
(F/F)-favourite food
** your point of view **
I was surrounded by warmth as I began to get up . But something stopped me more  a curtain someone who's name was Aaron. I honestly think I might be in love with this man. He has been there for me through everything .I'm still trying to forget what happened yesterday so I'm gonna try to carry on like normal today. Aaron groaned as I tried to weave my way through his arms but he just grabbed on tighter. So instead of resisting I layed back against his chest feeling his warmth wrap around be like a cosy blanket.
"Good morning my angel" he whispered
"Morning" I whispered back
I could lay here forever listening to the should of his heart beat resonate with mine. I've known him for such a little time and yet we've been though so much together I think that I might be falling in love with him. Suddenly he grabs me and pick me up. I giggle and he take me downstairs. He carefully sets me down and wanders over to the fridge with me following close behind.
"What do you want for breakfast Angel?" He asks sweetly
I wasn't feeling that hungry Aaron really helped me yesterday but I still feel sick about it .
"I'm not that hungry" I say
He then grabbed a iced coffee and handed it to me with a boyish smile .
" I have something planned for today it's a surprise" he said I could hear the excitement in his voice as I gave him a nod and ran upstairs to get ready. I quickly tie my (H/C) hair into a high ponytail and put on a (F/C) crop top with a pair of my black skinny jeans. I then chucked on my shoes and run down stairs. Aaron somehow was already for me he looked really handsome he had a black jumper on with a pair of jeans. He slowly walked up to me and grabbed my hand leading me to his car. The car drive was calming and me and Aaron humid to the radio and I looked over to him with a grin . He was adorable.
The car came to a sudden stop we were in the middle of the woods. The trees hung over us. It was truly beautiful. It looked like an enchanted forest that you dream of going to when you were a child.
"(Y/N) follow me" he whispered excitedly
Aaron took me down a long path and as we were near the end I saw a huge building. It was cream and had a giant brown door. We eventually got to the door when Aaron covered my eyes and took me inside he sat me down then removed his hand. I took it all in as my eyes got watery. 'I can't believe he did this' I thought to myself.
The room was dark with fairy lights strung on the walls with candle lit table and a feast set upon it.
"Aaron it's gorgeous"  I emotionally said
" I'm glad you like it I've been setting this up for us"
Me and Aaron tucked in to the dinner I had (F/F). It was delicious. Aaron was staring at me making my checks turn pink which made him chuckle with his adorable smirk. Now it was time for desert but I abruptly stopped Aaron from going to get it
***Aarons point of view ***
(Y/N) suddenly grabbed my hand I looked at trying to calculate what she was about to say.
"Aaron..." she whispered
"What is it angel?" I asked
"Aaron I love you..." she quietly said
I was taken back by what she said as tears formed in her eyes waiting for me to respond. I hugged her quivering body as she looked into my eyes she was full of doubt I could tell by her eyes.
"(Y/N) I love you too" I whispered in to her ear
She suddenly grabbed my chin a pulled me into a loving kiss. As we started to get arrived away (Y/N) pulled away and smiled at me as we walked back to the car forgetting about desert. Hand in hand .
Sorry this is so late I have no excuse just I'm a bad author thank you all so much for the support and I hope you carry on reading. Personally I don't think this chapter is my best so no hate and I quite short I do hope you enjoyed it .stay happy xxxxxx
Also if you have any ideas or suggestions please tell me x
