Chemistry Exam (September 28, 2022)

I woke up at 7:10 AM from my alarms. I got an email saying that my twitch payout via paypal didn't go through because my email wasn't confirmed. So I spent a while in bed trying to sort that out. Dad even came into my room to see if I was awake.

Day 6, so first period was bio, where we continued talking about hormones and the hypothalamus and stuff. Mme. F and M. R (principal and vice-principal) interrupted our class with information. Mme. F talked ahout how we can't have phones in class and how we can't be late to our classes. Apparently we need a minimum of 1000 minutes of instruction, and we barely get that, so if you miss enough of those minutes by being late, you may not graduate. She also said that's why they added 4 minutes to each period (which I still think is stupid btw, because now both breaks are super short AND we don't have FLEX. Last year each period was 75 minutes, now they're 84). M. R talked about how if you're late now you'll get a red card that means you have to spend your lunch in the office. That was that, then M. K gave us a homework due midnight.

Next was French, and M. Mé wasn't there, so we had Mme. Au as a substitute. We obviously couldn't continue presentations without our teacher, so we did other stuff, relating to the first nations. We had to watch to an episode of some show that is about the life of some poeple that went through the residential schools. We tried watching it together but there were projector issues, so we did so individually. Theb we had to answer a couole questions relating to the subject. We also had to cut out a leaf and write something on it as if talking to a first nation. While I was doing that work, W (10th) was clicking his mouse (nkt track pad, he brought a mouse) supwr frequently. He was obvioisly not doing work, and it was really distracting.

For lunch we normally eat in 208B, but people had an exam in there. So I sat on the bench in the hallway, alone. After eating everything, I did some BLD solve attempts. I mostly DNF'd then got a 1:42.57 PB! As I took off the blindfold, I noticed that kid was watching, the kid that asked which cube I use then I think he got one and is into cubing.

Next was socials, and we continued talking about national vs non national loyalties and how they can clash or be resolved or whatever. Mme. Ma also have us another homework for Monday. Instead of using the 30 minutes she gave to start that, I studied a bit for the chem exam next period.

So next was chemistry, the exam. Most questions were fine, but some I doubted myself on. Like the neutralising equation of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and aluminum oxide. I wasn't sure what the product would be, because M. K never mentioned those kinds of equations until yesterday, last minute. It came down to the very last minute if class that I finished, right as the bell rang. I know now that I got that question wrong. I had Cl2 and Al seperate with water, but it's water and AlCl3. Hopefully I didn't get too much, if anything, else wrong.

On the bus, N asked what I do for PLL. I love that the interest for cubing is still there.

After coming home from school, I streamed for 3 and a half hours, getting up to 667 followers! There were races, and normal solves. For some time the view count dipped below 10. c00bmaster's offering that if I sincerely try to do 4BLD, he'll buy me a Gan 13 (I think). I asked if I should watch Jperm's 4BLD tutorial on stream and try to figure it out, which was answered with yes, but I didn't do it today. I was doing solves, and c00bmaster said that I pause a lot, and he told me the flaws of my solves and that I should practice slow solves and lookahead and stuff. c00bmaster got a mega PB of 1:08.xx so I asked for tips on that and stuff as well. Lots of talking with c00bmaster near the end. I raided TupTim even though they weren't in the Rubik's Cube category.

After supper, Jess asked if she could have my bio homework, which I had not done but planned on, so I said yeah. Though when I went to do it, a lot of questions were stupid so I didn't do a good job at them and told Jess aa much.

I then watched CoryxKenshin's upload of today, that one zombie game by the same publisher as Puppet Combo. With that I did 3x3 solves.

It is now 2:15 AM, I don't know why I wrote so much, but I'll sleep soon.

Good night!
