
"i'm sorry."

i agreed. he should have been sorry.

"shall we get some coffee, then i'll send you home?"

"that sounds perfect."

finally, we were getting somewhere.

finally, he wasn't sitting around like a brick wall.

i loved this side of soonyoung, and i thought i couldn't love him more.

"what would you like?" he asked as we settled into a corner table.

"a peppermint hot chocolate, if they have it?"

a smile crept into his face as he nodded.

a few minutes later soonyoung sat down again,

i noticed he had ordered the same thing as me.

an identical smile crept onto my own face as i eyed him cautiously.

"i'd like to profusely-" i laughed at his attempt to be formal.

"-apologize for saying what i said without thinking."

i laughed again.

"it's okay, soonyoung. who was the girl?"

"i don't know yet," he admitted.

soonyoung shyly looked up from his drink.

"but i know it's not you."

