2 : On the Road

AN : Finally traveling to their new home! Yay! Ashton is just so fun to write. Ain't he cute?('。• ᵕ •。') ♡ Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chappy! ^^

We're leaving today...I said goodbye to Kaylee and Vince. Kaylee's daddy said I can call and Vince's mommies said I can call him too. I don't wanna leave. I'll miss my friends, I'll miss our house, and I'll miss my room. All my planets and glowy stars fit on the top and my toys fit on the shelves and in the toy box. Mommy told Daddy that the house is big but I don't know if all my stuff with fit in my new room in the new house.


"Okay, Ashton. Say bye to the house." James told his son from the front passenger seat and waved goodbye.

"...Bye-bye, house." He waved a sorrowful goodbye and had Joe wave bye too.

Ashton's father looked back at him,"Don't be so sad, buddy. You'll have a lot of fun with Mommy and Daddy riding in the car and more fun when we get to the house."

Ashton held Joe to his chest and buried a frown in his soft, brown fur.

During the ride Ashton's parents tried to include him in games like I spy or just singing along to a song. The little boy was too heartbroken to join in the fun. Along the way they stopped to eat at a nice dinner that claimed to have the best pies.

"You need help unbuckl-"

"I got it, Daddy."

"Okay, just checking." James discreetly unbuckled his son's seat belt before helping him out the car.

The family of three, or four including joe, left the car and entered the dinner. It was small, but not in the claustrophobic sense. The older establishment had a cozy feel to it. The waitress sat them down and handed them some menus before going to get their drinks.

As Ashton was trying to rip his crayon package open, that came with his children's menu, he realized something.


"Yeah, buddy?"

"I gotta pee."

"Okay, let's go."

"I can go by myself."

"Are you sure, bud?" His parents shared a look.

"Yes, I'll be right back." Ashton hopped out the booth seat and started walking to the bathroom.

"I should follow hi-" James said as he scooted out the booth, only to be cut off.

"No, let him."

"But, Nicolette."

"Maybe being more independent will help him cope." She suggested.

James sat back down and flipped through his menu,"If you say so."


Ashton walked through the maze of tables and chairs until he was at the bathroom door. With both hands he grabbed the handle and turned before pushing in with all his might. He let the door close.

After doing his buisness he walked up to the sink.

Ashton seemed to not be the height in mind for this sink. He balanced on his tiptoes but still couldn't see the top of the sink. So he balanced on his toes again and tried to reach for the handle of the faucet. Even as he stretched his arm until it could stretch any longer it seemed no use.

Then the water started running.

Though he couldn't see the faucet he could see a man's face in the top of the mirror. He turned around to thank the man but...He man wasn't there.

In his place was an old step stool.

Ashton said,"Thank you." out loud just in case the mysterious man was still around before pushing the stool closer to the sink and standing on it to better wash his hands.

After drying his hands he left the bathroom and approached their booth right as the waitress was coming back around to get their orders.


The rest of the ride to the new house was still just as boring if not even more so than it was before. Thankfully the boredom lulled him to sleep and he napped the rest of the way there.

"He's asleep." James stated.

"Do you think he'll sleep the whole way there?"

"Probably. I kinda want him to sleep now but at the same time I don't want a jumpy Ashton that wants to play at one in the morning."

"True...You like the house, right?" Nicolette glanced at her husband before looking back at the road.

"Y-yeah, yeah. It has enough rooms to fit ten of us each, a pool, eight acres as a backyard..."


"It's just..."

"It's still the house?"

"Yeah." James agreed in a defeated breath.

"I agree with you, James." Nicolette grasped James' larger hand and kissed his knuckles.

"Ew, you know how many germs and swimming in your mouth?" James huffed in a nasally voice.

Nicolette rolled her eyes and landed a big slobbery kiss on the back of his hand.

"Dude, gross!" James grabbed a tissue to wipe it off and some hand sanitizer.

"Shut up. You'll wake up the baby."

James stuck his tongue out at her and squeezed a generous amount of hand sanitizer on his hand.

Nicolette smirked at his antics,"No wonder why I bullied you in high school."

"Shut up. You'll wake the baby."


In what seemed to be an instant, Ashton suddenly awoke to his father unbuckling him from his car seat.

"Good morning, sleepy." James smirked at the boy's hardly open eyes and the drool at the corner of his mouth.

"Hi, Daddy."

James stepped back and held a hand out to help him out the car. Instead of taking the offered hand, Ashton raised his arms up and whined at his father. He hefted him into his arms and gave a mock groan,"So heavy. Are you sure you ate pie and not bricks?"

Ashton grumbled and rubbed his drool onto his father's shirt.

"Are you hungry? Want a snack?"


James walked across the stone walkway and through the grand front door. Nicolette was already directing the movers and organizing everything. He walked by two movers who were holding a couch and to the kitchen. The small icebox they had brought for the trip was on the marble counter. He took a still cold juice box out and prepared the straw before handing it to Ashton.

His father began petting his hair as he walked out the kitchen and looked around at the lions hand carved into the stair's handrail, the high ceiling and crystal chandeliers that hung in the front hall and dinning room. James could not believe this was their house. He looked down at Ashton and saw him chewing on the plastic straw of his juice, eyes starting to repeat an almost endless cycle of fluttering closed before snapping open. He smoothed some stray hairs behind an ear before asking,"Do you want to sleep some more or choose your room?"

Ashton lifted his head and looked up at his father and gave him a quizzical look before letting out a soft and sleepy,"Huh?"

"Your room. Don't you wanna pick one out before mommy moves everything in place?"

The boy turned his head all around like an owl studying the night before finally realizing where they were and demanding to be let down.

"What's the magic wo-"


James let his now little ball of energy down and reminded him to walk up the stairs before going to see what his wife was up to.

Ashton dodged the movers on the stairs and walking through the halls looking through open doors to find the biggest room. Well second biggest. His mother had reminded him that the biggest room was for his Mommy and Daddy to share and that he could have the next biggest one.

He came across a closed door.

He had already seen a bathroom on this floor so he doubted this was another one but knocked anyway before opening the door and padding his sneakered feet in. The door mutely swung closed with a soft click of the lock.


"What's in that box?" James asked.

"Oh, your toys." Nicolette replied.


Nicolette rolled her eyes,"You heard me."

"They are not toys."

"James, little kids get them from Santa and make them have tea parties with Barbie. They are toys."

"This right here is original model first edi-"

"I don't want to hear it again. 148 A.D. first edition, genuine lead paint, the original sasquatch's signature. You're such a nerd, Jam.

"At least I just collect figures and not pin-up model posters."


James and Nicolette were minutes into a talk about where to put James' 'toys', 'collectables', when there was a scream.

AN : Are you wondering what happened? I guess it will stay a mystery...Until the next chappy!(o^ ^o)/
