Hysterectomy Consultation (1)


I was pretty nervous before this appointment, since for whatever reason, it's normally hard for AFAB people to get hysterectomies or even just sterilization, but this appointment went much smoother then I expected.

I met with the OBGYN and they told me all about the procedure and what we'd be doing. They remove everything but the ovaries (cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes), which is what I'm looking for. Since we're not removing the ovaries, my hormones won't be affected at all, which is good. I also learned that apparently there are normally 4 scars. The largest one is from the uterus. There are also two different ways to have this procedure, laparoscopic and robotic. Personally, I think I'd rather have laparoscopic since I don't exactly want a robot doing surgery on me haha.

Next is to contact insurance and find out what we need to do.

I also asked some questions at this appointment. I'll put them in part 3!
