

that day i stayed home and told my mom i wasn't feeling well, she asked where ant was i just said he was going to avani's house.

it was the next morning and all i could think of was anthony and how selfish i was, the next thing i knew was i heard the front door open downstairs, i woke jaden up and he was also confused, my mom and dad were at meetings out of the state so it couldn't be them. 

we both quietly walked downstairs and to my surprise i saw anthony and avani sat on the couch on their phones, 

"anthony?" i said

anthony turned to face me and stood up, 

"hey zara, and jaden." a smiled a little bit

i ran up to him and hugged him,

"i'm sorry ant" i exclaimed 

"no i'm sorry," he replied "i shouldn't have reacted the way i did, i just didn't want you to get hurt again!"

"i understand what your talking about, and thank you for looking out for me" i said to him

later on, we ordered a pizza and we were talking, and avani thought it would be hilarious to bring up my abusive past relationship.

"so have you told jaden about joey?" she asked

"no, right now i don't want to!" i replied 

"c'mon zara, tell him" avani pleaded

"what how he was a dick to me and put me in a dark place, yeah that's it" i responded with a tear rolling down my face

"but like go into more detail, like how he cheated on you with me and how you went back to him because your a desperate little slut?" she said in a bitchy tone

"what?" jaden said sounding confused

"it's nothing seriously" i told him

"c'mon zara!" she said

"stop being a bitch avani" anthony shouted

i was so pissed at her that i just slapped her

she gasped

"what was that for you ass?!" she shouted and slapped me back

i was about to punch her in her nose but jaden grabbed me and anthony grabbed her

"get out of my house right now avani!" anthony screamed
"whatever!" she shouted

i'm sorry the chapters are short i have a weird thing of where i only write small chapters but i will write more of them if that makes sense lol?!
thank you for reading!☁️✨
