walking up the stairs, we just so happened to run into the one person I really didn't want to run into.

"Mia!" I hear a smaller voice yell before feeling arms wrap around my waist. I looked down to see it was Takeru, Oikawa's nephew.

Oh my gosh, it's Monday.

"Hey Takeru! What are you up to?" I said, smiling down at him.

"You mean besides listening to Oikawa cry about you all the time..." he says.

"TAKERU! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO STOP TALKING!" There it was, that voice. My heart sank and I looked up to see Oikawa. I tried not to look at him too often, seeing his face made the regret deeper. But I was caught off guard. He was wearing his blue and white athletic pants and an Aoba Johsai volleyball club t-shirt. His brunette hair, perfect tousled as always. He took one glance at me before immediately turning back to his nephew.

"Come on, we're leaving." He says to Takeru.

I then realized not only was Yuri still standing there, so was Kageyama. Wow, this is awkward.

I kept quiet, not knowing what to say or if I should say anything at all.

They walked off and Yuri and I turned to Kageyama who looked at us as if he'd seen a ghost.

"Is it true you're dating a girl from Nekoma?" Yuri asked.

Kageyama's face turned red and he muttered something before running off.

I looked at Yuri who just shrugged her shoulders.

So. Awkward.
