What Happened? Pt.2

It has been more than a year since I last updated- for a few reasons. I have been trying to get into a school I like, and studying is annoying and time consuming. Don't worry, I didn't forget about you guys and I will finish the story :)


Morning. A lovely and dreadful time of the day. However, today it is only lovely, for Lucifer has made the most delicious pancakes on the fricken planet! I swear he is like- a 5 star chef. They taste AMAZING! 

I stare down at my empty plate for a moment before making puppy dog eyes at Lucifer, silently begging for more. He looks at me, his eye glinting slightly as he walks over with a heaping plate of them. 

I. Literally. Died.

It felt like ages drizzling the syrup over the stack, just wanting to eat them all right away. 

I devoured the pancakes faster than everyone else at the table, and seeing everyone's faces was hilarious. The only one not gaping at me in shock was Luci- the sexiest of them all- he was just smirking at me. 

It looks like he knows something, knows something that I should.

I look at Asmo, who is still staring at me in shock.

"Oh yea- what happened last night? The last thing I remember was getting something from you..." I asked him.

He tenses up, glancing at Luci before responding. "Well I spiked it?" He said nervously, hoping I wouldn't be mad.

Well I couldn't really be mad. After all, Luci is right here...

Later. I will hit him later, once Luci leaves.

I force a smile at Asmo. A dangerous smile. "OH. Well THAT explains why I don't remember!"

Asmo shivers at me, nodding slightly before turning away.

"You were CRAZY last night!" exclaimed Mammon, "Ya had to get taken upstairs- Lucifer couldn't leave you alone!"

I slowly looked over at him. 

He was leaning back, eating his pancakes lazily, not really paying attention to what he is saying.

"Lucifer carried me? Where?" I ask him, hoping I didn't get to out of control.

"Yea he carried ya. All the way to his room down the hall."

Now Luci looked a bit nervous, a bead of sweat appearing on his forehead.

Oh no. I didn't...

Wait it's fine though. I woke up in my room- if I did it I would have just fallen asleep there- I am lazy after all.

"Oh stop lying Mammon- I woke up in my room." I snapped at him.

Mammon looked at me confused. "I never said ya didn't. But ya didn't fall asleep there- I went up to check on you after ya left like that."

At that moment, Lucifer died inside. I saw it in his eyes, as they were more dead than usual.

Levi blushed and put on his headphones. "I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going..." he whispered.

Satan glared at Lucifer, his cheeks slightly flushed.

Asmo perked up and looked between us excitedly.

Belphie is asleep.

Beel is inhaling his 27th pancake.

"Ooooooh Luciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ What is this I hear?" Asmo is suddenly beside Lucifer, poking his arm. "What did you DO last night~"

"(Y/N), come with me- we need to talk in my room." He grabs my wrist and starts pulling me with him towards the stairs.

Wait... Did we?

He slams his door shut behind me and casts a noise cancelling spell on the room.

"So... You really don't remember?" He asked me gently, putting his hand on my cheek. He looked sad.

"No- I completely blacked out last night," I stated, "What did we do?" I blushed heavily at the last part.

Luci smirked at me. "So you really did mean it..." 

Then he kissed me. 

I stared for a moment, but then kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck and closing my eyes.

We pull apart and he smiles at me. A genuine smile. "I love you."

I turn beet red and pinch myself on the arm, trying to wake up. When it doesn't work, I glance around the room, making sure I'm the only other one in here. I am. I stare at him for a second, promptly turn around, and belly flop onto his bed.

We did kiss last night. Asmo is going to bother the fuck out of me about it...

As I marinate in my own despair I hear someone open the door and come inside the room.

Then I feel someone touch my arm. I know that touch. 

"Satan?" I whimper quietly to him, "I think I'm gonna die..."

Satan hugs me tightly. "It's ok, I won't hurt you." he glares at Lucifer.

"Not like that..." I say quietly, moving my hands to where Lucifers lips touched mine.

Satan is smart. He realizes what I meant.

He lets go of me and stands up, walking over to Luci. "Why in the 3 worlds would you do something like that without telling me first?!" He then proceeds to slap Lucifer across the face.

Lucifer slaps him back.

All of a sudden it is a sissy fight, the two brothers slapping each other at top speed.

"Why would I have to tell you? That is my business not yours." Luci says calmly amidst the hand flying.

"Because maybe you aren't the only one that likes her!" Satan replies rather loudly.

"Well then maybe you should have acted faster!" Lucifer yells, matching Satan's volume.

I just stare in shock.  Did Satan indirectly confess to me? Did both of the sexy guys I adore confess to me in the span of 5 minutes?

I am most definitely dreaming.

I'll watch it play out anyway- it is kind of nice....

Just then Satan remembered that I actually exist and just so happened to be 10 feet away from him. "Oh uh.." He mumbles, "You heard that huh"

I just nod.

"Do you like me back?" Satan asks.

I nod.

"Do you like me too?" Lucifer questions.

I nod.

The two brothers glare at each other. "BUT SHE'S MINE!" They yell at the same time.


To be continued- hopefully sooner rather than later...
