1 : Moving?

AN : This story is a little different from what I usually write, but I really wanted to try something new. I hope you enjoy~!

My Mommy got me a new toy car! I dunno know why, it's not my birthday or Christmas but she gave it to me. It's red and it goes real real fast. It's faster than all my other cars. I got it stuck behind my bed but Daddy got it out. I think he almost got stuck in the bed too but he did it!


"Ashton, dinner is ready!" His father hollered up the stairs.

"Okay, Daddy!" Ashton replied. He was currently lying on his stomach and playing with his toy cars. He tossed them onto the rug and stood. In his favorite pastel blue overalls and white and black striped shirt he rushed down the hall and hopped down the steps. His curly, chestnut locks bouncing along.

"Ashton, walk."

"Sorry, Mommy." He immediately stopped hopping and walked the rest of the steps. Ashton trotted through the living room and through the archway of the kitchen.

"Did you wash your hands?" His father asked.

"Oh!" Ashton walked over to the sink, grabbing his step stool, that's next to the fridge, along the way. The little boy didn't see his father roll his eyes and share a smile with his wife as he turned on the faucet and lathered his hands with soap. Once he was done he put the stool back and clambered onto his seat at the table. His mother put her blonde hair in a ponytail before spooning food onto his plate.

Once everyone had gotten a few bites in Ashton's father, James, spoke,"Ashton."

The boy lifted his hazel eyes from his plate,"Yeah, Daddy?"

"Me and Mommy have something to tell you."

Ashtons eyebrows scrunched up in confusion but he nodded with an,"Uh-huh."

His father explained that since his mother, Nicolette got a promotion,"We have to move to a new house."


"Ashton, inside voice."

"Sorry, Mommy."

"Yes, Ashton, we have to move to a new house in a different town." Nicolette answered.

"B...But I like it here."

"I know, buddy." James sympathized with his son,"Mommy and Daddy like it too, but we're picking a new house we like and I know you'll like it too."

"But I can't go to the park."

"We can find another park near the new house." Nicolette tried to cheer him up.

"B-But I won't get to play w-w-with Kaydee and Vince no more." Ashton's eyes started to tear up and he started to hiccup.

"Oh, honey." His mother pulled him into her lap and rubbed his back,"You can still call them and tell them about the new friends you'll make."

"I don't w-want new friends." He whined and burrowed further into her shirt.

"It's okay. You don't need to make more friends if you don't want to."

Once Ashton was calmed down his parents promised him ice cream for dessert and watching Tangled before bedtime. After dinner they all gathered on the couch for the movie. Half way through Ashton started to nod off. James turned off the TV and Nicolette picked Ashton up and carried him upstairs.

With his teeth brushed and his jammies on, Ashton was tucked into bed.

His parents watched him sleep from the doorway. A fish night light and and the light from the hall illuminate a small square of his room.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" His father worried.

"He'll be fine. He just needs time to adjust to all of this." His mother reassured her husband.


Daddy says I have to help pack all my things in boxes. I don't like packing. My cars go in the toy box, not a packing box. My planets hang on the roof, my coloring books go on the table, my Ken doll goes in his house, not a packing box!....Why does Mommy's new job have to be far away?


"Okay, buddy, you pack all your toys?"


His father labeled all the boxes and taped them up,"Alright, now it's time for you," James poked his nose,"To get ready for bed."

"But, Daaaaaaaaaddy. Whenever Mommy works late we eat brownies and make a pillow fort."

"Sorry, bud. Not tonight. We have to go to sleep early so we wake up early and can pack more." He pushed the boxes to the wall near the door before shouting,"Now onward march, soldier! We gotta get you clean!" He grinned at Ashton and nudged his shoulder.

Ashton turned away and trudged to the bathroom. Dragging his socked feet along the way.

James sighed and followed his sad soldier.

After a depressing bubble bath, bland bubble gum toothpaste, and forlorn change into Blackwidow pjs, the crestfallen Ashton was ready for bed.

His father switched on the fish night light and pulled the Captain America covers up to the boy's shoulders, he had insisted to his father that he get these covers since the Cap is strong and blonde like his mom. He sat down on the side of the bed and asked,"Why are you so glum, bud?" as he poked one of Ashton's cheeks.


James threaded his fingers through his sons curls,"Do you wanna tell me?"

"You're no fun, Daddy." Ashton turned away from him.

"Buddy." James put a gently hand on the boy's shoulder.

Ashton shrugged it off,"I'm sleeping, go away."

"Now, Ashton, I know you don't want to move but-"

"It's time for good boys to go to sleep!" Ashton grumbled and planned on saying no more, when he remembered his manners,"Good night, Daddy."

With a defeated sigh James returned his own,"Good night, Ashton." He stood up from the bed and left the room, leaving the door open a crack.

Ashton snuggled up to his bear, Joe, but wasn't going to sleep just yet. He was too mad to sleep. He lay in bed quietly sharing his feelings with Joe and telling him how much of a good listener he was. Before he knew it he heard a car approaching the house. Ashton sat up and looked out the window,"It's Mommy's car." he whispered and waited for Nicolette to turn off the car and enter the house. He heard his parents muffled speech as they conversed downstairs,"Let's go Joe."

He tiptoed out of the door and down the hall. He peeked down the stairs and saw his parents sitting together on the couch. Their backs facing him. His mother's laptop placed in front of them on the coffee table.

"Why don't you like the house?" Nicolette asked James.

"You know why I don't like it don't pretend that you don't."

"James, it has 3 stories, not including the basement or attic, a pool, acres of land, and is gated all around. It's an amazing house for a great deal."

"Yeah it's a great deal because of the horrible thing that happened there."

"James, it was the only house on the market that could actually fit all of us comfortably and it was within our spending range. If there was another house I would have chosen it."

"It just...Gives me a bad vibe."

"Okay, enough gloomy talk how was Ashton today?"

"You want to replace my gloomy talk with even more gloomy talk?"

"Why? What happened?"

"I already felt bad for not making a pillow fort with him and then during the night routine he was so glum. He wouldn't smile at all. And when I tucked him in he didn't ask for a story and he told me 'Daddy, you're no fun.'"

Nicolette snorted at that.

"Hey! My demotion isn't funny."

"What else did he say?"

"When I tried to talk to him he told me,'I'm sleeping, go away.' and quoted me by saying,'It's time for good boys to go to sleep.' before telling me good night."

"Do you think he was telling you that you weren't being a good boy?" She laughed.


"Be a good boy for once, James, and go to sleep. It's past your bedtime."

"Remind me again why I'm married to you."

"Because you love me." Nicolette kissed him and gave him a hug,"But for real go to sleep or else you'll be annoying in the morning."

They both stood up from the couch and Ashton scurried back to his room and into bed with Joe.  

AN : I hope you enjoyed! More to come.

(o^ ^o)/
