I'm going to go find Shayne and ask him why he's been avoiding me. but the thing is I couldn't find him. I went to ask Ian where he was.

"Oh, Shayne went home early, he wasn't feeling well."

"Oh ok, thanks"

"Your welcome" I just walked back to the Squad Room and wrote some scripts on my laptop until it was time to go. I went by Starbucks on my way home because I needed to think about today. When I went in I saw a familiar blonde haired man sitting at a table. Shayne.

I went in and tried to talk to him considering he had nowhere to run. "Hi Shayne" when he saw me he sort of panicked and tried to leave. I tried to stop him but he was too strong. "Shayne!" I yelled after him trying to get his attention, that just made him walk faster. 

"shayne..." I was on the verge of crying my eyes out so I just went home. Why...why does he have to avoid me?

The Next Day....

Shayne was still avoiding me that day. I was sitting in the squad room on my phone when Shayne walked in and quickly grabbed his stuff and attempted to leave until I grabbed his shoulder. "Come on Shayne talk to me please!" He just stayed silent and got out of my grasp and went for the door. I ran to the door closed it and locked it. "What the hell Courtney!"

"I want you to tell me what is bothering you so much that it requires you to ignore me!"

"It's complicated ok, just leave me alone!"

"No! not until you tell me what's going on!"

"No! I'm not telling you anything that I don't have to!"

"Shayne seriously your acting like a child!"

"I can act like what I want to, now will you please move??"

"No! you are not leaving until you tell me!"

"Shayne please I miss talking to you!" He didn't answer. "What, your not going to say anything??"

"I don't have to if I don't want to, now move!!"


"Move Courtney!!"

"No!! you are going to answer me!! this is not how you handle problems you $&#@!!" I instantly covered my mouth. I can't believe I called him that. he looked at me in shock.

"Oh..oh No Shayne I'm so sorry, I..i didn't mean t-" He interrupted me by saying "No just don't you've already said enough" he pushed past me unlocked the door and left in tears. What have I done.


I ran out of the building in tears. I got into my car and started driving but my vision was blurred by tears. Next thing I know I hear tires screeching and everything went black.
