Do you trust me?

***Aaron point of view***

I carefully opened the door hoping that (Y/N) was still sleeping peacefully the way that I left her. I quickly looked around and she was no where to be seen. I quietly crept upstairs and walked towards her room. The door was open and there she laid in her bed sound asleep. She looked like a goddess so peaceful and calm. I sat down on the side of the bed and placed a kiss on a forehead.

"(Y/N) wake up" I whispered in her ear. Her eyes fluttered open as she wiped away her dreamland with her hands. She looked at me with these adorable dough eyes as she tiredly got up and walked towards me in a dazed state. She looked like a cuddly teddy bear made just for me. I grabbed her swiftly into a tight embrace letting her sweet aroma surround me. We stood still for what seemed like a lifetime but eventually pulled away from each other. Little did she know is that I had a special trip planned for her and me.

"(Y/N) can you be a doll and get changed into some comfy cloths there's something I want to show you" I stated with a smirk. She nodded and headed over to the bathroom still in a dazed state from just waking up.

**Your point of view**

I slowly headed towards the bathroom sluggishly grapping my joggers and tank top. I stripped of my clothes and changed. I then tied my (H/L) (H/C) hair up into a messy bun. With a long yawn I opened the bathroom room to find Aaron there waiting patiently for me on the bed like a dog waiting for its owner to return. I smiled lightly as he looked at me with adoring eyes and walked towards me pulling my into a tight embrace. His sent filled my nostrils. The smell of expensive cologne and pine. After what felt like an eternity of embracing we finally parted. Aaron grabbed onto my hand with a large smirk on his face. He gently pulled me towards the front door and then to his car. Before the door closed he pulled a blindfold out from is pocket.

"Angel do you trust me?" He asked

"Of course I do" I answered I had complete trust in him ever since I've known him he's always been there for me so why wouldn't I. I grabbed the blindfold from Aaron and put it over my eyes. The car do closed followed but the car door opening on the other side. Soon we were off as the car started to drive of in the distance. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous . I was worried what he had planned I know it wouldn't be bad but what could it be. After what felt like 30 minutes the car slowly can to a stop and Aarons car door opened. My car door soon opened opened and Aaron pulled the blind fold off from my eyes. It was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. A wooden cabin similar to the one I went to the other day nut a lot nicer. It was surrounded by trees that looked as if they were enchanted I could hear the sound of a waterfall resonate through the trees. My mouth was wide open when I looked up at Aaron.

"Is gorgeous!" I said lost for words

"I'm so happy you like it I put a lot of though into this" He said

We both started to walk towards the front of the cabin Aaron pulled out an old fashioned key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. I entered the cabin as Aaron slowly followed me behind. I turned around to look at Aaron a smirked at he. We both started to run to the rooms to find the best one and cause Aarons so lucky he got the bigger one first. I pouted at him as he giggled.

"Angel we can share it you'd like?" He asked innocently

"Aaron were not even together yet" I said with a little bit of disappointment in my voice

"(Y/N) I love you, If you want to be my girlfriend it would make me the happiest man alive" He hesitantly said

"Aaron, I love you too and yes!" I said

A smile lit up his face as pulled me into a hug. His hugs truly were the best .We soon stopped and headed to the car to move our bags into the room .Once everything was in we unpacked for a little bit and both crashed on the bed after. Aaron looked over at me and smiled.

"Do you really love me Angel?" He asked almost as in disbelief

"Of course I do love you or I would have said yes" I giggled

He truly did make me happy I don't know what id do without him now he's my everything . I know he'd never hurt me even if he wanted to.

**Aarons point of view**

I still cant believe she said yes I am truly happy nothing could ruin this day for me little did she know I had one more plan for both of us for today.

"(Y/N) I have one more plan for today can you get changed into something you can swim in" I asked

She nodded and headed towards the draws and started getting changed right in front of me. Which I did not mind one bit the view was amazing. She was so gorgeous an di had the privilege to call her mine now. What a lucky guy I am .She put on a (F/C) and red bikini which looked amazing on her. When she was ready I headed towards her and grabbed her hand and walked off into the beautiful woods with her. We soon made it to were I wanted to take her all along.

A giant waterfall stood in front of us she looked dazzled by it . We both ran towards the bottom of in hand in hand and jumped into in. I soon surfaced but couldn't she my Angle I frantically searched the water for her. She soon surfaced and stuck her tongue out at me with a giggle. Relief washed over me as I stared to splash water at her. She soon tried to splash me as well but I was better then her at it. Both us got out and headed up the hill to the top of the waterfall. The view was amazing but it was even better cause she was here with me. We both looked at each other and made a quick jump for it. It was exilterating the rush of the air as you feel yourself fall. Her happy screams echoed through the forest. We both soon crashed into the water below. We both serfaced in a bundle of laughter as we looked at each other.

I watched her get out of the water and run of giggling. if thats how she wanted to play this. It would be easy to find her. I ran through the woods silently following the sound of her foot steps. It soon came to a clearing with a massive field with long grass. I couldnt hear her anymore so she must be hiding. I laughed as i slowly looked through the grass. Maybe she wasnt here after all by now she would have made a sound. I slowly made my way back to the woods and started to scan it feeling a little worried. I started to jog instead of walk the trees became a blur and i started to sprint in panic. Maybe she went to the cabin. I was at the cabin in two minutes.

I opened the door ans houted as loud as i could.

"Angle you here?!" No answer suddenly a scream echoed through the woods it was definatly (Y/N)

**Your point of view**

A man stood in front of me with a ski mask on. He looked me dead in the eye as I started to cry . The warm liquid fell slowly from my face. He stalked towards me and wiped away my tears with a sadistic smile. All of a sudden he pulled my hair downwards making me fall on the ground. Next thing I knew he kicked me in the stomach making me hurl in pain I felt a warm liquid come out of my mouth. I wiped it with my hand to find it to be blood. Then he grabbed me by the throat and kissed me. My eyes widened in shock as I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me. Suddenly he pulled away and I felt a sharp prick in my neck as the last of my tears fell out.

"Aaron...." I mumbled before darkness overtook my vision.

**Aarons point of view**

I ran out of the cabin to were I though the heard the scream. Nothing. But as I looked closer I could see blood on the ground. We were the only ones out here I made sure of that's. So I must be (Y/N). My sadness and panic soon turned to a rage filled anger. My vision was clouded with red. I ran back to the cabin and grabbed my phone to find a text from a blocked number.

Long time no see Aaron. As you may have noticed I've taken your pretty little toy. She is very beautiful I may not be able to keep my hands to myself. You better find me quick you have an hour. For every 30 minutes your late you can say bye to one of her limbs. James

Rage filled my lungs as I quickly jumped into the car. That sick bastard doesn't know who he's messing with hell pay with is life for this. If he touches her I'm going to do something I'm going to regret. I know exactly where he's hiding. I stepped on the gas till it went to the floor. I sped down the narrow lanes needing to get to my darling. Why did I let her run of I should have stopped her. I soon made it to my destination with no trouble.

In front of me stood the mansion I used to know oh so well. It was now starting to crumble and didn't look safe at all. It had huge white pillars and was made of wood. It also had a thatched roof. I ran towards the door and quickly opened it shouting at the top of my lungs.

"James you little shit come out now" My patients was starting to ware thin now. Suddenly he stepped out of the shadows.

He had died his hair brown but that still didn't not make me recognise those piercing blue eyes that cut right through your soul.

"Didn't take you that long did it. Don't worry I only did minor damage to her"

I scoffed I didn't trust him at all when he said minor it probally meant a lot.

"What do you want from me" I asked hesitantly I had to be careful as (Y/N) is the bargaining chip if this all falls through for him.

"What I've always wanted" He stated sadistically.

"And what's that?" I asked

"First lets have a drink" He said while pouring two glassed of whiskey and extending his hand to be with the glass in it. I snatched it from him swirling the liquid round in the glass as he started to tell me what he wanted I would be lying if I said it want boring then my ears pricked up at something he said

"I want you to apologise"

"Why the fuck would I apologise to you!"

"Cause I'm your younger brother after all"

I smashed my glass on the ground in anger he smirked at my little outburst. And tutted .

"Remember I'm the one in control here"
Thanks for reading sorry it been a while. Thanks for all the amazing support. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Also can you believe Aaron has a brother!!!!! Anyways

