9.00 ao5! (June 16, 2022)

I woke up at 10:30 a.m.

I did the events in the online cubing comps except the relays, done from my desk in my room as opposed to on the couch.

Mr. Jonathan put things in PowerSchool, and it made my average in bio go from 97% to 98%! He hasn't yet put in the test we did on Tuesday, and there might be other stuff, so that's likely not my final grade for that class.

Grandma came over so that T could help her with her apple watch and Iphone 13.

The siding people were tearing off our siding, it was quite loud.

I did some more 3x3, and I got a PB ao5 of 9.00! I'm happy about the PB, but I wanted a sub-9 ao5 so bad. These were the times:

I also got a virtual 3x3 PB 7.69!

It is now 3:16 a.m. and I'll sleep in like 45 minutes probably.

Good night!
