3rd person pov

Jisung was walking back and forth.. He was thinking a plan to calm hyunjin's anger.. It's been 5 minutes since ryujin left.. It was afternoon time so it was getting a bit cold outside.. It was already one day before Christmas yet it still didn't snow..

Jisung suddenly got a idea.. He went inside the mansion and saw hyunjin was still in his seat.. Unmoved..his eyes closed.. Jisung thought he was sleeping.. So he made his way to the kitchen and opened the fridge

There were many chocolates inside the fridge.. Jisung was contemplating with himself that should he take it without hyunjin's permission or not.. But then again he was doing it for hyunjin.. So he took out a chocolate packet.. He broke the chocolate in half and put the other half inside the kitchen

He searched for a pot and found it he put the broken chocolate piece in it and turned the electric stove..he waited for it to melt and when it melted he poured it on a big glass

Half of the glass was full of chocolate.. He poured milk on top of it and added some fruits to balance the sweetness.. He then added cream on top of it.. He sprinkled coffee powder in it and a bit of cinnamon.. He smiled in satisfaction and wiped his non existence sweat.. Some chocolate was on his cheeks from his hand but he didn't notice it

He then brought a spoon and a straw.. He took the drink and went in front of hyunjin.. He cleared his throat.. Hyunjin opened his left eye and peeked.. He widened his eyes when he saw the drink. . Now it was his weakness.. He was contemplating in his mind that should he take it or not.. Should he sell himself for a hot chocolate drink

At last he sighed and shook his head in negative.. He wasn't going to drink it now.. Right now his anger was bigger..he looked up at jisung and said "L.E.A.V.E""please Mr Hwang...pretty please"" seems like you don't love your job at all".. Jisung's eyes widened and then dimmed.. But none of this was going to affect hyunjin except jisung's cheeks.. The urge to wipe the chocolate from jisung's Chubby cheeks was almost unbearable but hyunjin stopped himself

Jisung placed the glass on the table and went outside again.. He sat on hyunjin's garden with a gloomy mood.. He closed his eyes trying to think about what else should he do.. He was thinking and thinking again.. He at last gave up and laid straight on the grass

The sun slowly started to disappear only the redness of the sun was visible in the sky..the garden was also getting darker.. He sighed and closed his eyes..

Suddenly something wet and cotton like thing fell on his cheeks. He opened his eyes but couldn't understand what it was just then the lights of hyunjin's garden lit up.. Illuminating the whole area

Jisung's eyes sparkled when he understood what was going.. He jumped in and went inside the house to bring hyunjin.. The drink was still on the table and hyunjin staring hard at the drink..jisung chuckled and went in hyunjin's direction

Without any warning he grabbed hyunjin's arms and dragged him towards the garden almost knocking everything in their way

Hyunjin didn't even have the time to react when jisung suddenly dragged him.. Jisung made hyunjin stand in the middle of the garden.. As it was evening time the scent of the flowers getting stronger and stronger..

The strong scent of rose hit hyunjin's nose.. Then the scent of pink tulips, orchids, marigolds and some other flowers.. Then he noticed that it was white everywhere.. He looked up and saw snow was falling.. It was first snow.. Usually first snow is around 10 to 17 th December.. But this time first snow was a day before Christmas

He looked towards jisung and saw he was giggling and jumping on the snow..

A small smile crept on his lips watching jisung.. His anger totally melted after seeing jisung like this.. "Just look at this Mr Hwang!! First snow!!Yay!!"jisung said excitedly and ran around the garden

" this is awesome!!! "Hyunjin chuckled seeing jisung like this.. First snow or any snow wasn't anything special for hyunjin.. It was just normal and he was always busy with work so he never had actually time for all this.. " Mr Hwang aren't you excited to see the first snow? "" what's so exciting about it?"

"People say that if you witness the first snowfall with the person you like, true love will blossom between both and it will be long-lasting. Because of this, a lot of couples also promise to meet each other at certain place to enjoy the first snowfall and hope for their love to be eternal.

when the first snow of the year falls, you can confess to someone your feelings or try to be
with the person you like during the first snowfall. Then, these people will stay together for a long time.
There are  two other beliefs
that if you make a wish during the first snow, the wish will come true. The last one tells that if you say a lie during the first snowfall, then you can be forgiven and being white like the snow. "

Hyunjin made a 'O' shape with his mouth.."did you ever witness it with your love?"

"Nope....yes now I am seeing it with you but I can't tell cuz I am afraid I can't be with you anymore "

Hyunjin saw jisung going towards the flower..jisung picked a orchid and ran towards hyunjin..jisung was panting but still the smile never left his lips.. He held the flower beside hyunjin and started to giggle.. It was music to hyunjin's ears.. He was a bit confused that why jisung was giggling

" what...? ""this looks exactly like you and also describes you"hyunjin looked at the flower then again on jisung"how?"

"White orchids symbolize elegance, mysteriousness, and refinement. They are symbols of detail and sophistication, derived from their beautiful flower petals with detailed buds. Orchids are also used to symbolize thoughtfulness and maturity, stemming from their ancient association with Aphrodite.
you  know you are also very elegant and does everything gracefully almost like a prince.. You are also mysterious.. Well that's what I think.. One time you are caring about your workers and another time total heartless.. The most important thing you are as much gorgeous and beautiful as the flower"

Hyunjin's ears became red hearing all the compliments.. No one never described him this way.. Everyone called him beautiful handsome gorgeous and elegant.. But the way jisung said it, it was different.. Like jisung said it from his heart.. Like jisung truly felt him

Jisung looked over at hyunjin to see his reaction.. Hyunjin had a straight face so jisung couldn't actually read what was in hyunjin's mind.. "Did... You liked it...?" "What flower describes you?"jisung sighed knowing hyunjin just changed the topic.. But he went with the flow as he didn't want to ruin the mood

" I don't know mine... "" then let me find one flower for you""Mr Hwang you know the meaning of flowers?! "" of course I know as a designer we often have to design clothes for every seasons and for seasons we represent flower designs so accordion to the flower meanings we have to design "jisung looked at him in amusement and wonder

Hyunjin started to think what would fit jisung's personality.. He thought about it for some moments but couldn't think of any but just then his eyes fell on the pink Tulip in his garden

He went near it and pluckerd it.. He Went in jisung's direction and gave the Tulip to jisung and took the orchid from his hand

" you are like pink Tulip""why?"

"Pink tulips signify confidence and content, derived from their ability to blossom in rain or shine. Additionally, tulips bloom in the early spring and are a marker of warmer days, resulting in their association with the concept of rebirth.

People that associate themselves with this flower are lighthearted, caring people who have a sensitive and intuitive nature. They also possess an excitement for life that is extremely contagious, their lighthearted nature making everyone smile.

You are a total mood maker.. You warmed up the environment and make everyone feel happy and light.. You are like a serotonin booster.. You are confident with yourself and your opinions and you never regret what you do.. Besides you also look like this flower...enchanting and beautiful..You make everyone happy.. Including me also"

Jisung's mouth was agape.. Eyes slightly glossy, cheeks, ears and nose red.. Half bcz of the snow and half bcz of hyunjin's words

The snow was getting thicker..it was wet, sticky..jisung handed hyunjin the flower and started to run again in the snow.. He was jumping and singing..After some minutes of jumping he stopped.. Standing in a place catching his breath

Hyunjin chuckled and went towards him.. Some of the snow fell on jisung's nose and lips.. He stuck out his tongue to feel the ice.. Now the ice fell on his tongue also.. He shivered as the cold was increasing.. It was 0 ° Celsius..

Hyunjin put the flowers on the grass and moved his hand to cup jisung's cheeks.. He took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped the chocolate on jisung's Cheeks.. Jisung's breathe hitched

Hyunjin was too close to him..hyunjin's warm breathe fanning over jisung's heart shaped lips.. Hyunjin wiped the chocolate and smiled in satisfaction.. He then looked at jisung's and how he wished to not look at those brown orbs which held galaxy in them

He couldn't tear his gaze from jisung's eyes.. It was as if someone did a magic.. More Snow falling on them..to hyunjin jisung looked ethereal right now.. Some snow flakes fell on jisung's eyes and eyelashes..he closed his eyes..

Hyunjin started to lean in.. He don't know what got over him but at this moment it just felt right..their lips met.. Jisung Tensed at first but soon relaxed.. Hyunjin could feel the cold sticky snowflakes of jisung's lips on his lips.. Jisung's lips were soft like marshmallow..hyunjin's lips were also the same.. But they could feel the dryness of each other's lips bcz of the cold but none of them cared about it

Hyunjin wrapped his arms around jisung's waist and pulled him closer.. Their bodies touching.. While jisung wrapped his arms around hyunjin's neck

The kiss was slow yet passionate..both of their eyes closed.. Them just savouring the taste of each other.."I liked that "hyunjin said between the kiss.. Jisung understood immediately.. Hyunjin was talking about the flower describing part where he ignored jisung's question..

" I like it too hyunjin.. I like you hyunjin.. I love you.. I love you "

There is a superstition that if you witness the first snowfall with the person you like, true love will blossom between both and it will be long-lasting..

Jisung also saw it with hyunjin today.. They even kissed today.. So does that mean they would also be together for an eternity? Or the kiss was just a heat of the moment?
