
"right sit down y'all!" addison shouted

as she shouted that the door of the sway house opened wide.

i looked towards the door.

"what up dickwads!" a tall male with brown hair shouted, he was holding a girls hand, she had black hair, she was a little shorter than him but not as short as me and ness. then it hit me, dixie d'amelio?

me and jaden got up from the couch.

"wait, are you dixie?"

"yeah!" she said smiling and looking down pushing a strand of her raven black hair behind her ear.

me, ness, addison and madi walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"griff, bro!" bryce said running over to him

all the guys greeted griffin, then the girls and i gave him a hug.

"where's kio and liv?" jaden asked

then the door opened again, this time entering was kio cyr and olivia ponton, kio had brown hair that was styled like young leo's and olivia had long blonde hair and she had a gorgeous figure!

yet again we all greeted each other and gave each other hugs.

"i probably sound really rude saying this but, who are you?" kio asked me

"i'm zara reeves."

"reeves?" he questioned

"yeah i'm anthony's twin sister" i laughed "oh and also, jadens girlfriend."

"ant you never told me you had a sister!" griffin said

"well i do, she's stood there and she's a bitch" ant replied

i turned round, gave him a death stare, he gave me one back so i kicked him.

"dick" i whispered

"ow, what the fuck was that for?" he whined

"ow, what the fuck was that for?" i mimicked "because you diserved it, that's what it was for!"

anthony put his middle finger up at me so i did it back.

everyone laughed

"so what were you gonna tell us before ads?" jaden asked

"oh shit, yeah! everyone sit down over there!" she shouted

i grabbed jadens hand and ran over to the couch, he sat down next to griff and dixie, there was no room left so i sat on jadens lap.

"right so, only me, ness, zara, madi and bryce know about this, don't open them yet!" she said handing everyone a box.

"wow a lot of time and effort went into these huh" anthony said laughing as he got handed the box.

"i swear down if this is what i think it is!" josh said

everyone laughed.

by this point everyone had been handed their boxes.

"right you can all open them now!" addison said cuddling into bryce.

"no fucking way bro!" josh shouted "i knew it!"

in the box there was a pregnancy test and a white pacifier.

everyone got up to congratulate the both of them. then i made some mac n cheese for all of us, it was so good! after we finished i took everyone's dishes and took them into the kitchen, i started tidying up the kitchen and washing the dishes when i felt hands on my waist and heard a whisper in my ear.

"how about you leave them and come upstairs?" the voice said making me smile

i put down the dishes, turned round and saw jaden, i kissed him softly on the lips

"sure." i replied

he grabbed my hand and held on tight. we walked out of the kitchen and walked up the stairs...

thank you for 2k reads! it means the world, love you all💗💗
