#8 New Friend

I woke up without kookie beside me I frown and get ready for my new work today

Then after I got ready the door opened
Revealing a business man  looking kookie

Jungkook: Sorry you didn't get to wake up with me I got up early

Y/N: It's fine but I'm surprised that you woke up earlier than me Mostly every day you wake up very late so why did you decide on waking up early today?

Jungkook: I woke up early because of you...

I was flustered by what he just said ( Jeon Jungkook stop this now)

Y/N: Why?

Jungkook: Because you are going to work with me now!

He jumped like a kid
I laughed at his behavior

Jungkook: Let's go!

Y/N: I'm not even done with my make-up yet and my hair is still messy

He chuckles and leaves me alone for privacy

Then I hurriedly fixed my hair and did my make-up

Jungkook: Are you done?

I nod and I grab my bag from the table and went out

We both got in the car and we drove off to work


We arrived at the huge company that Jungkook owns

Then people started to whisper about me

Person 1: Who is she? Why is she here

Person 2: I think it's Jungkook's maid

Person 3: Or maybe Jungkook's sister  or maybe Jungkook's wife...

Person 1: Ew why would that be Jungkook's wife she looks like a 12 year old

Then Jungkook stops his steps and turns around to look at the girl who just called you a 12 year old

Jungkook: Excuse me what did you say?

Everyone in the hallway looked at Jungkook, me and the girl
It was quiet

Jungkook: You! Don't you dare call my " Wife " a 12 year old
Even though she looks young she's beautiful and sweet not like you girls I like girls with more "meat"
What I mean is more skin I don't like girls who look like sticks

Then the room was even more quiet that it hurts my ears

Jungkook: Now if you talk bad or not good about my wife again you will end up working at a strip club!

Then he pulls me to the elevator

I heard laughs from everyone and I looked back then the girl was running away while crying the boys were looking at me flirtily ( I don't know if this is a word or not but let's move on)

Jungkook: So...

Y/N: That was amazing! You reused my words from the mall

He laughs and nods

Jungkook: No one can talk like that to my wife

I blush and he pats my head

Jungkook: Cutie...

Y/N: Kookie...

Then after I said kookie the elevator door opened to the 5th floor

Then we walk to Jungkook's office

Jungkook: I don't need to interview you I'll just give you the rules on what to do

I nod as a yes

Y/N: Ok then.. do I have my own office kookie ah?

Jungkook: Yes you do it's just across mine

Y/N: really?

Jungkook: Yes now here are the papers that you need to work on today ok then let me give you a tour of your office

We both went out and went across to a white door with a golden handle
Jungkook opened the door and there was a room already been arranged

Jungkook: This is your office

Wow was the only word that was spoken out from my mouth

Jungkook: Do you like it? If you don't like it then we can change it

Y/N: I don't like it....

Jungkook: Ok then let me tell my secretary and we ca-

Y/N: Cause I love it!!

He smiles and hugs me

Jungkook: Oh you jokester

Y/N: I should go start work now kookie

Jungkook: Ok I'll go now as well if you need anything I'll be across ok?

I nod and he kisses me before he leaves the room

Then I sit down on the spinny black chair after playing for a little bit I started working on the paper work that Jungkook assigned me to do
I texted Jungkook if he could go to Starbucks with me



Kookie: What is it cutie?

Y/N: I wanted to ask you if you would like to go with me and buy Starbucks coffee it's ok if your busy I'll go by myself

Jungkook: I just finished my last paperwork so I can go with you

Y/N: Ok I'll go in your office then

Jungkook: Ok....

The chat has ended...

You put your phone back in your purse and you grab the purse and go out and  knocked on Jungkook's door

Jungkook opened the door

Jungkook: Let's go

He interwinds his hand with mine

We both walked to Starbucks since it was just near by the company

We arrived at Starbucks
And we both went in

Lady: Welcome to Starbucks sir and ma'am what can I get you

The lady asked both me and Jungkook

Jungkook: Uhh I'll have an Americano and she'll have fruppacino

Lady: Ok sir your order will be done in a minute

Then she put our drinks on the counter and gave us tissues and straws

We both sit down at near the window and I started to drink my fruppacino

Jungkook: Like it?

I nod and kept on drinking

Then after we went back to the office

I went back to work and then after I heard a knock on the door

I got up and opened the door
There stood a handsome man with a black suit like Jungkook

???: Hey are you Mrs. Jeon??

Y/N: Yes it's me why??

???: Hi I'm Jimin nice to meet you you are really pretty
Our CEO has a nice pick on girls

Y/N: So do you perhaps having troubles with your paperwork's?

Jimin: No actually Mr. Jeon wanted you to go to his office
He wants to talk to you about important matters

I nod and he bows

Jimin: See you around Mrs. Jeon

Y/N: You too...

He was really nice and polite
And handsome too but not as handsome as kookie

I went in his office and he was there

Jungkook: So let's talk about your day today cutie...

Y/N: It's really tiring and also challenging

Jungkook: Yes true actually

We both laugh and he looks at me

Jungkook: Hey... I Love You....

Y/N: I Love You Too...

Then he hugs me and we both play games on his laptop

Jungkook: Let's go get cake...

I nod and we both laugh

Then we ended our day with a room full of laughter...


Thx for reading my story guys
You guys are the best of all the people in the world

Stay updated my sweets

Luv you all my sweets~❤️😘

Actually if your confused by the story they said they were going on a trip to Jeju island but I didn't write a chapter with their vacation on it I skipped because it was about time for Y/N to work so yeah....

Hope you understand~😘😍
