Chapter 2

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I open one eye then the other about 30 seconds after. I rub my eyes and sit up. It's still pretty dark out, but not that much. I turn over to look thought the widow and of course Drift's right in front of my widow. GREAT!!!

"AHHHH!!" I scream. Then I fall on the freakin' floor!! Ouch!!! It really hurts! Wow I scream a lot.
"Ooof!" I exclaim, I fell on my back, f*ck. Well my back is gonna be sore...

I get up I look over to the window.

"Ugh." Mr. Sexy is looking at me, smirking. I roll my eye's and get up go to the bathroom. But before I do I grab some clothes.

I enter, their is only one window in the bathroom, and it's on the another side of the house so Mr. Sexy can't see me.

I go straight to the vanity and look at myself. My hair isn't that bad, tangle wise. But it's really greasy. I'm really proud of my slightly curly, jet black hair. It really matches my beautiful looks. Haha!!

I'm really lucky to have such high self esteem for my age. I really don't care what other people think...

I strip down into my bare skin carefully. I really hope Mr. Sexy doesn't see this. Soon as I'm done striping I notice that surprisingly I slept with my watch on. So I take that off, but before I do, I check the time. It's 6:00. Wow!

I have to be to work by 8:00. So I guess after I get ready I will call in to tell my boss that I'm taking a sick day, probably for the week... I don't know how long this would take.

I run my right hand though my greasy black hair, while I turn the handle that controls the amount of water and the water temperature in the shower. Soon enough, hot, sticky steam fills the air and I step in, and soothing warm/hot water covers my naked body. My muscles relax, I feel the gross stuff slowly slip off. I have that wonderful, nice sensation shiver up though my body. Happiness washing over me.

I look through the clouded glass an see my reflection. My perfectly curved body, just pinched at the waist. Pinched just enough to show off my hips, giving me such a beautiful hour glass figure. I work very hard to keep it that way as well.

I sigh with happiness. Like it was the most perfect day. (Not) No day for me is perfect, bad luck follows me around sometimes, unfortunately.

Then, I snap back into reality. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

I take out the body wash and wash myself with it.

I pour some shampoo on my hand and start to wash the grease out of my hair. Then I grab the conditioner and apply the product.

After about 5 minutes I get out. Water dripping off almost every part of my nude body. My hair is soaking wet, water dripping off makes the floor even more wet then it is from all the water that's still on me. I quickly grab a towel from the towel closet and start drying myself off. First with the hair.

I squeeze the excess water out from my hair. Then I run the towel down my newly cleaned body to stop any water dripping.

Afterwards I take the wet towel and hang it up to dry.

I walk over to my clothes and put on my favourite cat t-shirt, a pair of blue ripped jeans, and a pair of very long high top converse. I then go to vanity and brush my teeth. Then dry and straighten my hair.

I do up myself with makeup. I did a smokey eye, etc.

I put my watch back on and it's only 6:30.

I walk in my room, I walk straight towards my phone, which is on the charger, and switch the case with a Starbucks frappé case, then I plug in back in. Then I walk over to my giant collection of hats and put on a yellow cat flat top hat to match the rest. It looked so cute!! I'm going to post it on Instagram!!!

I run back over to my phone and unplug it. I have 18 new notifications! Wow! I usually get about 50 at the most over night!! I exploded on Instagram! I'm almost at 1,000,000 followers!! I'm so proud of myself!!

I typed in my passcode, 4321 (I know, plain and simple) and go into my camera, step over to my mirror and take a mirror selfie. I decide to not put a filter on it.

I look down at the phone to see how it turned out. It was really good!! I exit the camera and tap on Instagram and post the pic. I just wait for my phone to explode with about 100 likes in like 15 minutes. It makes me feel really good about myself! I out my phone in my back pocket.
I exited Instagram and tap into my actual calling phone app on my phone (yeah, there is such a thing.) I call my boss and I tell him that I would take a few sick days and I would call the day before I get back. I'm going to have a lot of work to catch up to...

I then run over to my huge window and open it.

"Yoohoo!!!! Drift!!! I coming!!!" I yell out the window. Drift isn't were I saw him last. He better not be on the back of the house! My flowers are there!! Plus, their is a huge chance that he saw me!! NO!

I calm myself down and tried not to panic by counting to 10. For once those tips really did work! I was pretty calm!!

I check the whole front of the upstairs then I headed toward the back.

I go for the middle patio door, I look out and I see nothing. I then check the right side of the house. The side where the bathroom is located right above.

Thankfully he wasn't there!!

So I gracefully trot over to the window on the left side of the and I look out, determined as alway. There he is!! Mr. Sexy!!!

"Yoohoo!! Drift! I'm ready!!" Yell out the window once again.

He nods and proceeds to the front the house.

I follow him as I sprint past the rooms upstairs and ended up at top of the stair case. I didn't wait one second. I ran down the stairs almost tripping. It reminded me of a Child on Christmas morning.

I run up to the door and forcefully pull open the door quickly. I then run out, the first image I see was that blue Bugatti. I smile slightly.

"So, what needs to be done?" I ask very sweetly to Mr. Sexy. He transformed, I looked up so he could answer me face to face, sorta...

"Well, first you need to hack into your planets military data base and find out were there keeping all of our passed autobots are." Drift said with respect.

I frown slightly and deepen my glaze because of what he said. It's so sad!! Why did they have to die??? Well I hope they're in peace...

"Okay." I quietly. Drift sorta ruined my current mood. I hate it when people die!... What am I saying, everybody (who's normal) hates it when people die!!

My eye's were irritated and puffy. I was on the verge of tears. So I quickly looked away from Drift, but I wasn't quick enough to hide my emotions away from him.

I hate when someone sees me cry. It's the worst thing ever! I like being the leader or an equal. When I cry It's like I show weakness and I feel smaller and controlled. I really don't how explain why I'm like this. I just don't like being angry or sad.

I return to reality when Drift lowers his hand and stretches out his palm.

"Please climb on." Drift asks, for what reason? Even God doesn't know...

So I just do what he says and jump up onto his hand. I was harder then I expected. I actually had to pull/push myself on.

Once I'm on a balance, he seems to notice and brings me up towards his face. I'm a little scared of heights but I didn't mind that much because it was Drift. I have a certain feeling towards him that I can quite put my finger on. Is it trust or something? Nichole just forget it!

Just... Uhhhh... Sing the lyrics to a really funny song! Or... Sing the lyrics to different songs! Suggestion #2 sounds like a good idea!!

'I'm Up in the the club, high of perp, with my shades on! Tagged up, mini skirt, with my J's on!!'

'Did a lot of sh*t just to live this here lifestyle!!!! *lifestyle!!!*'


'I don't got no type!! Bad b*tches is the only 'thang' that I like!!'

'1738!!!!!!! EH! I'm like like hey, wassup, hello!!'

'Baby won't you come my WAYYYYYYY!!! Got somethin' I want to SAYYYYYYY!!!'

'Gotta fat a*s, yeah I know. You got cash??? Tho so mo!!! Tho so mo!!!'

'I can't feel my face when I'm with you!! But I love it, but I love it!!' I sang in my head.

It started to work but then the autobots pop back into my head. What have they been through? They've lost loads of friends during there own war, then us humans had to declare war on them as well! They are literally fighting 2 wars at the same time! That's crazy! Also so sad! No one should live like that...

I then start to feel my face heat up again, eyes start to puffy and they immediately after fill up with tears. I try so hard to keep them from falling, I just can't take mind off of them. I hold my breath to stop the hyperventilating that just started but I just can't seem to hold on for much longer, so I look away from drift. I'm determined to keep my emotions in check. But... I just... Can't.
Before I almost burst into tears I feel drift rubbing my back. I turn my head towards him and try to smile but fail badly.

I look away and attempt to focus on what drifts doing to calm me down, seems to work.
I look back to face him, still sniffling with teary eyes. He's still looking at me, but his expression has changed to a much more worried one.

"It's okay, let it out..." He spoke calmly. I didn't want to obey but I felt has I had to.
Quickly deciding I turn around and hug drifts finger and let a few tears fall, mascara staining my face. I hate the feeling of tears rolling down my checks. I've always hated being sad as I explained before.

I let go after about a minute, but I felt like forever. I wanted it to stay like it.

He moved that hand away, I was bit confused for a second. But a spilt second after he moved his palm up to his shoulder. I know what he's signalling, so I jump on shoulder. As soon as I do I make my way over to his neck cables, I wave of heat rushes over me as I approach. It just makes me wanna cuddle up to him a sob even more, just to let it all out as he instructed.

Once I make it over to him I did what I wanted to really do, I snuggled up to his neck cables and cried. I didn't care what he thinks, but I think he was actually pretty worried by the way his facial expressions are presented.

My mind just won't stop wandering back to the autobots, I just can't stand it! HUMANS, LEAVE THEM ALONE!! UGGHHHHHH!! You know what?!! Why can't they just leave them alone? If they didn't want them anymore, you don't just throw them away!! End the alliance properly! Not start another freakin' war!! ARGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!

Oh my god, talk about mood swings...

I slowly move from my current position and sob even more. I have no clue why I'm still crying... 'HORMONES!!!!!!!' I say to myself in a sing song voice. I love doing the sing song voice, it annoys the heck out everyone when I do it to much! I wonder what the other autobots sound like... Oh f***! I'm starting to get emotional again! That's AMAZING! Ugh!!

I close my eyes and keep crying for about another minute and a half, which once again felt like, absolute forever...

I felt a warmness surround me and I open my eyes just a tiny bit and I see that Drifts hand was over me. It was very relaxing.

"It's okay... They're with the allspark now..." He said soothingly, which made me relax and want to cuddle up to him even more. I just feel so guilty because it was use who killed some of them.
I open my eyes and take a deep breath and exhale. I wipe the hot tears streaming down and wet mascara off my face. Most of the mascara was already dry and stained on anyway. dear lord... After about a minute he took his hand away, no! I was enjoying that... Did I just say that?
I fix myself up, etc. I was only crying for 3 to 4 minutes at the most in total. But it felt like I was curled up next to drift for hours, I wish that was true.

I turn my head and into the position of sitting up properly before I do it, should I risk standing up on such a high level?

"Thanks drift, I don't know why I cried that much." I sniffled. I took the risk and stood up, it was kinda wobbly at first but it got easier by the time I was balanced. So I stood up on his shoulder and tempted to kiss him on the cheek or at least anywhere near there, I couldn't so I balance out once again and stood on my tippy toes and reached up as far as I could and planted a kiss somewhere near his cheek. It was as far as I could reach. I would have liked to kissed him on the cheek exactly, but as I said, I couldn't reach. I was really tall for me as well.

I looked over and saw him smile, awwwwwwwwww... He's cute when he smiles like that!! I wuv it!!

I giggle slightly, but it was more of a sniffle.
"It's alright.." He states with that cute, amazing lovely smile that I could melt at the sight of. I give the same loving smile back. Then it was just each other glazing into each other's eyes, smiling with love, hope and care. Until I broke it.

"Okay, let's get started!" I state a bit clearer then before.

Drift lifts up his hand for me to step on and I step on and head on back to the house.
