chapter 24

THEME SONG • 'Those Eyes' By New West

"Cause all of the small, things that you do,

Are what remind me why I fell for you. 

And when were apart,

And I'm missing you,

I close my eyes and all I see is you,

And the small things you do..."



While Mia laid in bed, she seemed emotionless. Her face was scrunched slightly, she wasn't moving, just on her side, looking outside. She was staring out the window, watching the world go on with what seemed like without her. A lady, sitting down on the bench across the street, chatting away with laughter and joy on the phone, as her dog ran around the gated park that the girls lived opposite.

There was a little boy, swinging on the swings, kicking his knees back and fourth, trying to show his dad how strong he was, even though his father was pushing him higher. Mia could imagine the giggles that would be coming from the pair.

There were two birds on the tree that was in view of her window. They were flying around a nest, following each other as melodic sounds flowed through the air from their twerps and tweets. They looked like they were building the next, building their home, for their future together, whatever that means for a bird.

And lastly, right at the bottom of her eyesight, she sees an elderly couple walking along the path that her apartment building sits across. They were holding hands, whispering sweet nothings into each others ears, as they looked at each other with endless love and adoration.

That's all it took, as the heartbroken and sick girl ran to the bathroom and made herself throw up for the third time that day...

When Jackson showed up to practice Sunday morning, he wasn't himself. Even the people who weren't friends with him, or didn't spend any time with him, could tell. If the ghost-like dark underlies caused by his sleepless night, or his puffy face from tears that had fallen couldn't tell you anything, then him ignoring anyone, or letting out his anger on his practice plays, and not having the energy to lift his head two seconds later gave it away.

Jackson stayed at his parents house last night. He texted and called Mia several times, all to which went unanswered, which not only made him sad, but worried for his girl.

Because he didn't get in until late, he used his key and snuck up to his old bedroom while the rest of the house was quiet, everyone sleeping. He sent his mom a text that he was there, so she wouldn't have woken up worried by a noise.

All Jackson did that night was stare up at the ceiling, while tears full of emotion streamed down his face. 

He was sad. Sad that he had broken the girl he liked so, so much. He was angry, angry at Cynthia because she kissed him, and angry at himself that he had put himself anywhere close to a situation like that, let alone ever have been involved with her at all. he regretted, Everything that happened that night. He shouldn't have gone out, all he wanted was Mia, to be with her, and yet he did everything wrong, and fucked everything up. And he was worried. He was scared that Mia would be so heartbroken that she would never hear his explanation, never give him another chance. He was scared that she might even treat her self the way she did before they even met, which was bad. And very, very scary.


No one had spoken to Mia. She would get up really early, go on such long runs,  and sneak back in to get ready for school, leaving without being noticed. She didn't want to talk to anyone, she thought that. They would all just pity her.

It had only been three days but you could already see differences in her look. She hadn't eaten, and spending the first day and a half constantly throwing up any time the image of the two kissing came up in her head. He under eyeballs were so dark, her face looks pale, and you could already see her bones showing through more and more. she was already thin due to her past, and her body not eating anything made it fall back into its old routine, like it was a second nature to her.

Everyone was worried. The girls especially. They didn't know that she was leaving her room, but they could hear her light cries and the constant toilet flushing, which made them anxious. No matter how much they would knock on the door or call out her name, there was no response.

Her room was locked and her phone was off, cutting Mia off from the outside world.

She had  skipped any class that may have had a friend or Jackson in it, not wanting to face the situation yet, scared to see his face and break all over again. 

But Jackson wasn't going to class at all, no. He would go to his training sessions and then right back to his family home, hiding away in his room as he did all of the work online he needed to do. That was the only way he could keep his mom off of his back.

He would drink. Constantly. He spent the last three nights out at clubs and bars in the middle of Los Angeles, not having a care in the world other than numbing his brain to his reality.

The reality where he would constantly call and text but get no response. The reality where all of his friends hated him for not fixing it, for breaking Mia, right when she had just been able to mend herself.

On the third day, Jackson stopped trying. Not knowing that Mia hadn't seen his or anyone else messages or calls, he assumed she wanted nothing to do with him, and waited till his phone died and put it in his draw, just another way to escape his feelings.


On day five Mia finally talked to Grace. She knew she needed to talk to someone, and Grace being her best friend, knew that she could face her and receive no judgment, no matter what.

Tears were shared. When Grace saw Mia, she didn't see her best friend. She saw a broken, sick looking girl that Mia had been consumed by. So quickly, and she felt guilty, so guilty for not helping sooner.

She held the small fragile girl as she cried to sleep in her arms, and when she finally started dreaming, the best friend started crying even harder, knowing hurt she felt, and wishing she could've taken it away.

She called Grayson, told him that Mia needs someone, needs her someone, and that he needed to help save her, otherwise it could only get worse.

Of course, they scared the shit out of Grayson. If Mia seemed as bad as grace claimed her to be after only three days, then she was definitely turning back to her old ways, and it meant that she does need someone. That used to be her family, and as much as it is now, Grayson knew she needed Jackson more than anything in the world to support and help her through this.

He could see they loved each other. anyone could. They look at each other the way Grayson looks at Grace and vice- versa. With unconditional love.

Whether they realised it or not, or were just too scared to admit it, they loved each other strongly, and they really did need each other.

So he tried calling and texting Jackson for the rest of the night, to come home and go to the girls' apartment to explain himself and get her forgiveness.No one realised Jackson had turned his phone off days ago, they thought that he was just ignoring everyone.

So when Jackson didn't show up the next day to training, all of they boys were nothing but pissed off, knowing that their sweet, innocent girl was slowly getting worse and worse, and their was nothing they could do about it.



Bubba, can you come tuck me into bed?" 

I was sitting on the couch, the football playing infront of me, but im not paying attention to it. I haven't been paying attention to a lot recently, just going through the motions day by day. Minute by minute, on repeat.

"Of course Mack, go brush your teeth, I'll be up in a minute, alright?" I smile and nod my head to ward the stairs, which she runs to listening to my reply. I hear her soft footsteps go up the stairs, as I turn my head back to the television, the small fake smile leaving my face automatically.

This week has been the shittiest week I think I have ever experienced. Way harder than the week I found Samantha cheating on me, way harder than breaking my arm in middle school and being out for the rest of there football season, this week will top anything in the past and the future, of being the worst week in the world.

I still haven't turned my phone on, other than to text coach that I was missing the training sessions this weekend. 

We had a bye, and I'm glad we did because there was no way that I would be able to focus enough to play properly in this state, I can barely feel anything, let alone focus.

"Are you ok sweetie? I know you won't tell me exactly what happened, but maybe you should talk to Mia, I'm sure that would at least be something."

I look over to see my mother, with her arms slightly crossed ass she leans her side against the wall, looking at me with worried eyes, causing me to sigh.

"I messed up, mom. Really bad, and it wasn't even my fault." I look up at her.

"Well you better win her back, she is perfect for you Jackson, your father and I both know it, everyone in this family knows it, and I can't tell you do, too."

I nod, rising up from the couch, and wishing my mom a goodnight before heading upstairs to tuck Mackenzie in.

I head into her room to see her laying in bed, looking at me with drowsy eyes.

"It is past your bed time missy, which means it's time to go to sleep." I say, tucking the blankets under her and wrapping her up like a 'bedtime burrito' as she likes to call it.

I take a seat on the side of her pet, slowly running my fingers through her hair too calm her down and send her to sleep

"Hey Bubba?" Mackenzie whispers, eyes closed and half asleep already.

"Yes Princess?"

"When can Mia come over?" She mumbles, and I feel my heart skip a beat at the mention of her name.

I pause, not knowing the true answer t the question. If I had it my way, she never would have left, but I don't know if she will ever trust me again, let alone take me back, but I can't break my little sisters heart yet, not until I know my answer at least

"Soon Mack, soon."

No response came from the small girl mother than soft breaths. I waited for a bit, talking to her like I used to do when she was little, telling her all about Mia, and what I missed most about her, and what little things she did that I remembers but she probably didn't notice, and everything else I could think of.

Finally, sleep is about to overcome me, so I kiss Macks forehead lightly, and head to bed...

What no one knew was that earlier that day, Grayson was finally able to get Mia out of her room. Well, somewhat.

He went over, knowing no one else would be home, and no one kew he was coming, because he didn't want to pressure Mia into talking to him, even if he just sat out the door and explained everything, he knew that would help in someway.

"Boo? Are you in here?" Grayson asks when entering the apartment, making his way towards the closed door at the end of the hallway, 

"C'mon boo, just at least let me know you are there, please? I'm just here to check on you. And to explain everything." He sighed, the last string of hope he had slowly crumbling.

Until he heard a slight "I'm here." Coming from the other side of the door.

"Ok, good. You don't have to open up if you don't want, but I need you to listen, ok?"

Hearing shuffles in the room, Mia made her way over to the door, not opening it, but sitting down against it, feeling dizzy from standing to fast with no food or drink in her for days. Grayson could tell she was there, a slight smile covering his face as he sat on the other side, the pair of non- biological siblings content.

"He didn't kiss her Mia. It was all Cynthia. he wanted you, all night you were all he talked about. We had to beg him to come out with us, because he didn't want to, he wanted to be with you. But we made him. we all drank way to much, including him, but I swear him your brother and I all saw the same thing. He was trying to get away from her, he kept backing away and moving her hands off of him, telling her to back off. But he backed into a wall and she used that as the opportunity. She was you talking to me and that's when she decided to do it. It sounds bad but I promise, it's true."

Tears were streaming down Mia's face, but she didn't try to wipe them. Deep down, she knew that Jackson had never done anything on purpose, he had just been at. The wrong place at the wrong time. But Mia's insecurities had overtaken those thoughts, making her feel unworthy, and undeserving of a guy like Jackson.

"He's killing himself over this, Mia. And I know you are too. He hasn't been showing up to practice, or classes, which I would assume you know because I know you have been going to them. But he needs you, and I think you need him too. You guys have something special, and you can't let some blond bimbo backstabbing girl ruin that."

The only thing Grayson heard were sniffles coming from the other side of the door.

"He's been ignoring us, just call him, or text him, or something, please." He said as he stood up and grabbed his keys and headed towards the door.

"I love you boo, we all do. Don't go hurting yourself, or falling back into old habits. Come to one of us, I'm begging you." Grayson closed the door behind him, leaving the apartment, and after Mia charged and turned on her hone for the first time in a week, she spent the next hour trying to contact Jackson, just like he had one her, but no response came. And Mia felt terrible.

I know you guys will love the next chapter, so don't even worry.

Regarding the triggering parts, mentions of Mia's eating disorder will still be discussed in the next couple of chapters, but should become less and less detailed after that. Of course I will let you all know when it will be mentioned, as someone who has had a difficult time with a relationship with food, I find it very helpful when there is something to warn me, so if one more person gets mad at me for putting a trigger warning, you will be blocked and reported :)

Mia xo
