
My first day at RAD wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Sometimes I forgot that the other demons were actually demons. They weren't mean or scary like everyone in the human world thinks they are, in fact they look and act just like us.

The second day was different though. Everyone was staring at me, whispering to each other. Some of the girls even glared at me. What the hell!(pun intended) Even Rebecca was glaring at me! She was so nice yesterday too, letting me sit with her and her friends! What happened? I thought looking nervously around at the other students as I walked to my first class.

As I got to the classroom, two students were having a conversation. I stood outside to listen to them.

"Do you think she's going out with him?" The first asked.

"Who?" The second asked confused.

"You know, that human. I think her name was... (Y/N)?"

The second demon laughed. "Judging by that picture, yeah. I mean, the whole devildom has probably seen it by now, it's all over devilgram!"

I quickly unlocked my DDD and opened the devilgram app. My stomach dropped. At the very top was a picture of me and Lucifer...hugging. This was taken when I thanked him for walking me to school. I did it to annoy him.

I then read the description of the post. OMG!! She just hugged him and called him Luci!! They have to be dating!! Such a cute couple! ❤️❤️

I. Was. Horrified. Everyone in the freaking devildom thought I was dating one of the most powerful demons ever. It's even worse because I have a boyfriend in the human world! I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs that they got it all wrong and I wasn't dating Lucifer, but that would only make it worse.

Thank god my boyfriend doesn't have devilgram. I'd be soooo screwed. I wonder if he's missing me. I disappeared out of nowhere after all. I wonder if my parents know where I am.

My thoughts were interrupted when a familiar voice said my name.

Satan's POV:

I was walking through the halls when I saw a familiar face. It was (Y/N). Something wasn't right though...in fact something was very wrong.

(Y/N)'s face was very pale and she had an extremely horrified expression on her face. I walked over to her.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)? (Y/N)!" I repeated, she didn't have a response.

"(Y/N)!!!" I yelled in her ear.

"Oh, Satan when did you get here!" She said seemingly happily with an extremely forced smile. I could easily see through it, as I often use similar methods of hiding how I feel.

That's when I noticed the DDD in her hand. She seemed to follow my gaze because she quickly hid the DDD behind her back.

"What's on there (Y/N)?" I asked her.

"Oh, nothing. None of your concern." She responded.

"No something's up. You aren't acting like yourself. Now show me what's bothering you." I said as I slammed my hand to the wall beside her head. Now everyone in the hallway was staring at us.

"I said it was nothing! Stop being ridiculous!" She exclaimed.

"I SAID TELL ME!!!" I yelled at her, changing to my demon form.

"I swear I'm not-" she started. She only stopped because I did something I instantly regretted. I slapped her. Hard. She was now unconscious on the floor, blood coming from her cheek and head.

"Oh my god..." I said, my hand covering my mouth. I switched back to my human form and tears sprung to my eyes.

Everyone was still staring at us. One demon snickered. It was a girl named Rebecca that (Y/N) ate with yesterday. "Serves her right..." she said.

"WOULD YOU CARE TO REPEAT THAT?!" I screamed at her, my eye twitching a little bit.

"Yeah sure Satan. I said that it serves her right. She deserves worse in fact." Rebecca said much louder so everyone could hear her.

"AND COULD YOU INFORM MY WHY EXACTLY?!" I screamed at her, with my voice cracking a bit.

"Because she's dating Lucifer, obviously. Practically every girl in the school wants to go out with him, yet within one day of being here she gets him. That's why she deserves worse. Happy?" Rebecca said with her hands on her hips.


"Are you telling me the picture lies?" She said sarcastically.

I then remembered the DDD she was holding. I saw it on the ground next to her, she had dropped it when she fell. I picked it up and saw the devilgram post she was looking at.

It was (Y/N) and Lucifer hugging. When I read the post I understood what happened. She was trying to annoy him by using his nickname and hugging him, by the one that took the picture misunderstood.

But still.............hugging? Why hug? Isn't that a little much? Why do I feel a little hurt? What's wrong with me?

Lucifer's POV:

I saw Satan hit her. Watched his argument with Rebecca. Stared as he fell to his knees, still staring at the DDD.

He likes her, doesn't he.

Well too bad for him, I got her first. The post is confirmation of that fact. I only now break through the crowd to come to my (Y/N)'s aid. I'd been holding back since I saw him hit her to see how he handled it.

From a distance you couldn't tell how bad the injury was. Sure, the slap was bad, but what was worse was her head. As she fell, she hit it on the wall before it hit the hard floor with the rest of her body. There was some blood dripping onto the floor now.

Worry creased my face. I checked her pulse and sighed in relief. She was still alive, Thank Diavolo for that. I picked her up bridal style and rushed her to the infirmary, getting countless stares along the way.

"It's okay my sweet. You'll be okay." I whispered softly to her, wondering if she heard.

"Everything will be okay"

Your POV:

I drifted in and out of consciousness after I hit the floor, only hearing bits of things. The last thing I saw was Lucifer. I wanted to say something. I wanted to tell him that I was okay. I would have if I could form the words.

Then everything faded into black.

-Time skip brought to you by Rebecca the little bitch-

I woke up slowly, seeing two figures beside me. When my vision cleared a bit I saw that they were none other than Lucifer and Satan.

They were arguing over something, but my hearing wasn't very good so I couldn't tell what they were saying.

"Oh my god! You're awake! I'm so so so sorry! I wish I didn't hit you. Please forgive me?" Satan said hurriedly.

I tried to say the words 'I forgive you' but Nothing came out of my mouth. I grew frustrated and tried again, but the result was still just my mouth open and no words coming out. I nodded to signify that I forgave him, but instantly regretted it.

Pain shot through my head, sharper than a knife. It felt like my brain was being ripped in half. Everything hurt. I started crying silently and my hands covered my head.

I don't know if my vision was messing with me, but it looked like Satan was crying through my own tears. He clearly felt awful. I tried to tell him not to blame himself. This time some noise came out, but it didn't form words.

Now Lucifer was crying too. I tried to say his name so he would stop. I could form only one word. "llluuuciiii"

"Yes (Y/N). It's m-me. You're g-going to b-be Okay." Lucifer said through his own tears.

"Nooooo criii" I said slowly trying to say it right. "Iiii ookayyyyy"

Lucifer grabbed my hand and smiled as he cried.

Just then a familiar face from the human world walked in. "(Y/N)! (Y/N) where are you?! I heard what happened and-oh dear god." He said.

"Who are you?" Satan asked him, as he was not really part of me and Lucifer's little moment.

"I should be asking you." He responded cautiously.

"I'm Satan and this one is Lucifer." Satan said, half happy he got revenge for the 'this one' thing when he was first introduced to (Y/N).

"Ok, I definitely have some questions for you later. I'm Henry, (Y/N)'s boyfriend. Nice to meet you" He said.

"BOYFRIEND?!" Both Lucifer and Satan yelled in unison.

