Since I started dating Dylan Shayne has been avoiding me and I don't know why. We haven't talked for about 2 weeks, he will only talk to me if we are on camera. I need to find out why he is ignoring me.

I was sitting on a couch talking to Olivia about my Shayne problem. "Why would he avoid me like this?" I didn't know wait to do. "Look Court, there has to be a reason why he is avoiding you. You just need to ask him why"

"But every time I try to talk to him he will either walk away or make an excuse" I hadn't realised but I had started to cry. Olivia pulled me into a hug.

"There has to be a reason why he is avoidinyou're, don't worry we will find out"

"Yeah, I hope we d-" right then Shayne and Noah walked in. "Hey Courtney" Noah greeted but Shayne stayed quiet and looked at his shoes. "Hi Shayne" I tried to talk to him but he just walked out of the room. I just don't understand.


"You know you can't just avoid her forever, you have the same job man!" I knew Noah was right but I just didn't want to face her. She would never love me.

"I know, I just don't know if I'm ready to talk to her"

"Well, don't worry man I am here if you need me"

"Thanks Noah" We both got up and went to got to the squad room. Wine we walked in I saw Courtney and immediately looked down. "Hi Shayne" She tried to talk to me, and as much as I wanted to talk to her I couldn't say anything, so I just left.

I went to smosh games and everyone was there "Hey Shayne" they all greeted me and all seemed to notice how sad I was. "Hey buddy, what's up?" asked Flitz.

"I...uh...don't know if you noticed that Courtney and I haven't been talking much"

"Yeah I noticed, how about we talk about this in private?"

"Ok" We walked out and Flitz sat me down and I started tearing up. "I...I don't know what to do"

"Look man, I think you need to talk to her and sort things out"

"That's the thing! I can't. whenever I am near her I just can't say anything"

"And when did this all start?" he seemed interested "After Courtney said she and Dylan were dating" I answered meekly.

"Ohhh, I see"


"That there brother is what we call a broken heart"

"What do you mean?"

"Dude, you won't even talk to her" I realised he was right "D..do you think I s..should talk to her"

"Yes man, you need to apologize for your behaviour"

"Yeah, I do. but how am I going to do that? I've probably messed up our friendship now. She's never going to want to talk to me." I started crying again. "Dude, if I know Courtney. which I do. then I know that she will forgive you. she has wanted to talk to you this whole time"

"Yeah, ok I think I'll go talk to her. Thanks Flitz." 

"No problem man, now go do what's right!"

"Alright!" I hopped up and speed-walked to the squad Room. As soon as my hand touched the door I felt my nerves again. So I just left.
