#9 Unexpected Visitor

I woke up with a loud this coming from downstairs
Then I went down to see where it came from

I peeked down and saw Jungkook and a girl!??

I listened to them word by word

????: Kookie I missed you so much

Jungkook: Chae yoon your too late...

The girl or I mean Chae had a teary eye and a frowning face

ChaeYoon: Kookie please I want you back we can be together again right?

Jungkook shook his head as a no

Jungkook: I'm not going back to you I have a wife I'm married

He showed his wedding ring to ChaeYoon

ChaeYoon: Fine...but I'm warning you, you won't be with her for long kookie I'll get you back she will die in front of you...

She smiles devishly and leaves the house

I then proceeded to go down

Y/N: Who was that kookie?

Jungkook looked at me and smiled

Jungkook: It was my ex- girlfriend ChaeYoon

Y/N: She wants me dead kookie

Jungkook: But I won let that happen we have to go abroad so she won't bother our life anymore

I nod and we both went up and I brought out my phone and called my mom

Y/N calling.....

Y/N: Mom I want to inform you that me and Jungkook are leaving the country since there is this physco girl who is threatening me and Jungkook

Mom: Ok dear we will look out for your house then where are you guys going anyways?

Y/N: US maybe yeah ....

Mom: Ok then stay safe there ok?

Y/N: Yes Mom

Then we both end the call

I went back to packing my clothes

Jungkook: Ok let's go and leave ASAP

I nod and hurriedly pack my bags and I zip the last bag and grabbed them all

Then we both went in the car and  then someone arrived and stopped at our lot

Mom: Dear!!!

Then Jungkook stopped the car

I went out the car and their was mom and dad

Mom: I wanted to say please stay safe and we want to take you guys to the airport since you can't leave your car alone there right?

Me an Jungkook looked at each other and I face palmed myself

Y/N: Oops we forgot....

Mom: Ok let's go

Then me and Jungkook went in my mom's car

And we drove off to the airport


We arrived and me and Jungkook got off as quick as possible so no one can see me or Jungkook

Then we both went to gate 4 to where our plane is

Jungkook: K let's go and live our lives free there

Then we both aboard the plane

1 year later......

Jungkook: Cutie...wake up

Jungkook shook me lightly

Y/N: Mmmm.....

I shook my head and put back the blankets on me

Jungkook: You don't want to go swimming on a Sunday??

Then I immediately jolted up from bed and fixed my hair

Jungkook laughed and got up and got dressed
I got dressed too

Then we both went to the pool
We both were in a resort in California beach
We were hanging out then my phone rang

Mom calling.....

Then you answered

Y/N: Hello Eomma? What's wrong

Mom: I just wanted to ask you if your preggy or not?

Y/N: Eomma!!! We will have one soon but not now!

Mom: Ok ok! I'll go wait...

Then we both end the call...

You put your phone back into your pocket and you and Jungkook went to go buy ice cream

Jungkook: I'll go get some ice cream want some?

I shook my head

Y/N: I want a smoothie please

Jungkook: Ok we will buy my ice cream and we will go buy you your smoothie

I nod and we both enter the shop

Lady: Welcome ma'am and sir want ice cream flavors do you like?

Jungkook: Uhmm.. I'll get a chocolate cup with sprinkles

She nods and gets Jungkook's ice cream

Lady: Here you go sir...

Jungkook: Thanks let's go Y/N

He grabs my hand and we both went out the store

Jungkook: Now let's go get your smoothie!

I smile and we both walk to the smoothie stand

Lady: Hello ma'am and sir what flavor of smoothie do you like?

Y/N: I would like a strawberry smoothie please

Me and Jungkook are quite good at speaking in English now

She gives me my drink and I payed her

Y/N: Thank you!

She nods and smiles and we both walked back to our hotel
We both went in and went to the elevator and pressed it to 3 floor
The elevator door then closed and me and Jungkook both went to our room he unlocked it and I went in and dropped myself on the couch

Jungkook: Let's rest and mope around

I nod and he went in the bedroom to get dressed I followed him and got my clothes from the closet and went in the bathroom I went in the shower and turned on the tap and warm water came out that it made my body relaxed

Then after I got out I noticed I forgot my towel....

Then I had an idea....

I peeked out the door to see if Jungkook was there and he was lying down on the bed playing on his phone

Y/N: Kookie ah~ can you get my towel

Jungkook: Mm...

He gets up and grabs my towel and went in the bathroom and I freaked out running around the bathroom

Jungkook: Here your towel...why are you running around anyways are you perhaps.....flustered that I went in?

Y/N: Yes...and I need some......Uhhh

He walks closer to me and leans down to my face

Jungkook: You need some what?

I was blushing so hard and the bathroom was getting hot

Jungkook: Maybe .. you need some help with this

Then he grabs me by the waist and kissed me deeply

Jungkook: You turned me on

Jungkook: " Your mine tonight "


Ehem!! That's the end of this chapter the " smut " is in the next chapter so yeah wait for it

By the way thanks for reading
I luv you all bye my sweets~❤️🤗😍

Oh yeah I know you can't wait to see what comes next....hehehe

Yasss yesss yessss .......

Luv it bye for now.......
