Chapter Two

Sleep eluded me that night as my mind was plagued with thoughts of the mysterious man residing on my couch. Questions that were placed to the back of my mind while I was trying to help him were now seeping to the forefront. How did he get the bullet wound? Was he dangerous or just at the wrong place at the wrong time? And most importantly, how was I going to do and act when I had to face him again?

When I finally awoke the next morning from the few meager hours of sleep I manage to get, all of these questions were still on my mind. I quickly dressed, showered, and did what I needed to make myself presentable. Then I slowly inched my way along the hall before peeking around the wall, where I could get a good view of the couch. There he was, still fast asleep. I sighed. I wouldn't have to face him quite yet.

I then headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. I decided to make pancakes and bacon, Jacob's favorite. Luckily he didn't have to get up too early today. School had just let out for the summer, a fact that had its ups and downs. Now I could spend more time with my baby brother, but I still had to work most of the time which meant he had to stay at the daycare center. The people who ran it were nice enough, but I always worried about him.

By the time I had finished making breakfast, it was 7:15, and there was a soft pad of steps behind me. Turning around, I came face to face with the man, Titus, that I had let into my apartment.

"I hope you slept well," I said, "Breakfast is ready, if you're hungry." I got down some plates and glasses from the cabinets as well as forks from a drawer. I then turned back to Titus and smiled, "Help yourself. There's orange juice and milk in the fridge."

With that being said I went to wake up Jacob. My sweet little brother was all tangled up in his blankets. I chuckled softly before gently shaking him awake, "It's time to get up Jake."

He slowly opened his eyes and stretched before rubbing his eyes.

"Breakfast is ready. I made your favorite," I mentioned, knowing that that would help wake him up. Sure enough, with that being said, his eyes lit up, and he rushed to the kitchen with me following closely behind.

Jake quickly sat at the table, waiting for me to give him his food. I placed some pancakes and bacon on a plate before covering it all with syrup and placed it in front of Jake along with a glass of milk. Then I worked on my own plate. All this time, Titus was just looking on with an impassive expression. Jake didn't pay him any attention until he had finished his food.

"What's you name?" he asked with a look of interest.

"Titus," the man replied in a husky baritone.

"My name is Jacob, but you can call me Jake," Jake said before rambling on about various topics including pancakes, race cars, and school.

After I finished my own food and had washed all the dishes, I turned to Jake. "Come on buddy. It's time to get ready for day care." He pouted a bit, "But I want to stay here with you."

"I know sweetie, I want to too, but I have to go to work. I promise that we'll spend all day Saturday together, though. We can go to the park and get ice cream and have a lot of fun, but for now, you have to go to daycare."

"Alright," he mumbled, trudging down the hall to get ready. I then faced Titus, "Umm. I'm going to be heading out soon. Maybe you should call someone to pick you up?," I hadn't meant it to, but it came out as a question. "I mean you don't have to, but I don't really know you, and I'm not sure if I can trust you here alone. You know? You never know who you can trust these days." My rambling was cut off by the man in front of me laughing. After a bit, his laughter turned to a low chuckle. A broad grin made its way on his face, "Its okay. I understand. I'll have someone pick me up. It might be a bit before they get here, though."

His smile was infectious, and one was soon gracing my features as well, "That's alright. Make yourself at home for now. The bathroom is down the hall, first door on the right, and if you get hungry or thirsty, feel free to get something from the fridge."

There was a slight pause in conversation neither of us knowing what to say. I looked down at the floor nervously. Jake took this moment to make himself known by yelling, "I'm ready!" while walking towards the kitchen.

I took him by the hand and led him out the door, looking back at the man sitting in my kitchen who was currently staring back at me, before shutting it. I hoped I was doing the right thing, and that my house wouldn't be ransacked by the time I got back. He seemed nice enough, but people always told me I was too trusting. Hopefully this wouldn't be the time they were proven correct, I thought.

A/N It's a bit short, I know. Next chapter will hopefully be longer. Picture of Titus to the side. So, what do you think so far? Positive comments really encourage me. Thanks to those who have left some. :)
