Sweet and sad times

Bou Zing and Gou Ling became a lover for almost 3 months. Gou Ling was having his time with Bou Zing full of love and gentleness. They never stepped into an intimate relationship yet as they try to understand each other first.

During that period,Bou Zing was thinking to propose to Gou Ling but he too afraid to get rejected,so he just wait for the suitable time. He intent to propose to Gou Ling on his birthday which is this weekend with  a little bit of date that he had already planned. Bou Zing hope that Gou Ling will say yes to his propose or else he might kill himself for not able to embrace his love in his grasp.

Gou Ling pov

I was standing beside the pond in the private garden and devour the moment while wandering into the dreamland.

These past few months,I felt very full of happiness that I never knew that loving someone can make you so lively. I cannot describe this feeling that puddle inside my heart. Bou Zing being too romantic towards him but become a fierce person when attending the meeting. Bou Zing always bring me to the capital to watch his people. Bou Zing said that 'if you wanted to become a great leader you must feel your people pain ' . At that time my perspective at him totally change . I saw him as a good leader and very understand about his people.

They also help people in need. For example Bou Zing and Gou Ling would sneakly wandering around the capital with a mask that cover their face while helping people in need. The people never knew that the one always helped them actually their own cold emperor. Gou Ling smile when remembering those good memories.

He want to ask Bou Zing to marry but he scare what people will think about it( he doesnt know that the emperor has already change the law). He pouted when he think about his future with Bou Zing.

He imagine he will live with Bou Zing till dead but when thinking about a heir that need to produce to keep Bou Zing bloodline he become unsure. He is a man for god sake. How can a man produce a child . Only girls can do that. He start to untrust Bou Zing love towards him.

He afraid that Bou Zing will leave him because he cannot produce a child with Bou Zing. Just thinking about that make Gou Ling tremble with fear.

He cover his scared face when he heard someone walking towards him and he knew it was Bou Zing because the only person that can excess to this private garden is only Bou Zing and Gou Ling.

'What are you doing?'

' I just thinking about our future. What will happen towards us. Are you going to leave me for a woman that can carry your child?' Gou Ling said it while sobbing.

'Of course no. I will never betray you. I love you with all my heart. I never marry with other women. About the heir ,we can adopt someone child. So dont cry or sad, you make me weak when I see your tears' Bou Ling answer with pleading voice.

Gou Ling just nodded his head and leans his head on Bou Zing chest near his heart to hear out that unsteady beating when Bou Zing near him. He close his eyes and try to subtitude the sadness while hearing the beatong sound. Bou Zing wrapped his arms around Gou Ling waist.  They just dont want to be apart so they hold each other tightly afraid that someone will take away their sweet time. They stay at private garden until late evening. They just hugging without uttering single words.
