Possesive-Chapter 4

Bou Zing rushed towards his bedroom to see Gou Ling after his meeting with the ministers. As soon he arrived at his bedroom, ' Your Highness just a moment ago that man want to escape from your bedroom' said one of the guards while bowing his head down. Bou Zing just dismissed them and walked into his bedroom. He saw Gou Ling slept on his bed with dried tears and pink nose and cheeks. Bou Zing swipe off the tears  and kissed Gou Ling forehead.

Gou Ling jolted up from his slept when he felt something touch his forehead just now.

'Who are you?' Gou Ling asked Bou Zing.

' I am your husband' replied Bou Zing.

'No. You not my husband. Futhermore I am a man' Gou Ling started to shed the tears while talking

'Dont cry. Its hurt to see you cying' Bou Zing pleaded while hugging Gou Zing small frame.

' You will be my Empress which is this mother country and you will be my wife' say Bou Zing with dertermination in his voice.

Gou Ling pov

' I doesnt want to marry with a man when I  am still a man. How can a man marry a man. It is wrong in nature law.'  Gou Ling said with puzzled face.

' I dont care about that because I love you from the moment I saw you. You will marry me in 3 months' Bou Zing said with powerful voice.

'I dont want to marry you. Father , mother help me' Gou Ling was pleading while struggling to free from the the hug of Bou Zing. Bou Zing just hug him to calm Gou Ling down . They slept that night side by side, Bou Zing hug Gou Ling till Gou Ling slept with the tears.

Next day, Bou Zing took Gou Ling to his private garden to light up Gou Ling's mood. Gou Ling's mouth make a small 'o' when he enter the garden. The garden was exquisite garden he ever seen in his life. Bou Zing stared intensely at Gou Ling when he make that cute face. Bou Zing just wanted to pinched Gou Ling's right cheek now.

Bou Zing gave his private garden to Gou Ling. Little did he know, the private garden was the most beautiful place in the palace. All the concubines want that garden.

Gou Ling shrieked with joy when hear that . Then, he sat down on the grass with the emperor beside him.

Gou Ling derminated to get out of this place when the right time  but right now he just want to ravish this moment.

The emperor hug Gou Ling small frame body while looking at the koi fish in the pond. Bou Zing really happy when he sat like these with Gou Ling as he felt his life has already complete.

Gou Ling asked Bou Zing to prepare a flute for him to play tomorrow. Bou Zing just nodded his head with stunning smile .

Next day,

He command all the maids,concubines and guards to never let anyone enter his private garden except Gou Ling and never stare at Gou Ling even a glance. Bou Zing also make an announcement about his marriage with Gou Ling. All the ministers didn't agree with the marriage but when Bou Zing took a sword and slash one of the ministers to death,all the ministers just kept quite and nodded their heads.

All the maids and guards knew about this but the concubines felt very jealous towards Gou Ling that receive such a special treatment. The concubines plotted something  against Gou Ling.

Little did they know,the emperor spy take note to that and reported it to emperor.
