Chapter 8

Samantha was there when we arrived at my apartment waiting to bombard me with questions. Titus had sent me off with a peck on the cheek and a quick 'goodnight'. By the time I walked through the door my blush was still prominent on my face. Samantha wasted no time in her interrogation.

"How was it? Did you have fun? He didn't do anything to make you uncomfortable, did he? I swear if he did anything to you I will not hesitate to castrate him. Do I need to buy a shotgun?"

I stopped her before she did anything rash, though her ranting was amusing. "Sam, calm down. The date was fine. More than fine. It was amazing. Titus is so sweet and considerate." I couldn't stop smiling even as I said, "There's no need to buy a shotgun or castrate anybody. I can't have my best friend going to jail."

"Like I would leave any evidence," she muttered.

"Alright, crazy. Is Jake in bed yet?"

"I'm glad you are finally calling me by my real name. He said he wanted to wait up for you. He's in his room."

"Okay, thanks," I said as I made my way down the hall to Jake's room. I knocked softly, then entered after no reply came. There was Jake curled up on his bed dozing peacefully. He still had on his day clothes and wasn't even under the blanket. I shook him gently, " Hey, bud. It's time to get ready for bed."

His eyes opened slowly, and he yawned while stretching. "Welcome home," he whispered.

I smiled lovingly down at my little brother. "Let's get you in your pjs, okay?" He nodded and slid off the bed.

After getting changed, he crawled back into his bed, this time under the covers. He looked up at me and a look of determination came over his face. "I want to talk to the guy who took you out today. Anyone who wants to date my sister has to get past me first."

I had to suppress a grin at his adorable protectiveness. "I'll make sure to tell him that. I'm sure he's going to be pretty nervous."

"He should be," Jake stated with a mischievous smirk before he yawned again.

"Goodnight Jake," I said, kissing his forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too, Livy."

I waled quietly out Jake's room, turning the light off on my way out. I gasped when Samantha appeared suddenly in front of me. "Don't do that," I whisper yelled. "You scared the daylight out of me."

"Then my plan to bring you to the dark side is working."

The cornered my mouth twitched upward. "Were you eavesdropping?"

She placed her hand to her heart dramatically, "Of course not. No eaves were dropped. Jake is really too cute for his own good, though. Now you need to spill the beans. I need more details about the date, or my brain is going to explode. Like literally."

Samantha then proceeded to drag me by the wrist to my room. I couldn't help but laugh at my insane best friend.


Titus called me later that night asking if we could go out again the next day, which was Sunday. That was a day that I was going to spend with Jake, but since Jake did say he wanted to talk to Titus I said he could tag along.

"Jake is going to be my main priority, though. You may be forced to join in a game of hide and seek and some other games of that sort."

"That's fine. I have to gain his approval if I want to date you, right?"

I chuckled, "Right. Seriously, though, my brother is very important to me, and if he doesn't like you, this might be a short relationship."

"I understand. I'll be on my best behavior." I could hear the humor in his voice at the fact that a six year old was indirectly threatening him.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."

A/N Thank you all so much for so much positive feedback and support. I was having a bit of a case of writers block, but your comments really motivated me to keep going. I hope you enjoyed seeing a bit more of Samantha and Jake. Tell me if you want more chapters with them in it more.

In other news, my birthday is in six days, so that's exciting. Also, the picture is what I imagine Samantha looks like.
