Ch.5 Why?

Your P.O.V




That word kept going through your mind. You walked sloppily like somebody had shot you in the leg as you walked home.

"Kuroko-Kun has a girlfriend?" You whispered quietly.

You don't know why it bothered you so much but the pain in your heart was real.

You finally reached home when you remembered...

"The letter." You said as you rushed to the mailbox. You quickly got it and ran upstairs to your room.

You put all your school stuff down and laid on your bed. You open the letter and it said:


The next day.....

Kagami's P.O.V

I texted (F/N) if she wanted to come walk with me and Kuroko again but she didn't reply. I don't really understand what happened to her and Kuroko, but I know he's probably gonna bring up the subject while we're walking.

I arrived at our meeting spot..

"Hey Kuroko!"

"Hello Kagami-Kun."

"Ehhh?! You were behind me? I thought you were in front of me?!!"

"I was, but then you almost hit me with your hand so I moved...." He said very seriously.

"Ahh okay.. Well let's go."


Hmm he didn't even ask if (F/N) was coming or where she was...

"Umm Kuroko what's up with you and (F/N)? Like you and her have been acting weird for some reason.."

"Kagami. Does (L/N)-San talk about me?" He said quietly.

"Umm sometimes? No not really.."

"I see..Does she mention any special day or some day she cherishes a lot?"

"Ummm no.."

"Kagami. Do you think if I said to you that in reality I really love (L/N)-San, would you believe me and do you think we would have a chance together?"

"......... *smirks* yes I would believe you. Love is a very serious thing. And personally I think you and (F/N) would have a chance together IF indeed you really do love her. By the way how do you really know if you love (F/N)?"

"Hmmm....Well every time I think about her there's a pain in my heart like I need her to be by my side to comfort the pain. Every time I look at her my heart melts and its like me and her are the only ones standing there in that moment. Whenever she's near me I get all nervous and my heart starts thumping faster and faster. Lastly whenever she talks and whenever she laughs its like hearing a beautiful melody in my ear that makes myself smile. She makes me so happy and flustered at the same time that I want to spend every moment with her. Kagami is that love?"

"Nah that's puberty." I say.

Kuroko looked at me all shocked.

"Hahaha I'm just kidding.. But seriously I believe that's true love.

Sooo Kuroko why don't you tell her that in reality?" I say.

"I've been trying to ever since I met her."

