Chapter 5 - This Has To End

The Spring High Tournament was approaching soon and that meant that all the volleyball boys were going to be completely focused on practicing for that.

I expected that Oikawa and I wouldn't have very much time together but things were getting...confusing.

After our ice cream date, I thought that would be the start of something more but with each passing day, it seemed like Oikawa's focus was either on volleyball or continuously being surrounded by other girls.

We texted here and there, saw each other most Mondays and of course, we would make out. But it just felt like things weren't going anywhere.

Conflicted, I turned to one of the only people who was even aware of Oikawa and I since I insisted we keep things on the down low at school to avoid me becoming a human meat stick among the other girls.

"I don't know Yuri...maybe I am crazy. Did I honestly think I'd be anything more than some fling to him?" I asked, trying not to show how sad I really was.

"Well despite his fangirls, he doesn't actually date a lot. Probably because of situations like this...he doesn't exactly have a lot of time. But the same can be said for you." Yuri explained. She was right, as always. We were both busy. Finding time was difficult and we were both completely devoted to our clubs.

"Should I just make this easier on the both of us and end things? I mean, I feel like I have enough for the article by now and with Spring Tournament coming up and possibly Nationals, I can't see us needing to talk much after that. That will be the end of his high school volleyball career."

"True. But doesn't necessarily mean you guys couldn't make it work. Has he told you his plans after high school?" Yuri asked.

"He's not sure yet...he's been so focused on finishing out the year." I couldn't blame him, I had no plans either. "Has Iwa told you his plans yet?"

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that Yuri successfully convinced Iwa to do the article. Well, thanks to Oikawa for being a little convincing.

"America." Yuri said.

"Really?!" I said, surprised.

"Yep...but don't tell Oikawa. He hasn't told him yet."

"I won't." I promised.

"Look, if it's really bugging you, talk to him. Do what's best for you Mia...and your heart. I like Oikawa, he's great. But he is kind of a flirt and his world revolves around volleyball. If he can't make room for might be the best thing to end things before you get hurt." Yuri was right...again.

As much as I hated to admit it, seeing girls surrounding him everyday broke me and I always wondered if there was any room left for me in that heart of his.


The rest of the day, Oikawa and I's future conversation was all I could think about.

After school, I decided to stay after to wait for volleyball practice to get out. My chance to set things straight.

I walked toward the building doors just in time to see the sea of sweaty boys exit.

"Hey Mia!" Iwa yelled once he saw me walking up. I smiled. "Oikawa is still inside."

"Thanks Iwa." I said, hesitating on entering.

"Is everything alright?" He asked. Was it that noticeable? I suck at hiding my feelings.

"Yeah! Everything is fine. It's just been a long day." I exclaimed.

Iwa smiled but his smile said he knew I was lying.

Walking into the building, my stomach was in knots. Oikawa was putting the last of the balls into the cart before finally noticing me.

"Mia...hey!" He smiled. Gosh, that adorable smile.

"Hey, I know you're probably really tired but I wanted to talk to you...about us." I said.

Toru's smile immediately fell which broke my heart in an instant.

"Is everything okay?" He asked with a worried look.

I took a deep breath, holding back any tears.

"Listen...I don't know what we are exactly. But..."

"Is that what this is about? I know we haven't put a title on it, but I assumed we were kind of...together." He interrupted.

"Well, kind of. I mean, I thought so but you never asked and I never asked..." As the words started coming out, I immediately thought back to Yuri and I's conversation earlier. "But I just don't think...this can continue."

My voice cracked saying that last sentence and I could feel my body start to shake.

"But why?" he asked.

"'re the king of this school. Everyone knows that. I watch you everyday, a crowd of girls constantly following you. I have to be honest, I don't like it. I'm not a crazy jealous person...but it does bother me." I said.

"Well, I can't really control what they do..." he answers. Not exactly what I wanted to hear. "And it's not like I can say anything, you don't want anyone to know about us, remember?"

"That doesn't mean you can just...soak it up and encourage it." I say back.

Obviously annoyed, he laughs and turns his head away from me which instantly sets me off.

"You do. You encourage it. If we were really together and it was that serious to you, you wouldn't just...flirt back." I said just as annoyed.

"I don't..." he starts to say before holding back.

"You know what, it doesn't even matter, okay? I have what I need for my article. I'll be at the games watching Seijoh, publish the newspaper and be done with it. If I have questions I'll text you." As the words came out, I felt the lump in my throat begin to form but it was already too late as I could feel the tears beginning to build.

"So that's it? You tell me it's over because I can't even defend what we have all because you won't let me!" I could tell Oikawa was also holding back tears in that moment though he did a much better job than I was.

"Do not turn this around on me Toru!" I yell back.

The building fell awkwardly quiet.

"It's not just about the girls. You love volleyball. You have the biggest games of the year coming up and I know you enough to know that you are focused. I can't compete with that and I'm not going to make you choose." At this point, I was still trying my best to hold it together but failing miserably. "In a few months, school is over and neither of us knows what is going to happen after that. So let's just make it easier on the both of us...and end whatever it is that we had."

At that, I broke. The tears began falling. I looked up at Oikawa who raised his arm up to cover his face. I saw his face was turning red and I could make out what sounded like a sniffle before turning his back to me.

"Just go." He said.

I made my way to the doors but glanced back once more to see that he was now squatting down next to the cart, still covering his face.

Broken, I walked home and as soon as my head hit my pillow, I completely fell apart.

What did you just do Mia?

Note from the author:
Hi everyone! :) This is the first time I've added a little authors note because I noticed some people were starting to read my story and I'm over the moon. If you've gotten this far, I just want to thank you for reading my story and I really hope you're enjoying it so far!

This chapter was hard to write. I've actually never broken up with someone before so I had no idea how to write it lol but it was also sad because I love these characters so much.

But this is a love story after all, so no need to be too sad! I would also like to point out that this might feel like I'm flying through their third year a's because I would really like to get to their life outside of high school. Obviously we know Mia's dad is originally from Argentina so Oikawa's canon journey through Argentina will play a big role in their future.

Anyways, as I said earlier, thanks for reading and I am very excited to continue writing this story. I really appreciate all the support :)

With love,
